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This afternoon I have been mostly...

Posted: 07 Sep 2004, 15:44
by CellThree
...making this demo. I had nothing better to do. Writing, recording and MP3ing. Less than an hour.

No drums as I generally think about them afterwards. no lead guitar as I couldn't work out a nice lead in the time I had and no vocal coz I didn't want to spoil it with my warbling and I had no lyrics either!

3 track

Posted: 07 Sep 2004, 16:02
by Almiche V
Nice and mellow mate. 8)

Does it need drums and lead guitar? Although it does sound very Brian Eno/Daniel Lanois at the moment.

Posted: 07 Sep 2004, 16:24
by christophe
not bad :D

I know nothing about writing or playing music, you have a talent I will never have. use it C3 !!!

Posted: 07 Sep 2004, 18:34
by James Blast
leave it as it is, it's most excellent, a hymn form a haunted ballroom