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Posted: 11 Jul 2004, 13:19
by Mrs RicheyJames
were bloody brill! Thanks to Gripper who was easily recognisable in his HEARTLAND tee-shirt! Sorry If I frightened you LOL. The conversation when something like this..........
<SG stomps over to the stranger in the HLs tee>
"Who are you?" <very scared look from the bloke>
"Well who are you?"
"I asked first"
"Gripper, and you are........?"
"Thought so........." :eek:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Gig was just fantastic though but! 8)


Posted: 11 Jul 2004, 13:27
by Andie
Sexygoth wrote: <very scared look from the bloke>

is that the normal/expected response from blokes when you appear beside them? :wink: :innocent: :notworthy: :notworthy: 8)

Posted: 11 Jul 2004, 13:36
by Andie
can someone puhlease put me outta my misery (no...i don't need a bullet in the head :roll: )

Razorlights single Golden Touch...just which Cure song is it ripped off from?...

i can't decide if it's Jumping Someone Else's Train or not... :urff: 8)

Posted: 11 Jul 2004, 13:59
by Thea
*sigh* it was fab wasn't it?

Posted: 11 Jul 2004, 14:07
by Debaser
liked the encore bit best....


Posted: 11 Jul 2004, 14:28
by Francis
Sexygoth wrote:<SG stomps over to the stranger in the HLs tee>
I see you've recovered from last Saturday then. :wink: I was thinking of driving over just to see if Richey would buy me a drink. Then I remembered I don't handle rejection very well. :lol:

Posted: 11 Jul 2004, 16:18
by Almiche V
Has a proper tour been announced yet? Or have I missed summit?

Posted: 11 Jul 2004, 18:55
by emilystrange
Gripper did ring to say he'd met you.. i think he's recovered now, lol

Posted: 11 Jul 2004, 22:50
by Francis
emilystrange wrote:Gripper did ring to say he'd met you.. i think he's recovered now, lol
Next time you speak to him please send him my best. He should drop by a bit more often. Top bloke. :notworthy:


Posted: 12 Jul 2004, 09:13
by Quiff Boy
Sexygoth wrote:Gripper who was easily recognisable in his HEARTLAND tee-shirt!
ahh, so thats who it was :notworthy: :lol:

i had a text message from sam donut saying he'd spotted someone in a HL tee durng the mozza set ;D :von: :notworthy:

Posted: 12 Jul 2004, 10:00
by emilystrange
that could well have been Gripper too.. I hope he washed that Tee.
indeed, a top bloke, and my bestest mate.
I will pass on regards accordingly xxx

Posted: 12 Jul 2004, 10:25
by Ice*Maiden
Was brilliant! And our timing was inpeccable!, walking in 10 minutes before they came on right into a HUGE gap at the side of the stage, but thinking back people must have known about the annoying Emo Phillips-like spazman at the side of us dancing like a pantomime dame, and he picked his nose and ate it...

Posted: 12 Jul 2004, 14:07
by emilystrange
well i know THAT wasn't Gripper.

Posted: 12 Jul 2004, 17:44
by Mrs RicheyJames
Ice*Maiden wrote:Was brilliant! And our timing was inpeccable!, walking in 10 minutes before they came on right into a HUGE gap at the side of the stage, but thinking back people must have known about the annoying Emo Phillips-like spazman at the side of us dancing like a pantomime dame, and he picked his nose and ate it...
:eek: <voms>

Posted: 12 Jul 2004, 19:47
by Debaser
Rev was wearing his on the Saturday