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throbbing gristle

Posted: 30 Jun 2004, 12:34
by jost 7
is anyone out there familiar with throbbing gristle? i came across them only recently and they attracted my interst. i would aprreciate if anybody could give some recommendation for an album or whatever to listen to. anyhow, after listening to a few tracks from one of their last shows it seems that a good mental condition might be favourable when listening to them ;-).

portugal (is going to win tonight).
cheers, j.

Posted: 30 Jun 2004, 12:40
by Mrs RicheyJames
That's just rude.

Posted: 30 Jun 2004, 13:39
by Tuscan Chimaera
Sexygoth wrote:That's just rude.
No it's not. It's a darwinian thing. Just like the Portuguese all have greasy hair (exhibit A: The Portuguese football team); so the Portuguese will occasionally come across throbbing gristle (exhibit B: Post above).

But commendable shout all the same, SG.

Posted: 30 Jun 2004, 14:25
by flowersdie
Throbbing Gristle's Greatest Hits is the only album I have, tho' it does have the sublime 'Hamburger Lady' on it. My mate Scottish Mick from Prolapse likes 20 Jazz Funk Greats the best (as do most people who are 'into them')

Posted: 30 Jun 2004, 18:06
by James Blast
If you still have a turntable, pop into your nearest DIY and buy a few pads for an orbital sander, stick them on your t/t and play. Throbbing Gristle at a fraction of the cost.

Glad to be of help :innocent:

Posted: 30 Jun 2004, 18:50
by Debaser
Am rather fond 'Hot on The Heels of Love’ 'Weeping’ and 'Dead On Arrival'

Not heard em fer aeons though

Posted: 30 Jun 2004, 20:51
by Andie
gotta agree with 20 Jazz Funk Greats...

but if you still can't get enough then search out extreemly early Virgin Prunes (pre If I Die...but i can not remember the damn name now)...Caberet Voltaire (from 79-80 i think) Nag Nag Nag and then for more mellow moments...Psychic TV

Posted: 30 Jun 2004, 21:23
by Brideoffrankenstein
A band I have heard lots about and have been wondering about hearing for a while. They don't sound exactly easy listening!!!!!!!! :lol:

Posted: 30 Jun 2004, 21:27
by Dave R
TG - founders of Industrial Music Records....later incarnation was the totally superb band Psychic TV...

If you have never come accross Mr Genesis P. Orridge et al I strongly recommend you go to kazaa/limewire NOW...

Here endeth the Doktors Perscription.....for good music!

Posted: 30 Jun 2004, 22:02
by James Blast
TG's polemic was on target dok w.
Fact was they were the sound of white and red noise. GPO was not born to be a vocalist and he couldn't even master the electric bass guitar.

As to the 'Prole Art Threat' he became... go Google.

an awful waste of camoflage

Posted: 30 Jun 2004, 23:38
by Dave R
sure, but anyone who could convince theNME (spit!) that he was a reincarnation of the RS finest was onto a winner??

remember how much they screwed up Mr Jools Holland on the tube?

nearly as good as what Fad Gadget (RIP) Managed!!!!!

Posted: 01 Jul 2004, 08:37
by randdebiel²
anything live, especially the berlin concert, throbbing gristle was sooo great, btw,
they play wessex again next year (the festival that was cancelled this year due to lack of interest....)

Posted: 01 Jul 2004, 08:44
by jost 7
thx for all recomendations - i already got hold of 20 jazz funk greats and will listen to it today. i couldn't manage to obtain some pads for an orbital sander but will try some sheets of sandpaper on my t/t meanwhile.

discipline (vienna)

Posted: 01 Jul 2004, 17:56
by James Blast
I wish you many hours of uneasy listening jost 7:wink:

Posted: 01 Jul 2004, 19:57
by Andie
doktor wolf wrote:Fad Gadget!!!!!

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Ohhhh...Fad Gadget...Bows deeply to the vision of greatness on stage as he was the first person i ever saw stage dive...

collapsing new people....mmmmmmmmm 8)

Posted: 03 Jul 2004, 21:44
by cyn
Wow haven't heard Throbbing Gristle since like the late 80's so I went to thru my LP's but couldn't find them. That and Chris & Cosey are missing hmmmm... :cry:

Posted: 03 Jul 2004, 22:00
by James Blast
probably for the best cyn

Posted: 03 Jul 2004, 23:10
by Francis
Christ! They'll be starting threads about Oi! bands next.

I told you to go to sleep!

Soz. :oops:

Posted: 04 Jul 2004, 00:10
by James Blast
Oi! dates you Francis EBG perchance?

Posted: 04 Jul 2004, 00:29
by Quiff Boy
Burn wrote:collapsing new people....mmmmmmmmm 8)
i shall be playing that tomorrow night ;)

Posted: 04 Jul 2004, 00:58
by Francis
Red Sunsets wrote:Oi! dates you Francis EBG perchance?
Don't make me out you, pooh sticks. :wink:

Posted: 04 Jul 2004, 06:31
by cyn
Francis wrote:Christ! They'll be starting threads about Oi! bands next.

I told you to go to sleep!

Soz. :oops:
Whats a Oi! band :?:

Is that like Exploited :?

Posted: 04 Jul 2004, 08:22
by Francis
cyn wrote:Whats a Oi! band
A thinly disguised excuse for a National Front meeting.

Posted: 04 Jul 2004, 10:11
by Andie
Quiff Boy wrote:
Burn wrote:collapsing new people....mmmmmmmmm 8)
i shall be playing that tomorrow night ;)

good call QB...

**makes mental note ~ must talk to you one day about 80's goff!**

gonna go and hunt out one of my Fcuking Various cassetts from the car...full on goff with the 12" Collapsing New People second track side 2

Posted: 04 Jul 2004, 11:18
by Francis
Burn wrote:gonna go and hunt out one of my Fcuking Various cassetts from the car...full on goff with the 12" Collapsing New People second track side 2
Were Fad Gadget goth? I'm getting confused again.