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This Saturday with Del and Jools

Posted: 30 Jun 2004, 15:13
by Tuscan Chimaera
The porker comes out of the garage fresh from an early summer detox.

The sun will shine, the roof will be open, Del Almitri will be playing on 11, and I will gun down to the aerodrome for a couple of hours flying.

I will be back for 19:30 for pimms, blinis, Jools and his orchestra in Kenwood House. Sports Jacket and Slacks or Jude Law and 7s?

Life is- and I am- great.

Posted: 30 Jun 2004, 15:22
by CorpPunk
You wear slacks? That is so single-digit-age 1987.

Re: This Saturday with Del and Jools

Posted: 30 Jun 2004, 16:14
by Debaser
Tuscan Chimaera wrote:
I will be back for 19:30 for pimms, blinis, Jools and his orchestra in Kenwood House.
Life is- and I am- great.
Popping into The Spanaird's Inn on yer way TC?

Re: This Saturday with Del and Jools

Posted: 30 Jun 2004, 16:45
by Tuscan Chimaera
Debaser wrote:
Popping into The Spanaird's Inn on yer way TC?
Fair shout.

But not telling.

Don't want to attract a crowd.

Posted: 30 Jun 2004, 17:01
by Tuscan Chimaera
CorpPunk wrote:You wear slacks? That is so single-digit-age 1987.
You really are American, aren't you?

PS I still fancy you anyway.

Posted: 30 Jun 2004, 17:20
by CorpPunk
And I really was in the single digits in 1987. Put that in your cradle and rock it.

Posted: 30 Jun 2004, 17:54
by James Blast
I much prefer relaxing in one of these


Posted: 30 Jun 2004, 18:51
by Debaser
So live on Bishop's Ave??

Posted: 30 Jun 2004, 18:59
by Tuscan Chimaera
Debaser wrote:So live on Bishop's Ave??
HGS? Nope. Wrong denomination.