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I don’t want to go to chelsea...

Posted: 30 Jul 2004, 11:45
by Quiff Boy
oooh, now this is interesting. :o :D

i've just been told by work that there's a very good chance that i am to spend most of september, october & november in the city of londinium. the district of chelsea to be more precise.

we (as a company) are doing some work with a small company down there, and they want 4 of us from the leeds office to go down and spend some time with this partner company...

4 months in the big smoke programming java!! lordy :o

they're still in the process of sorting the logistics out, but it looks like being monday-friday in a hotel (or maybe a company-rented flat) and then back to "sunny" leeds at the weekend.

f*ck me!

so, who here lives in laaahndaaan? and is there anyone in or around chelsea? what about JB maybe? or even sid/mockeldritch? if so, i may be requiring your company in the near future - to preserve my sanity ;) :lol:


more details to follow....

Posted: 30 Jul 2004, 11:51
by Mrs RicheyJames
Lucky bugger. I'd love to live in London.

Posted: 30 Jul 2004, 11:54
by Almiche V
You can learn to speak proper QB ;D

Pint gllaaaarrrrsssss
Off your trolleeeeeyy


Posted: 30 Jul 2004, 11:56
by Quiff Boy

looking forward to the career opportunity, and am interested the clubbing/gigging potential :)

bit worried about how i'm going to keep on top of all the other bits and bobs i have on the go! :urff: i might need to ask them for a laptop or somethng so i can keep track of you lot ;)

Posted: 30 Jul 2004, 11:57
by Quiff Boy
snubnoseuk wrote:You can learn to speak proper QB ;D

Pint gllaaaarrrrsssss
Off your trolleeeeeyy

i fully intend to return with a stronger northern accent then i left with. on principle. ;) :lol:

Posted: 30 Jul 2004, 12:02
by Francis
London cabbie wrote:Yer avin a larf aintcha? You don't seriously expect me to cross the river at this time of day? Blaady norveners.

Posted: 30 Jul 2004, 12:21
by christophe
Quiff Boy wrote: looking forward to the career opportunity, and am interested the clubbing/gigging potential :)
I beleave Clawfinger plays over there :innocent:

Posted: 30 Jul 2004, 12:50
by Ed Rhombus
Same thing happened to me last year with my old company.

Except they sent me to Ilford for 4 months, Chelsea does sound a little better.

Even so hotel living is hard, you always have that "need to be at home to do this" feeling in the evenings.

Posted: 30 Jul 2004, 12:52
by MrChris
Well I'm from the area originally (well, I grew up in a council tower block in Fulham. Floor 16, Jepson House to be precise), but sadly live there no more. I can only advise you to cut up your credit cards before you go, and don't trust taxi drivers. And don't bother looking at Harrods, Buckingham Palace, the Tower or London or any of that crap. But DO pay a homage to Stamford Bridge, it's well worth it. If you see an inanely grinning Russkie in an expensive suit, say hello from me.

Posted: 30 Jul 2004, 14:28
by Loki
No probs QB.

Once you've settled in, been mugged and burgled a few times, and had your head kicked in for talking in a northern accent, get in touch. Preferably when you're out of hospital.

Depending on where you end up staying will dictate your night-life. Some parts of Chelsea are pure swanksville but there's still the odd pub down the Kings Road with an alternative jukebox. The Kings Road is a mecca for weirdos though. Think Fat Tron Filth as acceptable dress.

As Mr Chris intimated, Stamford Bridge is actually in Fulham, so if you're ever around that part of town on a match day and some cockney geezers ask you the time, pretend to be mute.

Otherwise jump on a tube and come up to the West End. There's loads of social life. Leicester Square rent boys, Soho clip-joints etc etc The tubes run pretty late and you've got the added bonus of being steamed by a gang of 20 youths on the journey home.

London is a cesspit. I don't live here but simply earn my crust but I have been known to stagger onto the 2330 GNER to Leeds (first stop Peterborough) after a 'quick' pint after work.

Bet you're looking forward to it. :innocent:

Posted: 30 Jul 2004, 14:31
by CorpPunk
Well well--I should be around for a few days at the end of November if you're still there. In the meantime, I could send you out with some friends if you get lonely--I'm sure Miranda would be thrilled to reminisce about Manchester goth clubs with you again. :wink:

Oh, and make sure you visit the Intrepid Fox in Soho--the only pub in London where the Sisters are part of the normal rotation (but only Dominion, even if you specifically request something else :roll:).

Good luck!

Posted: 30 Jul 2004, 14:37
by CorpPunk
Quiffy, don't listen to JB--comparatively speaking, the tube doesn't run that late. Although since you're used to Leeds hours (ahem), I guess he has a valid point. Chelsea is pretty crap, though.

Posted: 30 Jul 2004, 14:53
by wintermute
QB, why don't you rent DerekR your house ? or did he get sorted in selby ?

Posted: 30 Jul 2004, 15:07
by Quiff Boy
wintermute wrote:QB, why don't you rent DerekR your house ? or did he get sorted in selby ?

genius!! :lol:

derek? :D

Posted: 30 Jul 2004, 16:02
by Black Dahlia
*pops her head in* I work in the City and live about 30 minutes out of Liverpool St so I'm around. Plus the illustrious Mr Eddy is going to be back in residence in the big smoke soon so I hear, I'm sure he'd be delighted to see you.

BD x

Posted: 30 Jul 2004, 16:15
by Quiff Boy
Black Dahlia wrote:*pops her head in* I work in the City and live about 30 minutes out of Liverpool St so I'm around. Plus the illustrious Mr Eddy is going to be back in residence in the big smoke soon so I hear, I'm sure he'd be delighted to see you.

BD x
is he? that would be superb! not spoken to him in a age... :(

when i found out more i'll give you all a shout :D

nice one! quite looking forwrad to it now 8)

Posted: 30 Jul 2004, 17:51
by Padstar
Ide say dont do it man.... its practically France!



Posted: 30 Jul 2004, 18:03
by Almiche V
And I'll say that if you ever fancy "a day at the beach" then get on a train to Portsmouth. You'd be very welcome here. 8)

Posted: 30 Jul 2004, 18:38
by Almiche V
BTW Is there anybody else here dahn souf? Hi to Lamia :D. We could all meet up.

Posted: 30 Jul 2004, 18:55
by hallucienate
snubnoseuk wrote:BTW Is there anybody else here dahn souf? Hi to Lamia :D. We could all meet up.
I'm quite far down south. :roll: :roll:

Posted: 30 Jul 2004, 19:03
by Francis
snubnoseuk wrote:BTW Is there anybody else here dahn souf? Hi to Lamia :D. We could all meet up.
Oooh! Jellied eels and Watney's Red Barrel. I'll bring me hankey.

Posted: 30 Jul 2004, 19:26
by Almiche V
hallucienate wrote:
snubnoseuk wrote:BTW Is there anybody else here dahn souf? Hi to Lamia :D. We could all meet up.
I'm quite far down south. :roll: :roll:
Fool :lol:


Posted: 30 Jul 2004, 19:29
by Almiche V
Francis wrote:
snubnoseuk wrote:BTW Is there anybody else here dahn souf? Hi to Lamia :D. We could all meet up.
Oooh! Jellied eels and Watney's Red Barrel. I'll bring me hankey.
Torremolinos, Torremolinos

Posted: 30 Jul 2004, 22:18
by andymackem
Exiled in the south. It's average. Very average.

Wouldn't go near Stamford Bridge if I were you. No prejudice against the team, it's just a soul-destroying place to watch football. The difference between a multiplex and a cinema, if you know what I mean.

Plus the press box is awful, and jumping around in an outbreak of unprofessional enthusiasm when Carlo Cudicini dropped a cross at the feet of Kevin Phillips on the way to a 4-2 win for the majestic Black Cats (back when we were good) was painful. Concrete roofs. They'll never catch on.

For watching football, over that side of London, Brentford's Griffin Park has a certain charm (and a pub on each corner). Loftus Road is a subbuteo stadium, Craven Cottage used to be alright.

Gigging, pubbing and stuff you can probably work out for yourself. But beer is overpriced.

Posted: 30 Jul 2004, 23:01
by Loki
andymackem wrote: But beer is overpriced.
£3.00 if you're lucky. 'Right lads, that's five pints of Stella? Sorted. My round' :D

* shudders - £15.00 round. * :urff:

PS: Funny joke in SA. You pay £1.10 for a quality bottle beer lager (Windhoek). Went to Sun City. £1.40!!!! How much? Then remembered the £3.00 bottle of Bud. In dat der London. :roll: