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TC. Why did you leave me?

Posted: 14 Jul 2004, 18:57
by Tuscan Chimaera
TC has now gone, and will not be back. As with most things in his life, his attempt to inject some verve into the dialogue of an unreceptive audience, failed.

TC's obsessive exercise regime pointed to his need to cover up physical imperfection. Such imperfection might have been obvious, like a harelip, or hidden, such as ambiguous genitalia...although you might prefer to think that he suffered from a circumcision gone wrong, leaving him with a male body which he liked to "buff" to perfection, all the while lacking the one thing that would really make him a man. This accident (not telling which) left him to shun close human relationships, hence his posts on Heartland. "Ms TC", to whom he referred on occasion, was infact his mother, who dressed him as a girl whilst a child, seeking to replace TC's sister who had died in a terrible gardening accident.

TC was the bastard child of minor aristocracy, who was denied his place at the manor, and was raised in a council flat in E17. His mother is a drug-dependant, sometime prostitute, who brought home a series of "Uncles", who would laugh at TC's misshapen appendage and/or hare-lip (still not telling).

TC's profile, co-incidentally, also closely matches that of the typical serial killer, who is male, between the ages of 25-35, and white. His thread posting reflected his misanthropy. He never knew his victims (except the lovely CP) or had any particular hatred for them most of the time. He just liked the sensation of hurting them via the impersonal means of email.

TC was actually the name of TC's "invisible friend", who like everyone else he ever loved, left him, alone. During the repetitive hours on the ergo (that's an exercise machine, m8s), TC could be seen plaintively mouthing the words "TC, where are you, why did you leave me?".


Posted: 14 Jul 2004, 19:25
by Izzy HaveMercy
It was too short a stay.

But pleased to have met you.

Fare thee well, oh Heartland Phantom.


Posted: 14 Jul 2004, 19:26
by Quiff Boy
night night :lol:

Posted: 14 Jul 2004, 19:47
by Padstar
Still.... 151 aint to bad i guess......


Posted: 14 Jul 2004, 19:55
by Quiff Boy
Padstar wrote:Still.... 151 aint to bad i guess......

a "ripe" old age :lol:

Posted: 14 Jul 2004, 20:25
by Andie
See Ya TC...

remember to give officer dribble the run around next time you're down our alley...


Posted: 14 Jul 2004, 21:11
by paint it black
Burn wrote:See Ya TC...

remember to give officer dribble the run around next time you're down our alley...

to save you editing your typo burn :wink:

remember to give officer dribble the reach around next time you're down our alley...

TTFN - TC little, estranged, italicized chappy 8)

Posted: 14 Jul 2004, 21:15
by Andie
paint it black wrote:
Burn wrote:See Ya TC...

remember to give officer dribble the run around next time you're down our alley...

to save you editing your typo burn :wink:

remember to give officer dribble the reach around next time you're down our alley...

TTFN - TC little, estranged, italicized chappy 8)

:lol: :notworthy: :wink: :lol: :notworthy: :wink:

Posted: 15 Jul 2004, 21:28
by CorpPunk
E17 in the house! Werd to ya mutha!