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MM - "Personal Jesus"

Posted: 05 Sep 2004, 03:31
by MoonKnight
Anyone listen and/or saw too the new single of Marylin Manson, the cover of "Personal Jesus" of Depeche Mode??

I must say, YEAH!! It truely rocks, like the other covers by Manson and I must say if not him, who else could make such a great evil cover-version?

Anyway, the cover-story by Manson seem to be well continued...

What you thinking about?

I like DM very a lot, but I just think if someone cover that song, then MM!!

Rocks! :notworthy:

Posted: 05 Sep 2004, 13:38
by Brideoffrankenstein
:urff: :urff:
No disrespect but I find they alwsys manage to ruin classic songs. Tainted love and Sweet Dreams being two of 'em
and now Persanol Jesus??

Christ on a bike

Posted: 05 Sep 2004, 16:16
by Quiff Boy
why cant the f*ck sack write his own material?

3 cover versions all released as singles is stretching it a bit :roll:

Posted: 06 Sep 2004, 09:33
by markfiend
Quiff Boy wrote:3 cover versions all released as singles is stretching it a bit :roll:
3 cover versions all released as singles says just one word to me.


Posted: 06 Sep 2004, 09:44
by hallucienate
"let's take songs our audience's parents love and mangle them!!" :roll:

Once a song has been covered by Mr Cash no one else should be allowed near it.

Posted: 06 Sep 2004, 10:06
by Quiff Boy
@ markfiend: hegg zakerly! :roll:

@ hal: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 06 Sep 2004, 13:09
by flowersdie
It's awful.

Posted: 06 Sep 2004, 13:14
by hallucienate
so he's sticking to form then?

Posted: 06 Sep 2004, 14:52
by andymackem
Seems to be. I mean, what kind of a band actually, y'know, releases records and s**t?

That's so 1992, isn't it?

Posted: 06 Sep 2004, 14:54
by sisxbeforedawn
sorry, but I just hate MM. think he's just a produced act just like any ohter boy or girl band

Posted: 06 Sep 2004, 14:55
by markfiend
Yeah, I guess you're right there andy. OK, so releasing hods of cover versions may well be lazy, but it's a fuck of a lot less lazy than releasing sod-all.

Posted: 06 Sep 2004, 14:57
by Quiff Boy
andymackem wrote:Seems to be. I mean, what kind of a band actually, y'know, releases records and ****?

That's so 1992, isn't it?
harsh but fair :lol:

:( :urff: :roll:

Posted: 06 Sep 2004, 14:58
by andymackem
markfiend wrote:Yeah, I guess you're right there andy. OK, so releasing hods of cover versions may well be lazy, but it's a fuck of a lot less lazy than releasing sod-all.
Wow. Haven't heard someone use the word "hods" for years. :notworthy:

Takes me back to school. And sends me off-topic. Did anyone else use "hellish" to mean really good? Or was that just a Sunderland thing?

Posted: 06 Sep 2004, 15:01
by markfiend
andymackem wrote:Wow. Haven't heard someone use the word "hods" for years.
Oops. At least you knew what I meant! :lol:

Posted: 06 Sep 2004, 16:21
by christophe
I like MM's work, but its a bit over hyped. I do like his Covers; he knows how to bring them in his own way. And so what if he is "produced", as long I like his music he's okay in my Book. :D

But you are probably right he owes his popularity to his covers and not by his own music...

Posted: 06 Sep 2004, 16:25
by ryan
i didnt mind it actually. and of course its better that he releases a cover song rather than anymore of his NEW work, god forbid. The last album was typical manson s**t. But its almost like someone added to that s**t and created a new breed of s**t....

for god sakes manson, reach out and touch faith! :roll:

Posted: 06 Sep 2004, 16:28
by Quiff Boy
i don't get the impression that he's "produced" in the sense of a svengali figure behind the scenes creating an image for him... i think brian IS the svengali and that "marylin manson" is a contrived personality that he's tailored and adapted in order to get into public consciousness in a very deliberate and considered way.

he's a very intelligent chap and from the couple of interviews i've seen of him he seems to be a man with a plan.

still don't like his tunes though ;)

his music is too conventionally angry, too obviously "shocking"

i think NIN were better when they were miserable rather than angry, and that "body electric" is the angriest song i've ever heard.

its not how loud you shout or how distorted your drums & guitars are, its about what you're saying, and as far as i can see von is spitting pure venom with body electric where as MM is saying "look, i'm a freak, hate me for being wild and wacky".


Posted: 06 Sep 2004, 16:32
by ryan
i really cant think of anything that a performer could do that would be considered shoking anymore :|

Posted: 06 Sep 2004, 16:45
by christophe
@ QuiffI didn’t actually mean he is produced like some boys band.
But the look of the band and there songs are well put together, in order to chock and still be commercial I think his covers are a way to get to people he would otherwise not reach. And it is not a bad way. I must say I really like what he has done so far.
@ ryan
if we could think about it, it wouldn’t shock us anymore :wink: don’t be afraid there are ways. :twisted:
And maybe it isn’t meant to shock us but to tell another story than CNN and let us decide what to believe and what to do…

Posted: 06 Sep 2004, 16:50
by ryan
nah. the whole fu ck the news and the goverment is old :(

its too hard to think of something fresh, all the good things are taken :lol:

Posted: 06 Sep 2004, 16:54
by Quiff Boy
Quiff Boy wrote:MM is saying "look, i'm a freak, hate me for being wild and wacky".
i forgot to add "which makes him a sad, sad tw*t" :lol:

Posted: 06 Sep 2004, 16:59
by rian
I heard that song on the radio yesterday. And yes, the original is better.

But it didn't sounded "that" bad. But I'm not a fan of covers.

But I do have the CD that other bands are doing covers of DM songs. Pretty good actually.

Posted: 12 Sep 2004, 10:30
by dead stars
Quiff Boy wrote:i don't get the impression that he's "produced" in the sense of a svengali figure behind the scenes creating an image for him... i think brian IS the svengali and that "marylin manson" is a contrived personality that he's tailored and adapted in order to get into public consciousness in a very deliberate and considered way.

he's a very intelligent chap and from the couple of interviews i've seen of him he seems to be a man with a plan.

still don't like his tunes though ;)

his music is too conventionally angry, too obviously "shocking"
I'm surprised by your opinion, Quiff. I would say for sure you'd hate him. How strange.
However, I met Brian Warner (Marilyn Manson) personally, and he is a very intelligent individual, I can guarantee that. I myself was surprised. Delightfully surprised.
Quiff Boy wrote: i think NIN were better when they were miserable rather than angry, and that "body electric" is the angriest song i've ever heard.
Interesting, never had thought of the angriest song I've ever heard, but I'm sure I've heard angrier than Body Electric. Just give me time to go through my record collection...
Quiff Boy wrote: its not how loud you shout or how distorted your drums & guitars are, its about what you're saying, and as far as i can see von is spitting pure venom with body electric where as MM is saying "look, i'm a freak, hate me for being wild and wacky".

I don't think Marylin Manson is saying that... I'd say he is highly provocative in America because it's very bad to say anything "bad" about America in America.
What he said in the press conference I was in was that Europe is a lot more tolerant and educated than the States - about why his gigs weren't banned here.
I was very surprised. This happened in 1996.
I wonder, sometimes, especially listening to "Holy Wood", how come no one has killed him yet.

Posted: 12 Sep 2004, 12:52
by moonchild
dead stars wrote: However, I met Brian Warner (Marilyn Manson) personally, and he is a very intelligent individual, I can guarantee that. I myself was surprised. Delightfully surprised.
I didn't met him personally (damn) but i saw many interviews, specially when he was in japan, and i must agree that he is really very intelligent with a very strong personality.
I like his music a lot (from a long time) and i think he is the best doing covers.


Posted: 12 Sep 2004, 14:23
by Dan
Brideoffrankenstein wrote::urff: :urff:
No disrespect but I find they alwsys manage to ruin classic songs. Tainted love and Sweet Dreams being two of 'em
I prefer his version of Sweet Dreams to the original, I'm not overly keen on his interpretation of Tainted Love though.
Quiff Boy wrote:... i think brian IS the svengali and that "marylin manson" is a contrived personality that he's tailored and adapted in order to get into public consciousness in a very deliberate and considered way.
Yeh, that's obvious (to me anyway). He's a showman, he's not really satanic and bla bla bla. In the interviews I've seen of him he always behaves normally, and not in character as "Marilyn Manson". He seems like an intelligent guy.

I haven't heard his version of Personal Jesus. I shall download it later.