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Posted: 07 Jul 2004, 13:12
by Mrs RicheyJames
It's people like her that give women a bad name :evil:

Posted: 07 Jul 2004, 14:12
by flowersdie
Just being pedantic for a moment, but if Parlour wanted to shag around then he shouldn't have got married in the first place.

On a lighter note, I hope he doesn't go to Palace, we need some hungry young players, not fading old has beens, plus he's well ugly!

Posted: 07 Jul 2004, 14:28
by Quiff Boy

i know what you mean sg, but its all relative. if he is earning the sort of money it suggests he is then he wont even notice...

if a person is so stupidly wealthy that they couldnt possibly spend all the money they have (legally & within reason) then i'm all for redistribution of wealth ;)

i'm sure there are much better places for it to go than to some grabbing ex though ;) :lol:

Posted: 07 Jul 2004, 14:29
by Quiff Boy
flowersdie wrote:Just being pedantic for a moment, but if Parlour wanted to shag around then he shouldn't have got married in the first place.
definitely :notworthy: :notworthy:

:innocent: :lol:

Posted: 07 Jul 2004, 16:05
by Francis
On the other hand and, knowing little about the history of the case, assuming she did act as an anchor and stabilise him and his career, shouldn't she be entitled to the fruits of her labour? What about a partner who has spent the last twenty years raising a family only to find themselves alone and apparently unemployable once all the kids have left home, shortly followed by the primary bread winner? Aren't they entitled to a share of the working ex-partner's income?

Posted: 08 Jul 2004, 18:29
by Mrs. Snowey
Plus the fact that since footballers are notoriously bad at actually putting their brains into operation :roll: (re: haircuts, dress sense, choice of agents i.e. Mr.W.Rooney esq.), his missus probably had to do most of the actual thinking.

So by my reckoning, if she had to do 2 peoples worth of thinking, he's getting off pretty lightly :lol:

Posted: 12 Jul 2004, 14:48
by rian
Women like her makes me glad that I dont earn that kind of money. :wink: