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Battle Royale....

Posted: 08 Jul 2004, 20:17
by Padstar
... I just didnt get it!

So, its a kinda ultra-violent flick...etc, ok thats obvious but it just seemed to be offering some profundity that was passing me by? Just a selective vision of a possible future? Are the Japanese scared of teir youth?



Posted: 08 Jul 2004, 20:51
by smiscandlon
This month's Empire magazine refers to it as "a clever social satire about the increase of juvenile delinquency in Japan and the Government's inability to deal with it".

As far as I'm concerned, anything involving Takeshi Kitano is a work of genius... :D :notworthy:

Posted: 08 Jul 2004, 21:59
by CellThree
I liked the film, but probably coz I like seeing Japanese girls firing guns. I'm easily pleased!

Kinda upset that the sequel is basically a load of pants.