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Thunder and Consolation

Posted: 03 Jul 2004, 13:33
by DerekR
Anyone else got the mother of all thunderstorms today? Spectacular here in Edinburgh. Thunder and lightning TOGETHER, just like in the horror movies (no delay), and it is as loud as Muse at Glasto (i.e VERY loud). Must mean it's right on top of me. Better make the most of my internet connection while it lasts!

Posted: 03 Jul 2004, 13:34
by Gary

Posted: 03 Jul 2004, 13:44
by Padstar
Well, im sat in work on my tod.... and the skylights are being peppered by rain..... its like a small meteor shower at the moment.

No thunder as yet though....


Posted: 03 Jul 2004, 13:54
by DerekR
It's passed now, back to clear blue skies. I love the Scottish weather :?

Posted: 03 Jul 2004, 14:46
by DerekR
...and now it's getting dark again and I can hear distant rumbling....Fantastic!

Posted: 03 Jul 2004, 16:35
by pikkrong
we had thunder a couple of days ago

Posted: 03 Jul 2004, 21:06
by Andie
DerekR wrote: I love the Scottish weather :?

you must be a recent addition to the local area... :urff:

after 30 plus years of Scottish weather i moved enjoying my 3rd year on the north essex riveria (sunny Clacton to those who know :wink: )

best place to go during a thunderstorm in Edinburgh...

Arthurs Seat!...

best time to do it....

when you're pished outta your tree...and you just don't give a damn! 8)