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The Smurphs - Aug 22nd - The Limelight, Crewe...Last ever...

Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 09:22
by Padstar
The Sisters Of Murphy - Sun Aug 22nd - The Limelight, Crewe.
Our last ever gig with Sid (Mockeldritch).... its likely to be emotional...
The line-up;

The Sisters Of Murphy (Sid's vocal finale)
Exploding Kid (Final gig with Sids awsome bass talents!)

Firstly, the lowdown from the Smurphs website:
Sad news im afraid. Sid, our "mockeldritch" is calling it a day. He has been a fantastic vocalist for us and on top of that has been a quality controler for the songs we perform as he is also an awsome bass player and has a cast iron knowledge of arrangements and lyrics. We were all aware that Sids job hunting would eventually take him to the other end of the country, London in this case, but we were hoping that one way or another we could make the band work, but Sid has decided to make a clean break and we all respect him for that.

On a personal note id just like to say thanks mate for all your hard work and advice and ill miss you hugely, love ya and best of luck in the future.

As for the future of The Sisters Of Murphy both Mark and myself are of the opinion that while the gigs are still coming in and we enjoy them so much we still want to continue. Steps are currently underway to make this possible and an announcement should come shortly. All gigs currently booked will be honoured.

A devastated man that still has a plan,

So the end of an era for us, and one we are hoping you can join us at. Ive eulogised the greatness of the venue many times so thats a given. As well as his final gig with the Smurphs its Sids last gig with Exploding Kid for whom he plays bass, and wait till you see him play bass! We have our good friends Rhombus playing again, goth but good as you all know and there is likely to be some "song get-togethers" as is traditional.

The Sisters Of Murphy started as a bit of a joke really, and for some reason we just kept getting gigs. Sid joined after a year and a half to replace our origional singer who left and really transformed the band into something im very proud of to this day. Im not looking forward to coming offstage at this one and knowing thats it for this line-up, after 5 years with the same people, its rather like family.

See you there.



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Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 10:12
by keys

Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 10:30
by Scardwel
should be a top evening...!
quote: "we're playing with The Sisters maaaaan!" :wink:

Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 11:17
by emilystrange
*sniff* another sunday night.. too far away for emily...

aawww. sad. end of an era.

Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 14:08
by Francis
Looking forward to it. It's been in our diary since the last one. I'll probably be driving so no drinking or prancing for me. :innocent:

Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 14:28
by markfiend
Hey Pads, are you holding auditions? :innocent:

Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 14:44
by Mrs RicheyJames
Do I get a go?? :roll: :wink: 8) :D

Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 14:45
by emilystrange
which one of you looks more like Von?

Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 14:49
by hallucienate
emilystrange wrote:which one of you looks more like Von?
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
sg, obviously :innocent:

Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 14:52
by mockeldritch
I think SG could probably do a better Von lookalike than me... she's certainly closer to the correct size!

Thanks for that glowing tribute Paddy... I'm rather taken aback.

It's been emotional.

Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 14:56
by markfiend
I don't think I've quite got the voice down as well as your good self, Sid, but I sure got the moves...


Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 14:56
by emilystrange

Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 15:02
by markfiend
;D Image ;D Image ;D Image ;D Image ;D Image ;D Image ;D Image ;D Image ;D

Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 15:09
by emilystrange
i've never seen him do that eyebrow thing

Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 15:14
by Mrs RicheyJames
hallucienate wrote: sg, obviously :innocent:


Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 16:51
by Debaser
So now you're waiting till I'm out of the country to have yer little party!!

I'm kinda hoping that someone will have the decency to record (audioally/videoally) so I can at least feel the love.

Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 17:01
by snowey
I know one person who will be taking his minidisc :roll: :D :D

Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 21:14
by Ed Rhombus
Looking forward to it.

We're going to keep our set nice and short to allow as much time for the Smurphs as possible

It's going to be a great night

Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 21:19
by andymackem
That's outrageous.

On August 21 I have to go to Crewe (against my better judgement), the better to inform my reader of West Ham's inability to achieve competent results away from home against mediocre opposition.

Why can't you have the gig a day early? I _could_ stay for the Sunday (coz a day in Crewe waiting for a gig would just be wonderful, of course), but I have to be in an office in Basildon at 6am on Monday morning.

Please plan future gigs with reference to West Ham's fixture list, and I might get round to breaking my Heartlander duck some time. Or at least learn some new excuses, which is nearly as good.

/stomps off in a gothy hissy fit. swirls cape in menacing fashion, but can't resist looking back to see who's smirking about 'bloody goths'. blows cred and gets kicked in by a bunch of Stella-ed up Hammers fans for 'looking like a facking poof'./

Posted: 14 Jul 2004, 09:18
by Carrie
You great wuss...if I can go to see Rhombus in Leicester on a Sunday night AND get back to Hudds at 3.30am AND get up & go to work @ 6.30am AND teach all day AND I'm 8 1/2 months pregnant, you can jolly well get from Crewe to Basildon after Sunday closing hours...tsssssk! :lol:

Should be a great night Pads, looking forward to it.

Posted: 14 Jul 2004, 09:47
by Quiff Boy
@ andymackem: that told you ;)


Posted: 14 Jul 2004, 10:09
by Francis
I bet she's got a pretty hard Paddington stare as well. :lol:

Posted: 14 Jul 2004, 10:34
by Padstar
Carrie wrote:You great wuss...if I can go to see Rhombus in Leicester on a Sunday night AND get back to Hudds at 3.30am AND get up & go to work @ 6.30am AND teach all day AND I'm 8 1/2 months pregnant, you can jolly well get from Crewe to Basildon after Sunday closing hours...tsssssk! :lol:

Should be a great night Pads, looking forward to it.
Im soooo glad somebody else said that :)

Emily ????


Posted: 14 Jul 2004, 11:38
by emilystrange
DON'T look at me, i'm not driving. i shall put it to Mr S and stand wel back.

Posted: 14 Jul 2004, 12:12
by Mrs RicheyJames
Well, I've just found out that I'll be the backing singer, so they'll be no excuses :D 8)