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Spain - Portugal... Nil to one!

Posted: 20 Jun 2004, 21:38
by Izzy HaveMercy
Portugal did it...

They beat Spain....

A historic event ;D


Posted: 20 Jun 2004, 21:57
by Padstar
When they play, Portugal look great!

IF we manage to beat Croatia, what a prospect for the seconnd round.

And what about Greece! fantastic performance from them so far!!!


Posted: 20 Jun 2004, 23:58
by Planet Dave
Did anyone else notice Figo having to generate his own appluase as he trudged off? Nob. Anyone notice Ronaldo's standing ovation, quite spontaneous, as he was subbed? Bring on next season.

Also, given that we're likely to be playing Portugal in the next round (assuming a lot, I know), can you imagine what they're gonna have to do with Gary Neville's legs (or Cole's), once Cristiano has finished with them. It'll be vaguely painful, but very funny.

Never forget, united>england. :wink:

Posted: 21 Jun 2004, 06:39
by Padstar
Man U..... The easy option.... perhaps not anymore though.



Posted: 21 Jun 2004, 13:02
by randdebiel²
Portugal was great!
and the way tchechie won against the dutch :worship:

Posted: 21 Jun 2004, 15:59
by Planet Dave
Padstar wrote:Man U..... The easy option.... perhaps not anymore though.


Paddy, they weren't such an easy option in the 80s. Even city used to beat us from time to time. Still, everything is cyclical.

Regarding the Dutch game, I was gutted for them. The ref ruined an otherwise stonking match, but Dick Snowball didn't help matters taking Robben off. He was the star up to that point. Looks like the usual dutch cattiness from this point to elimination.

Prediction for tonight - england scrape a 2-2. Unless Phil comes on as sub. :lol: :roll: :lol: