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Press mention in todays Times

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 13:21
by mik
Very brief but I thought I'd share...

Tribal teens and a big lie about drugs
5 Goths, unlike other tribes, do not all listen to the same bands as each other, although they are typified by an affinity for gloomy music. Idols include Marilyn Manson, the Sisters of Mercy and Black Sabbath. They wear pasty white make-up and black clothes.
Nice to see the old stereotypes being dragged out again, although they did manage to remember the 'the', even if they failed to use a capital 'T'.

Essentially a story about how all the horror stories about 90% alcholism in pre-schoolers and compulsory heroin injections instead of PE the yoof of today don't actually take drugs but just say that they do to impress each other.

WOWSERS!!! :eek:

I vaguely remember being 13 to 14 and doing nothing worse than drinking the occasional strongbow and trying not to be sick after sharing a packet of 10 Sovereign between 4, but if anyone ESPECIALLY a reporter had asked us we'd have been whizzing our nipples off and mainlining snakebite.

Teenagers tell fibs 'cos theres nowt else to do. Also why theres so much sex at that age; rampant hormones coupled with the total lack of access to cars, pubs or clubs.

The only reason I WAS able to get away with nightclubbing and its associated hedonism (lager'n'black and Marlies) was thanks to goth you could cover yourself in pancake make-up thus making it more difficult for a (usually uninterested) bouncer to twig that you were under age.

[nostalgia]Ahh! those were the days.....[/nostalgia][/url]

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 18:33
by F--kwit
I am disappointed in you Mik, I always had you down as a 40-a-day man from the age of seven...


Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 20:33
by Andie
Lager'n'black...that's obscene...

snakebite'n'black (pink panther?) is ok but it's a bit of a mindfuck after the 4th pint or so...Cider'n'black you can sip all night without as much as a slight case of dizzyness...(or is that the drugs)

Posted: 24 Aug 2004, 09:47
by mik
Burn wrote:Lager'n'black...that's obscene...
Too true; especially when you then proceed to blow cigarette smoke through a straw into it so you get little smoke bubbles popping on the surface like some wierd lab setup in a black and white horror flick.

Anyway; we were young and impressionable fourteen year olds and it was the only way you could stomach more than a couple of pints without gagging.

When I say 'we' obviously I'm generalising and talking about me woosy mates; I was drinking Stella with a vodka top obviously - it was th only way I could get pissed what with having had half a gram of speed to meself before I went out.

Amazing how much drugs and booze you could get hold of on a paper and milk round 'wage', especially if you lumped in your school dinner and bus money, and any pocket money you managed to extract from parents and the occasiona 50p from your gran :lol:

Posted: 24 Aug 2004, 17:33
by Andie
mik wrote:
Burn wrote:Lager'n'black...that's obscene...
Too true; especially when you then proceed to blow cigarette smoke through a straw into it so you get little smoke bubbles popping on the surface like some wierd lab setup in a black and white horror flick.'re outta order...thats just plain wrong!!
mik wrote:Anyway; we were young and impressionable fourteen year olds and it was the only way you could stomach more than a couple of pints without gagging.

When I say 'we' obviously I'm generalising and talking about me woosy mates; I was drinking Stella with a vodka top obviously - it was th only way I could get pissed what with having had half a gram of speed to meself before I went out.

Amazing how much drugs and booze you could get hold of on a paper and milk round 'wage', especially if you lumped in your school dinner and bus money, and any pocket money you managed to extract from parents and the occasiona 50p from your gran :lol:

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

memory plays such tricks on you when you try to account how much you had over how far it went...bus fares 20p...pack of ten fags 50p...Cramps single in the bargin bin @ Virgin 50p (Garbageman if i remember correctly)...95p for ticket to see local band (First Priority?...anyone??)...and i'll keep the rest of my £10 weekly earnings from pocket money and selling cigs to the younger kids for beer and stuff...thank you very much! 8)