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Cheese Heads a go-go

Posted: 22 Aug 2004, 00:57
by Debaser
Whoo HOO!! Drove to Green Bay to pur-chase one sponge cheesehead - and very fetching it is - not so here in Minnesota however :eek:

BIG BIG BIG Hi to Corp Punk - what an absolute star. It was an absolute delight to meet you and spend so much time with you.

By the way, you should have seen her on the Cyclone at Coney Island :wink:

Anyway, here in the 'buttfuk' of nowhere, we're about to have a cookout

Cheerio from Brown's Valley Minnesota :kiss: :kiss:

p.s. Blonde hair coupled with a Hearland teeshirt is the ONLY way to get spotted at a gig :D

Posted: 22 Aug 2004, 01:05
by Francis
I never understood her when she was a Lincolnshire lass, so I've no chance now she's been Yankied. Sounds like fun though.

Posted: 22 Aug 2004, 21:09
by Justj0hn
The Cyclone is the most terrifying rollercoaster I've ever been on. Such a rickety, rusty death trap that ride is.

Heh, Minnesota.....stay well clear of any and all wood-chipping/grinding devices.


Posted: 22 Aug 2004, 21:13
by F--kwit
Debaser mate what the fck are you talking about? sounds like you are having a top time anyway, I think.

Does anyone else here have no idea what a cheese head is (that's repeateble on a well-mannered forum such as this)?

Posted: 22 Aug 2004, 21:19
by Justj0hn
Her main reason for coming to the states was to score a foam hat in the shape of a cheese wedge....which apparently are in abundance in the mid-west. Go figure.


Posted: 22 Aug 2004, 22:05
by Debaser
And very fetching it is too....but not going down too well here in 'Viking' country !!

I'm thinking it will be in attendance at the Lowry gig ;)

P.s. It's a football thang (American Football that is)

Posted: 22 Aug 2004, 22:09
by Debaser
Justj0hn wrote:
Heh, Minnesota.....stay well clear of any and all wood-chipping/grinding devices.

Just turned round and Gaz has got a gun in his hand :eek: :eek: we're off to shoot things in a bit - hopefully bits of dead cars and road signs - however, they do seem to have a penchant for shooting live things then stuffing them, here :|

Was surrounded by NRA members last night - didn't want to upset 'em so just nodded and went 'mmmnnn yup, mmmn nope' a lot ;)

Met the coolest Sioux guy called Al...incredible :notworthy:

Posted: 22 Aug 2004, 22:51
by James Blast

believe it or not Ness, that was the best I could find!

Posted: 22 Aug 2004, 23:22
by Justj0hn
whoa, those are far more disturbing than I imagined. Too bad you didn't have one for the Batcave last weekend.


Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 00:48
by CorpPunk was such a pleasure to spend time with you, Gaz, Jo and Ian too. I had a great time! Even if only three of us were man enough to get on the Cyclone... ;)

I gotta see piccies of that Cheese Brain of yours...

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 01:08
by Debaser
James Blast wrote:Image

believe it or not Ness, that was the best I could find!
THEM'S the beauties!!!! But to wear the matching shirt? Now THAT'S sad............ :wink:

Jenn, we had an absolute blast and as soon as we get back home I'll be in touch with Mik - unless John's already done so :wink:

When you've saved up some personal days and holiday you've GOT to come and stop in Lincoln.

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 01:11
by Debaser
Debaser wrote:Just turned round and Gaz has got a gun in his hand :eek: :eek: we're off to shoot things in a bit
Them cardboard boxes and old fridges didn't know what hit 'em :eek:

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 18:37
by F--kwit
Debaser wrote:
THEM'S the beauties!!!! But to wear the matching shirt? Now THAT'S sad............
They RULE!
Go on, wear it to Leeds festival on Friday. Or lend it me for about 45 minutes around 7pm... ;)

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 20:01
by CorpPunk
Debaser wrote:
James Blast wrote:Image

THEM'S the beauties!!!!
No, no...I want a pic of the cheese on your head!
Debaser wrote:Jenn, we had an absolute blast and as soon as we get back home I'll be in touch with Mik - unless John's already done so :wink:
This reminds me of when I was young and my friends' parents would let me come over to play even if my friends were grounded, cos I'm such a good influence! ;)
Debaser wrote:When you've saved up some personal days and holiday you've GOT to come and stop in Lincoln.
Hellz yeah! Just gimme a coupla years... :roll: ;)

Posted: 26 Aug 2004, 17:44
by Debaser
Pictures will happen soon (well once I get the films developed) unless I take one with our shiny new digiwhatsit camera ;)

Arrived back home at midday - for someone who can sleep for 14 hours straight and still be capable of having a little nap that afternoon, bugger that 'stay awake don't go to sleep until the proper time or you suffer horrendous jetlag' mularky.

What is it about the French and airplanes...every landing was followed by spontaneus whoops, hollers, applause and general cheering?

Leeds tomorrow? Doubt the fat lad'll get up in time, question is dare I leave withiout him??

Posted: 26 Aug 2004, 19:11
by Ginger
So you're not going to be in Leeds for 9.30am, Ness

Posted: 26 Aug 2004, 23:38
by Debaser
Debaser wrote: Doubt the fat lad'll get up in time,


Posted: 27 Aug 2004, 15:43
by CorpPunk
I'm having an intense craving for quail eggs. That's not right, is it? Do they go with cheese?

And where's my invitation?? :P

Posted: 27 Aug 2004, 23:39
by Francis
I've been wanting to go to the States ever since I read Kafka.

Posted: 27 Aug 2004, 23:53
by James Blast
I've been, but I went to obscure places

Posted: 28 Aug 2004, 00:00
by James Blast
and it's a helluva lot bigger than ye think, and then bigger again!
we are doomed

evil empire?

Posted: 28 Aug 2004, 00:09
by Francis
James Blast wrote:evil empire?
Not in my book. :innocent:

Posted: 28 Aug 2004, 00:26
by James Blast
Francis wrote:Not in my book
you lyin' get!

Posted: 28 Aug 2004, 00:32
by Francis
James Blast wrote:
Francis wrote:Not in my book
you lyin' get!
One of these days, I'm gonna sit you down...

... and buy you a pint of heavy. :wink:

Posted: 01 Sep 2004, 20:01
by Debaser
Hee hee....

I'd like to say that I'd stuck another cheesehead either side of me thighs...but I can't ...BOO HOO