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RAH 85 Amateur video master on ebay

Posted: 19 Aug 2004, 11:05
by solitude
It has taken a year but I finally have transfered my master tapes to DVD.
My move abroad has crippled me financially (funny, it was supposed to make life better?).
I have decided to offer the original tapes on ebay ... 4031804774
Hopefully someone with more money than sense will want it.

I will soon offer you all a copy of the DVD which has some other things on it.


Posted: 19 Aug 2004, 11:19
by Quiff Boy
ooooh, nice! :o :notworthy:

i'm sure you'll get a little belgian or italian interest ;) ;D :lol:

and if you would be prepared to weed a dvd version at some point in the future that would indeed be most generous of you! nice one... :notworthy: 8)

Posted: 19 Aug 2004, 14:24
by ryan
£109.00 pounds in 6 hours :eek:

f**k, we're in for one hell of a ride

Posted: 19 Aug 2004, 15:02
by markfiend

RAH 85

Posted: 19 Aug 2004, 19:41
by solitude
Auction ended early but i am too much of a gentleman to reveal the details :lol:

Posted: 19 Aug 2004, 19:55
by James Blast
<------- first in the weeding queue :innocent:

Posted: 19 Aug 2004, 20:08
by lazarus corporation
James Blast wrote:<------- first in the weeding queue :innocent:

<------- second :lol:


Posted: 19 Aug 2004, 20:48
by solitude
more patience please heartlanders, good things come to those who wait(or something)

Posted: 19 Aug 2004, 22:21
by Quiff Boy
solitude wrote:more patience please heartlanders, good things come to those who wait(or something)
would you mind if i grabbed the maxi-sized versions of those csreengrabs and added them to the image gallery? :)

Posted: 20 Aug 2004, 17:32
by solitude
Quiff Boy wrote:
solitude wrote:more patience please heartlanders, good things come to those who wait(or something)
would you mind if i grabbed the maxi-sized versions of those csreengrabs and added them to the image gallery? :)
Please be my guest

Posted: 20 Aug 2004, 17:36
by solitude
I remember seeing all those stage cameramen and thinking...'who the f**k invited you!'
That kind of ruined the night for me. I would not mind but the resulting video 'Wake' was extremely dissapointing because of all the self indulgent 'special' effects

Posted: 21 Aug 2004, 13:41
by pikkrong
lazarus corporation wrote:
James Blast wrote:<------- first in the weeding queue :innocent:

<------- second :lol:

<-------- another one :innocent:

Posted: 22 Aug 2004, 02:13
by Quiff Boy
solitude wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:
solitude wrote:more patience please heartlanders, good things come to those who wait(or something)
would you mind if i grabbed the maxi-sized versions of those csreengrabs and added them to the image gallery? :)
Please be my guest
done, thanks :von: :notworthy:

Posted: 29 Aug 2004, 07:46
by Kattatonia_x
I would love a copy also. Are you looking for trades for this show? :notworthy:

Posted: 31 Aug 2004, 07:48
by Sister Ray
I was surfing the web and just literally stumbled across this site. This is awesome!!! Although now s'pose I'm supposed to share the wealth with my chums... Hmmmm :twisted: I am so sorry I missed that auction because that is quite the desirable video ya' had there... Dunno how many times I have watched wake and been completely dumfounded at the new visuals ya' can get... I know all of the special effects brought courtesy of the bad stage cameras but one has to make due :| Amazing!!! Anyway, if you would have pity on a chick and let her know if ya' would part with a copy of that on DVD... :notworthy: Hope that the move gets better :P

RAH 85

Posted: 20 Sep 2004, 21:10
by solitude
Now in the Weeding forum 8)