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Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 17:04
by Loki
We were all one once. That rites of passage between childhood and adulthood when we knew no fear, had no tact and said whatever we wanted and damn the consequences. I was reminded today (don't ask how) of my most 'teenage' moment ...

First job I had was in an accounts department. After a fag break once I went back to my desk but had to squeeze past a female colleague and noticed her pull a face.

JB: 'Whassamatter?'

FC: 'Nothing ...'

JB: (Aggressively) 'Whassamatter?'

FC: 'You stink of cigarettes. You smell like an ashtray ...'

JB: (More aggressively) 'And ...?'

FC: 'I find it offensive ...'

JB: 'Yeh? Well I find you offensive!'

FC: (Taken aback) 'How?'

JB: (VERY loudly) 'Everytime you come back from the ladies you smell of p1ss!'

Oh dear. :oops: I still cringe at the memory. But I'm sure I'm not alone. Care to share?

Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 17:07
by rian


Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 17:07
by emilystrange
i can't possibly top that, lol

Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 17:11
by rian
emilystrange wrote:i can't possibly top that, lol
And your age is? :innocent:

Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 17:15
by emilystrange
36. i'm in my second teenage phase, and still can't do any better.

Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 17:23
by Thea
i dunno, you bloody grownups giving us young'uns a bad name... :roll:

Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 17:30
by emilystrange
it's always been the way...

Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 17:30
by rian
emilystrange wrote:36. i'm in my second teenage phase, and still can't do any better.
37 here. I have forgotten most of my youth. But have a doughter aged 14. I'll ask her what she's been up to insteed.


Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 17:39
by emilystrange
DON'T DO IT.. you'll regret it if you do.. she might actually TELL you!!

it's for your own protection.

Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 17:49
by rian
emilystrange wrote:DON'T DO IT.. you'll regret it if you do.. she might actually TELL you!!

it's for your own protection.
Yeah. I might not want to know. Hmm tricky this.

I do remember when I and some friends went to Gothenburg. Aged 17. We bought some pot in the park. One girl smoked a lot and got into some coma stage. This was in the middle of town, on the street. We told her to come along, but she was to wasted.

I remember me telling her to get her self together, but she was lost in her mind.
We left her on the street. Later, we though that we might had to take her her home. We found her asleep on the pavement. Picked her up, found a cab, and drow home. She was still lost, but the day after, she was like normal.

Could have been worse. We left her on the pavement for 2 hours.

Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 18:10
by hallucienate
don't worry JB, you still stink of ciggies, and given a few more years you'll probably also start stinking of pee :wink:

Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 20:19
by Andie
Worst thing i ever did as a teenager was....

grow up!

still wonder what damage i could cause if i was able to go back and re-live my teen years with the knowledge i have now... :twisted: :twisted:

**where is the evil bastard. smilie?**

Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 20:19
by James Blast
just an early glimpse into JB's enormous mouth :D

Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 21:08
by Francis
I was a very polite, sensible and responsible teenager. I think I must be living my life backwards. :roll:

Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 21:23
by Almiche V
Francis wrote:I was a very polite, sensible and responsible teenager. I think I must be living my life backwards. :roll:
Ditto. I'm gonna be student again soon. Bring it on 8)

Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 21:24
by andymackem
Burn wrote:Worst thing i ever did as a teenager was....

grow up!

still wonder what damage i could cause if i was able to go back and re-live my teen years with the knowledge i have now... :twisted: :twisted:

**where is the evil bastard. smilie?**
No other teens would like you. Your life would become a living hell as the herd marked you out as the smart one and forced you into your own little fantasy world.

Or so my friend told me :evil:

Don't get this childhood nostalgia thing. I enjoyed my teens (mostly) but I wouldn't do it again. Not if it meant giving up now, anyway. Mainly coz I have money, which sounds shallow but isn't really. I'm the same person, I just have the means to walk some of the walk.

Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 21:30
by James Blast
thank you Doktor mackem

Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 21:43
by Quiff Boy
hallucienate wrote:don't worry JB, you still stink of ciggies, and given a few more years you'll probably also start stinking of pee :wink:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 21:52
by christophe
I'm way to mature to ever have done somthing like the above...
and these days I'm to responsible to act like a kid....
or so do I think..
if I could, I would say sociaty goodby... travel the world...

No I don't think so.....

Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 23:13
by Brideoffrankenstein
I hated my teenage years, I was glad to get out of them. Not something I would like to experience again

Posted: 14 Jul 2004, 08:08
by andymackem
Can I re-think?

I'd like to swap the week I'm currently having with the week I spent at the Edinburgh Festival with the county youth orchestra when I was 16.

... then this one time, at band camp, .....

Posted: 14 Jul 2004, 12:56
by Mrs RicheyJames
Far too many to mention.............

Posted: 14 Jul 2004, 20:51
by Andie
andymackem wrote:No other teens would like you. Your life would become a living hell as the herd marked you out as the smart one and forced you into your own little fantasy world.

they tried that when i was 13 in 1977...the school tried...friends tried...they didn't change my headlong dash towards Anarchy, Peace And Freedom...

music changed...i changed...the world just started to get bigger

but more so than anything else...i'd like to change some of the things i did...some of the friendships i destroyed...and some of the stimulants i abused my self with...

i'd just like to add...that i was 20 in 1984...and for the 5 years prior to that date i was constantly on edge waiting for something to happen...ensuring that i had experienced as much as possible before that 20 years further on...i still find myself waiting...

Posted: 14 Jul 2004, 22:08
by James Blast
@Andie :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 16 Jul 2004, 11:45
by christophe
Anyone know some good Pick-Up lines?
I seam to remember allot of failed attempts wish I'm trying to erase from my memory.