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Open's the piiigs

Posted: 12 Aug 2004, 18:56
by Almiche V
Good cop, bad cop?

If nothing else, it'll lead to more admin :urff:

Posted: 12 Aug 2004, 19:42
by Andy TG
IMHO - If YOU are NOT guilty of anything YOU have nothing to worry about - a good idea surely!

Posted: 12 Aug 2004, 21:11
by lazarus corporation
AndyTheGoth wrote:IMHO - If YOU are NOT guilty of anything YOU have nothing to worry about - a good idea surely!
In a perfect world, that would certainly be the case.

However, now the decision to arrest is solely dependent on the judgement (and prejudices) of the individual police officer at the time. And after watching that undercover exposé of institutionalised racism in the police force, I'd be worried if I was anything other than white.

Would anyone be confident that the 15 year old son of the local Chief Constable would be treated in exactly the same way as a 15 year old black lad in a hooded top when they each drop a piece of litter...

There's also a cost in police administration time to process an arrest - a typical arrest would perhaps be 30mins-1 hour to take the person to the local station, then 6 hours (standard) locked up in a cell. For this you need to pay for the time of the arresting officer, the custody officer etc. All of whom will be tied up dealing with someone who dropped their Mars Bar wrapper, while a real criminal is mugging old ladies.

All in all, I think it's a silly law which is solely there to give the appearance of the government tackling crime, without actually doing anything of any value. IMHO of course.

Posted: 12 Aug 2004, 23:19
by James Blast
convicted rapist wins £7 million, 2 men falsely incarcerated are asked to pay for food and boarding, God I love Britain!

Posted: 13 Aug 2004, 09:10
by Mrs RicheyJames
James Blast wrote: God I love Britain!
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 16 Aug 2004, 10:13
by markfiend
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