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Note to self

Posted: 15 Jun 2004, 14:15
by Tuscan Chimaera

Note to self:

only entertain mistresses in (a) office, (b) tube or (c) Selfridge's lady's dept changing rooms.

If choosing c don't forget to buy token gift for mrs tc to cover tracks.

Posted: 15 Jun 2004, 14:30
by straylight
I like how in the blurb it says this means freedom for the person you are electronically tracking....

Must be some new fangled meaning to the word freedom that I am not familiar with, like bad meaning good.

to TC- would your missus still not wonder why you had to go in the changing rooms to buy her a gift? Surely she would not want you to try it on for her?

Posted: 15 Jun 2004, 14:40
by Tuscan Chimaera
Yes. This amused me too.

The wife tracker fortunately is not that specific in its locating. So the changing rooms would be ok.

But, for the record, whilst I do not wear many (perhaps any) of her clothes, she, like most females, views my wardrobe as an extension of hers and will happily root around for a garment which she will subsequently pronounce to look better on her, and never be seen by me again except on her. Why to chix do this? It's some territorial thing, right?

Posted: 15 Jun 2004, 14:40
by CorpPunk
I think after that brand of romancing, TC, you'd better buy the mistress a gift as well. :roll: :lol:

Posted: 15 Jun 2004, 14:44
by Tuscan Chimaera
? A season ticket on the tube?

Posted: 15 Jun 2004, 15:29
by Ian - Rhythm Smurph
Tuscan Chimaera wrote: Why to chix do this? It's some territorial thing, right?
For the same reason that they don't order chips with their meal and then nick yours!!!

Posted: 15 Jun 2004, 18:14
by Brideoffrankenstein
Ian - Rhythm Smurph wrote:
Tuscan Chimaera wrote: Why to chix do this? It's some territorial thing, right?
For the same reason that they don't order chips with their meal and then nick yours!!!
Yep, I have to admit I do that! :P

Posted: 15 Jun 2004, 18:21
by Mrs RicheyJames