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Warm Up Tour Band Name Thingies.....

Posted: 03 Sep 2004, 23:04
by Dave R
okay, we all know the sisters ones, Near meth, Speed Kings etc etc....

but what about the rest, what is the best warm up tour band name thingy you have come across?

I remember the Cure (spit) playing as The Forest Boys (The Borderline London)
REM as Bingo Hand Job (Dingwalls London)
PWEI as Galaxian Turds (The Mitre - Stourbridge)
Neds Atomic Dustbin as Dog Doofus (JB's)
Nick Cave as the Legend (Dudley JB's)
The Nephs as The Flowers ( Wolvo Sugarhill Club)

Fess up, who saw em under what moniker???

Posted: 04 Sep 2004, 00:46
by Brideoffrankenstein
Gay Bikers on Acid once played as Lesbian Dope Heads on Mopeds :lol:

I saw Iron Maiden at Norwich Oval play as The Angel and The Gamblers(for those of you who don't know or care or both, that was the name of their album at the time). I got on the guest list! :P

Posted: 04 Sep 2004, 16:57
by James Blast
SPOTS - Sex Pistols (On Tour)
The Garden Wall - Genesis
Roger Waters - The Pink Floyd :roll:

Posted: 04 Sep 2004, 18:55
by Scardwel
Hmmm let's see...

FoT Nephilim were billed as "The Preacher Men" at their warm-up the night before Reading Festival '88.

The Wildhearts did a secret gig in London in 1996 as "The Moodswingers".

Carter USM warmed up for Reading '91 as "R.S.P.C.E."

The Macc Lads sometimes used the psuedonym "The Cheshire Chaps".

The Cure played as "5 Imaginary Boys" at the T&C II in London in 1991.

The Wonderstuff played as "10 Legged Groove Machine" at The Marquee in 1991.

Posted: 04 Sep 2004, 20:55
by James Blast
Carter USM, The Macc Lads and The Wonderstuff are thankfully outside my sphere of entertainment :|

Posted: 04 Sep 2004, 23:56
by Scardwel

Posted: 05 Sep 2004, 01:00
by biggy
FOTN - Dawnrazor
Salvation - The Smirnoff sisters

Posted: 05 Sep 2004, 13:40
by Brideoffrankenstein
James Blast wrote:Carter USM, The Macc Lads and The Wonderstuff are thankfully outside my sphere of entertainment :|
Carter and The Macc Lads make me laugh :D

Posted: 05 Sep 2004, 14:14
by Mrs. Snowey
I still treasure my celebrity coconut - as autographed by Jon Fatbeast :notworthy:

But to this day I have no idea where the blimmin' thing actually came from :eek: :lol:

Posted: 05 Sep 2004, 17:27
by Debaser
Brideoffrankenstein wrote: The Macc Lads make me laugh :D
Have sung on stage with said comedy band....... :lol: :lol: :lol:

'do yer love me?'

Posted: 05 Sep 2004, 20:04
by F--kwit
The Macc lads were twats. All went to Kings Macc (the posh fee-paying school round there) and seemed to think it was hilarious to "parody" the lower orders so to speak. They used to drink in the pub where my mate worked and they would come in on a Saturday evening and p*ss in pint pots and generally act like the scum they clearly thought everyone else was, then after hours would politely apologise and pay for any damage. the pub didn't mind cos it'd draw loads of people in "to see the Macc Lads on home turf"... it would not surprise anyone to know their oft-displayed genitals were a little on the unimpressive side too :)

I appreciate they had their moments, and who hasn't sung "No Sheep Til Buxton" or "Knutsford Scabby Women" after a few ales, but as a Macc lass by birth it still winds me up that our s**t little town produced members of two well known bands - The Macc Lads and Joy Division - but everyone always associates it with only the former!

Posted: 05 Sep 2004, 20:06
by F--kwit
...but back on topic, Franz Ferdinand once played a secret gig as "Gavrilo Princip" (which I may have possibly spelt incorrectly..........)

Posted: 05 Sep 2004, 20:28
by Mrs. Snowey
New Model Army have played under the moniker Raw Melody Men so often it's probably not really that secret any more is it? :roll: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 07 Sep 2004, 10:04
by Spiggy's hat
The Rose of Avalanche (incoming :lol: ) played a few Leeds gigs throughout the summer of 1988 as 'Absolutely Anything', due to tedious legal reasons which stopped them playing as R.O.A.

The m*****n played a Children tour warm up at Leeds Warehouse, as 'Wayne, Craig, Mick & Simon'.

Posted: 07 Sep 2004, 11:02
by vicus
The Ramones played Hamburg as "Joey, Johnny, Marky & CJ"...