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Wedding, Wedding, Wedding, Wedding

Posted: 21 May 2004, 22:50
by Ganith
I'm fed up with the f***ing thing!!!!!!!!!!!

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

But it's going to RAIN! Ha! :twisted:


Posted: 21 May 2004, 23:07
by James Blast
.... sorry? have you got me confused with someone who gives a $hit!!!?

Posted: 21 May 2004, 23:12
by Ganith
Wasn't talking to you!
:P :roll:


Posted: 21 May 2004, 23:16
by James Blast

Posted: 22 May 2004, 01:26
by Black Planet
So your getting married??? Let it rain, it's God's tears and that from what Im told is a happy thing.

That's what the priest said at my dads very rainy muddy funeral....God's tears welcomed my father home. And that was a happy thing.

Posted: 22 May 2004, 01:27
by Black Planet
Red Sunsets wrote:.... sorry? have you got me confused with someone who gives a $hit!!!?

Shall I spank you now? Or later? :roll: :roll: :roll:

Posted: 22 May 2004, 01:31
by James Blast
I'm up for a spanking now, dear! :eek:

Posted: 22 May 2004, 01:33
by Black Planet
Red Sunsets wrote:I'm up for a spanking now, dear! :eek:
Bend over...lower the trous...and SLAP!!!! multilpe times with .....I'll leave that to your imagination. But then again, I have read Mark Manning's books and have still to wash. :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: 22 May 2004, 01:43
by James Blast
I'm sorry Mistress. May I have another?

Posted: 22 May 2004, 01:49
by Black Planet
Red Sunsets wrote:I'm sorry Mistress. May I have another?
Oh My God....Dominatrix......

RS we should take this to pms. :wink:


Posted: 22 May 2004, 01:51
by James Blast
Yes Mistress :innocent:

Posted: 22 May 2004, 19:09
by Ganith
Black Planet wrote:So your getting married??? Let it rain, it's God's tears and that from what Im told is a happy thing.
Erm... I didn't mean my wedding. But thanks anyway!!

I meant the spanish prince wedding. Half the streets in Madrid were/sill are closed to traffic. You can't imagine what that does to our everyday jam! It took me about 90 minutes to get to my parent's yesterday night, when it should have been like 15...

Oh well. They're married now. And it has rained :twisted:


Posted: 22 May 2004, 19:15
by Black Planet
@Ganith, Oh right! I heard about that.

90 minutes for a 15 min trip?????? I think I'd scream too!!!! That is horrible!!!!

Oh and sorry to have turned your topic into an S&M romp...I have to blame James. :evil: He started it. ;)

Posted: 22 May 2004, 19:22
by Ganith
Black Planet wrote: Oh and sorry to have turned your topic into an S&M romp...I have to blame James. :evil: He started it. ;)
Enjoyed that! :roll:

It's nice to know normal life is still going on somewhere... We are being bombed with the Wedding, the mass was on TV all morning, all 6 channels at the same time... And I don't have cable...

Finished the book I was reading! :)


Posted: 22 May 2004, 19:26
by James Blast
I never started it!

My turn to spank BeeP now :evil: :twisted:

Posted: 23 May 2004, 00:47
by Black Planet
Red Sunsets wrote:I never started it!

My turn to spank BeeP now :evil: :twisted:
:roll: :roll:

I think there are a few other H/L er's in that que.... :oops: :oops: JB and Burn the first two that come to my mind...maybe Spiggy's Hat since I've been so delinquent on his London Boot...sorry Spiggy. :cry:

Posted: 23 May 2004, 00:57
by James Blast
... bend over

Posted: 23 May 2004, 01:43
by Black Planet
That Hurt.

Posted: 23 May 2004, 02:01
by James Blast
t'was only meant to titilate :|

Posted: 23 May 2004, 12:17
by elguiri
Fortunatly up here in Pais Vasco , the local Basque channels were not carrying blanket coverage of the wedding.

Unfortunatly pretty much every thing they do carry is a load of crap , especially the basque language channel.

Posted: 23 May 2004, 12:39
by rian
Spring and summer. Alot of funerals and weddings to go to. I don't even belong to the church. Why the hell do people invite me then?