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Fave gig intros

Posted: 22 Jul 2004, 03:31
by Almiche V
They're a big part of the show aren't they? Especially with The Sisters (10 or 15 mins last year at the Forum?) :wink:

But what's your fave intro to a gig? My choice is U2 Popmart. The techno version of Pop Muzik hit the spot. And how can you fail with this:


Honourable mention to Afterhours though. Total atmos.

Posted: 22 Jul 2004, 09:57
by markfiend
Pure Spinal Tap!

In fact, IIRC, on that tour, didn't U2 emerge from a huge pod-type-thing eerily reminiscent of this?

Posted: 22 Jul 2004, 10:28
by christophe
for some reason I can't get the picture inside markfiend. but here's the link

fave intro... lets see, sisters intro on smoke and mirrors was superb. it made all the die hard fans go bazurk :urff: :twisted:

not so long ago I saw one of the first gigs from a local band, they escorted the singer in on a skateboard. from the back it seemd he was flying. :lol: :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 22 Jul 2004, 10:39
by markfiend
christophe wrote:for some reason I can't get the picture inside markfiend. but here's the link

Try this:

Posted: 22 Jul 2004, 10:45
by Planet Dave
Yep, that U2 one looks fookin ace - unfortunately it was still light when they came on at Roundhay Park, but the PopMusik intro was still in place.

Rammstein's original Mutter tour intro was up there - featuring the band bumbling round the stage in nappies, having just been 'born' from test tube thingys. Only seen this on vid though, at the Apollo the other year Til sprung out of the stage trapdoor. Dull by comparison.

And of course, Metallica use The Ecstasy Of Gold as their walk-on music, which is as dramatic as God will allow. And is thus my fave.

Posted: 22 Jul 2004, 12:32
by Ed Rhombus
Remember seeing Page and Plant years back

Whole of Wembley was bathed in purple and yellow light to the strains of a hurdi gurdi.

The a snap cue, lights change and they're already on stage playing Communication Breakdown, rocking out like a couple of old gits

Nice work

Posted: 22 Jul 2004, 13:38
by Carrie
The m*****n! Dambusters! Them were the days!

<gets coat>

Posted: 22 Jul 2004, 13:49
by Planet Dave
Ed, your new avatar is disturbingly sexy. That programme made me realise my little sh1ts aren't so bad after all!

Posted: 22 Jul 2004, 13:52
by Karst
Mish intros all indeed always class. Except maybe the Carmina Burana (sp?) during the Recon 2000 tour.

Posted: 22 Jul 2004, 13:54
by Ed Rhombus
FFS Dave wrote:Ed, your new avatar is disturbingly sexy. That programme made me realise my little sh1ts aren't so bad after all!
I wasn't watching the kids

Posted: 22 Jul 2004, 14:00
by markfiend
*Ahem* Meanwhile, back at the thread ;)

The Neph, "Harmonica Man". Very hard to beat!

Posted: 22 Jul 2004, 14:18
by Mrs RicheyJames
Ed Rhombus wrote: hurdi gurdi.

That always makes me laugh :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 22 Jul 2004, 14:43
by emilystrange
Flight of the Valkyrie...

what better?

Posted: 22 Jul 2004, 17:25
by mh
I'm with FFS Dave on Metallica/Ecstasy of Gold. I saw them doing it a few years ago - truly unforgettable.

And while we're on the subject of Ecstasy:

Spacemen 3/Ecstasy Symphony is a good 'un too.

Posted: 22 Jul 2004, 17:32
by Planet Dave
Ed Rhombus wrote:
FFS Dave wrote:Ed, your new avatar is disturbingly sexy. That programme made me realise my little sh1ts aren't so bad after all!
I wasn't watching the kids
Maybe I'm just right naive and innocent, but I haven't looked at her 'in that way' at all on the programme. But that picture - Christ On A Bike!

Back on topic Mr Fiend, another Metallica corker from the mid 90's was the band simply walking on stage, house lights all quite 'on', and plunging into 'So What?'. Marvlious.

Posted: 22 Jul 2004, 18:23
by James Blast
Big Audio Dynamite, Glasgow Barrowlands on a Fair Saturday, last century, walk on to - what sounded like BAD doing Peter Gunn, I've been searching for it ever since

Posted: 22 Jul 2004, 18:23
by Brideoffrankenstein
When I saw Entombed they came on to the Imperial March from Star Wars. But overall best for me was KING DIAMOND :notworthy: :notworthy: coming on to the intro to "Home from the Asylum" (or whatever the first track on "Them" is)

Posted: 22 Jul 2004, 18:29
by Almiche V
markfiend wrote:Pure Spinal Tap!

In fact, IIRC, on that tour, didn't U2 emerge from a huge pod-type-thing eerily reminiscent of this?
That was before the first encore.


Loved the techno version of Lemon they played during the break as well. Image Soz, couldn't find a dancing lemon.

Posted: 22 Jul 2004, 19:59
by pikkrong
Sisters 2002 and 2003 :von:

Posted: 22 Jul 2004, 20:01
by F--kwit
British Sea Power at Berlin Roter Salon, September 2003. The already dark red room darkens, and the sounds of Sir John Betjeman reciting a mildly rude poem about a buxom Yorkshirewoman emerge through the PA. There is no backstage area for the band to appear from. Then there is a tinkling sound and the band walk slowly though the rather scared crowd, ringing little handbells and staring blankly, walk on stage without a word, pick up instruments and they're off...

Although they almost surpassed this on New Years Eve at Highbury Garage whereby they came onstage in chunky patterned knitwear of a scariness level more generally seen on Norwegians and started with a touching choral rendition of "In The Bleak Midwinter".

I was at the U2 at Roundhay too, god it didn't half s**t it down that day!!

Posted: 22 Jul 2004, 20:10
by Mrs. Snowey
Carrie wrote:The m*****n! Dambusters! Them were the days!

<gets coat>

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

<ok, I'll get the taxi>

Posted: 22 Jul 2004, 20:51
by Debaser
Fun Loving Criminals always used to come on to Jump Aroiund by House of Pain......I go moist everytime I hear it ;)

Posted: 22 Jul 2004, 20:52
by Andie
i'm just a sad old git (EBG)

best into...the Cult circa 1984/5...fug knows what it was...(see Dreamtime Live @ the Lyceum)

Posted: 22 Jul 2004, 21:24
by F--kwit
Debaser wrote:Fun Loving Criminals always used to come on to Jump Aroiund by House of Pain......I go moist everytime I hear it ;)
Nice, I'll remember to never put that on when you're round ours then...

Posted: 22 Jul 2004, 21:55
by James Blast
moist, good word