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Warning about the new Zonealarm Update

Posted: 27 May 2004, 20:53
by CellThree
Don't install it if you are on Win2000/XP!

It causes the system to seize up after a few mins and then needs to be rebooted. Stick with the old version 4.5 until they've sorted it out.

Posted: 27 May 2004, 22:15
by elguiri
If only you had mentioned it 2 days earlier , Jesus it felt like i had re installed Windows Millenium..........more lockups in 2 days than 8 months on XP!

Posted: 28 May 2004, 00:17
by Quiff Boy
so thats why my local "development" webserver stopped working! :urff:

pile of sh*te!

everything seemed ok, the pc was stable and everything, but then when i tried to look at any webpages running of my localhost server, all the images, embedded flash files and external javascript files failed to load :o :roll:

uninstalled ZA v5 and they were fine again. re-installed ZA v5 and it broke it again.


so, i currently have no firewall installed as i cannot find a copy of ZA v4.5 to install... stoopid me did a fresh install, not un upgrade so i have nothing to roll back to :urff:

anyone got a link to download v4.5? :?

Posted: 28 May 2004, 00:23
by Quiff Boy

Posted: 28 May 2004, 08:11
by Padstar
Cheers Cellthree... id popped it on my desktop but not actually installed ity yet!



Posted: 28 May 2004, 08:38
by hallucienate
I've got my own dedicated machine for a firewall, mailserver etc. works a charm :innocent:

Posted: 28 May 2004, 15:00
by CorpPunk
Thanks C3--I'd had a reminder for the update a couple of days ago but was luckily too lazy at the time to download it.

Posted: 28 May 2004, 15:17
by hallucienate
hallucienate wrote:I've got my own dedicated machine for a firewall, mailserver etc. works a charm :innocent:
And while we're on the topic, my boss just said he'd pay for me to have a wireless internet connection to my house

woo and hoo :!:

Posted: 14 Jun 2004, 18:16
by Almiche V
Hey C3, have you heard any news about the update yet?

Posted: 14 Jun 2004, 18:41
by CellThree
Nothing new yet...

Seems that it only seems to be affecting WinXP though.

Looks as though Win9x and ME are ok.

Posted: 15 Jun 2004, 09:31
by DomConway
The version currently on their download page seems to work OK for me on XP... Surely they would've fixed such a major problem as this ASAP? Or is the problem just with the update and not the full download version which I've got?

Posted: 15 Jun 2004, 15:55
by CellThree
DomConway wrote:The version currently on their download page seems to work OK for me on XP... Surely they would've fixed such a major problem as this ASAP? Or is the problem just with the update and not the full download version which I've got?
You're one of the lucky ones then!

The current Zone Alarm release is version 5.0.590.015. The update file you download is the full version. You just have a choice to upgrade over a previous version or uninstall the previous version and install the new one clean. If you do start getting problems, then unstall Ver 5 and reinstall ver 4.5.594.000.

As for them not updating it to sort out the problems, I remember there was a problem with a previous version that caused problem with Win9x/ME a couple of years back. It took them 3 months to sort that one out.

It's possible you're not running any software that is causing Zone Alarm to seize up your PC. Seems that various McAfee applications are doing it. In my case Soulseek caused it to seize up and it seems other file sharing programs are causing crashes as well.

The current FAQ has the information on it: ... alFAQs.jsp

Current Free version and older versions can be downloaded from: ... story.html

Posted: 15 Jun 2004, 18:18
by Mrs RicheyJames

Posted: 16 Jun 2004, 11:24
by DomConway
3 months to fix it - that's shocking! I'm running it on a brand spanking new machine that I haven't even got round to installing SoulSeek on yet, maybe I'll downgrade my ZA before I do that then...

Posted: 16 Jun 2004, 15:44
by CellThree
if you want to try some alternatives:

Outpost Firewall -

I've used this before and it is very good, but did crash a lot. I was using their first release version though so hopefully they put some updates into it by now. It has all the features that most of the Firewalls you'd have to pay for have.

Sygate Personal Firewall -

This is pretty good, but more comlicated to use than Zone Alarm. Apart from that, it does the job!

Posted: 23 Jun 2004, 18:06
by Almiche V
There's a new update available now y'all.

So far so good 8)

Posted: 23 Jun 2004, 19:34
by CellThree
snubnoseuk wrote:There's a new update available now y'all.

So far so good 8)

Version 5.0.590.043 ... 90_043.exe

I'm gonna give it a go in a bit...

Posted: 25 Jun 2004, 20:35
by CellThree
...Seems to be working ok. Had it in for 24hrs and no problems yet!

Posted: 25 Jun 2004, 22:18
by CellThree
Seems to be causing some sort of issues with Soulseek. Can't see other peoples userfiles. I'm gonna have to have a proper look at this...

Posted: 03 Jul 2004, 17:20
by CellThree
Ok, given up with the new version. Seems to have issues with Soulseek and stuff.

I'm now using Sygate Personal Firewall instead. This works just as well and there is no problem with Soulseek!

Posted: 03 Jul 2004, 17:39
by Almiche V
Yep. ZA freezes my 'puter up. Bye bye baby.

Posted: 05 Jul 2004, 08:45
by Debaser
HO HUM......if only Ness would read stuff like this.....

Been offline now fer a couple of days, seems that it might be the ZA causing it but old 'FidleFingers Gaz' might not have helped by trying to solve the problem himself!

Writing and reading from school is a 'mare due to the nannyNet

be back soon folks.

Love Ness