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Ripe and

Posted: 14 Jul 2004, 11:45
by Tuscan Chimaera
a couple of floaters, or wet seat?

Toughie, I know

This is another thoughtful and reflective thread, on which I am interested in what you have to say.

Posted: 14 Jul 2004, 11:49
by Quiff Boy
couldnt possibly comment.

well i could, as you all know, but that would be lowering the tone even further. :|

Posted: 14 Jul 2004, 11:53
by markfiend

Posted: 14 Jul 2004, 11:57
by emilystrange
scraping the barrell...

Posted: 14 Jul 2004, 12:21
by Padstar
How nice.


Posted: 14 Jul 2004, 12:29
by Chairman Bux
Quiffy, you're losing your touch. I expected more from you though Paddy.

The tone of this place is low enough without this kind of post, thank you very much.