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Big Brother is watching you...No wait that's not right....

Posted: 21 Jun 2004, 22:47
by karin
We're watching Big Brother. Unless you're to cool of course. I like Nadia, I want her to win. Victor's a ghastly bully and should have been turfed out instead of Emma.

Jason's a weirdo, vanessa's a harpie. Mr K loves Shell coz she looks good in her undies ( so she's definitely got to go..
;D ) No one else figures on the radar. Nadia to win. What say you ?

Posted: 21 Jun 2004, 22:56
by Almiche V
What's a harpie?

I'm so unhip it's a wonder my bum doesn't fall off.

Posted: 21 Jun 2004, 22:59
by James Blast
We're not watching big brother.

Nice h2g2 quote, Brother snub :D!

Posted: 21 Jun 2004, 23:08
by karin
snubnoseuk wrote:What's a harpie?

I'm so unhip it's a wonder my bum doesn't fall off.
A harpie is a grasping, unscrupulous woman.

Posted: 21 Jun 2004, 23:10
by karin
Red Sunsets wrote:We're not watching big brother.

Nice h2g2 quote, Brother snub :D!

And you're qualified to speak on behalf of the whole list are you ?..... :roll:

Posted: 21 Jun 2004, 23:12
by Almiche V
karin wrote:A harpie is a grasping, unscrupulous woman.
Thanx karin. :D
Red Sunsets wrote:Nice h2g2 quote, Brother snub :D!
Blessed be brethren.

Posted: 21 Jun 2004, 23:56
by Dan
I'm watching it. I saw the fight live as it happened, very exciting! I'm just annoyed Emma had to leave, that was handled very badly. It's only the 4th week too. I wonder what else is in store for them.

My prediction is the last 4 will be Marco, Dan, Michelle, Nadia.

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 07:09
by andymackem
Big what?

The highlight of this summer, for me at least, has been seeing and hearing almost nothing about the annual non-entities' freak-show.

I was under the impression that even the ruminating herd of cattle that makes up the tabloid-reading public had lost interest this time. Ah well, always next year.

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 08:20
by karin
Dan wrote:I'm watching it. I saw the fight live as it happened, very exciting! I'm just annoyed Emma had to leave, that was handled very badly. It's only the 4th week too. I wonder what else is in store for them.

My prediction is the last 4 will be Marco, Dan, Michelle, Nadia.
Oh yeah Dan the Hairdresser. I forgot about him, I want to like him but I keep thinking he's going to turn round and do something heinous.

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 08:22
by karin
karin wrote:
Red Sunsets wrote:We're not watching big brother.

Nice h2g2 quote, Brother snub :D!

And you're qualified to speak on behalf of the whole list are you ?..... :roll:

Sorry that was rude.

Karin ( making a real effort to be a nicer person )

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 09:03
by Ed Rhombus
karin wrote:
snubnoseuk wrote:What's a harpie?

I'm so unhip it's a wonder my bum doesn't fall off.
A harpie is a grasping, unscrupulous woman.

Isn't she also South African?

Which would make her a Yarpie Harpie

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 09:24
by Thrash Harry
Or even...

The benefits of a classical eduction. Courtesy of Jason and The Argonauts.

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 09:47
by Mrs RicheyJames
Anyone who says that they used to be a goth but it was a faze and now is the most trendy and boring person in the world, needs a slap (Vanessa) :evil:
Michelle (d'ya wanna touch me bap) needs to go
Armed (or however the hell you spell it) Needs to go now <yawn>
Jay is just too fond of getting his muscles and arse out (eeeeeewwwwwww), and i'm not too sure if Shell is as 'nice' as she makes out, but perrrlease! She cries at everything! SOOOOO annoying. Stuart (team hansom??) is nothing but a pain in the arse. lovin' Marco, Dan and Nadia. Victor is pure entertaining............"aka Mrs Jimmy Hill" Classic :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol:

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 10:48
by andymackem
Thrash Harry wrote:Or even...

The benefits of a classical eduction. Courtesy of Jason and The Argonauts.
Special effects by Ray Harryhausen?

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 10:49
by Quiff Boy
andymackem wrote:
Thrash Harry wrote:Or even...

The benefits of a classical eduction. Courtesy of Jason and The Argonauts.
Special effects by Ray Harryhausen?
nah, by lunatics and drinks ;)

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 11:04
by markfiend
Am I the only person that sees an incongruity between this program and the source of its name? It's hardly the figurehead of a terrifying totalitarian regime, is it?

Oh, wait...

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 11:34
by emilystrange
Quiff Boy wrote:
andymackem wrote:
Thrash Harry wrote:Or even...

The benefits of a classical eduction. Courtesy of Jason and The Argonauts.
Special effects by Ray Harryhausen?
nah, by lunatics and drinks ;)
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 12:56
by paint it black
snubnoseuk wrote:What's a harpie?

I'm so unhip it's a wonder my bum doesn't fall off.
see - sing harpie: the fall about Brix. damn fine track :notworthy: :notworthy:

crap show though

Posted: 22 Jul 2004, 20:33
by karin
Hurrah ! At last an opportunity to vote out Jason the Troll ( check the pointy profile.) It just goes to show how deluded some men become about their attractiveness when they spend too much time in front of the mirror.

( cue a veiled mither from T'Harry something alluding to my sexism and probably another "intellectual" reference to mythology. Apologies in advance for any spelling and punctuation mistakes. ;D :kiss: :D

Posted: 22 Jul 2004, 22:03
by James Blast
oh, sorry I thought this topic was entitled 'No One Is Watching Big Brother'

Posted: 22 Jul 2004, 23:42
by Quiff Boy
Red Sunsets wrote:oh, sorry I thought this topic was entitled 'No One Is Watching Big Brother'
nice avatar! christian death - how appropriate :lol:

Posted: 23 Jul 2004, 18:54
by James Blast
Quiff Boy wrote:nice avatar! christian death - how appropriate :lol:
Cheers Boss, thought I might be pushing it with that one too, but I guess the real religion round here is Taylorism

Posted: 25 Jul 2004, 18:03
by Francis
karin wrote:( cue a veiled mither from T'Harry something alluding to my sexism and probably another "intellectual" reference to mythology. Apologies in advance for any spelling and punctuation mistakes. ;D :kiss: :D
Alas poor Harry. He was so misunderstood.

And you're missing a bracket. Or maybe a hinge.

Posted: 29 Jul 2004, 22:39
by karin
Pah ! I only logged on for a torrent of ( oh so subtle ) abuse from Harry :D

Michelle out now ! she's a nutter :eek: :lol:

Naddy, Naddy, Nadia to Win and bollocks to you all who are all too cool to watch. :roll: :kiss:

Posted: 29 Jul 2004, 23:19
by James Blast
I don't think too cool visits Chateau B'last these days.
sorry karin but I find BB and shows of that ilk moronic :evil: