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Death In June

Posted: 10 Sep 2004, 02:27
by DGP00666
I hope somebody can help me with this... I always liked Death In June's music but since I have been living in the States I have only seen cancelled shows and a huge paraphernalia against them because these people think the band supports national socialist propaganda. I imagine this is just a pile of s**t similar to what happened to Laibach some years ago. Anyway, I would really appreciate somebody with a little knowledge telling me what is going on behind this band that for some reason I like so much.


Posted: 10 Sep 2004, 08:40
by randdebiel²
well I'm not really in the knowing but how I view it is this:
the wwhole national socialism thingie started as a joke (like at the time david tibet did too....) but they got lost in their own game....nowadays they certainly seem like genuine national socialists to me...
which is one of the alleged reasons for the currnt 93/death in june current war....

Posted: 10 Sep 2004, 10:41
by mik
Given the allegations of Nazism its funny then that Douglas was invited to play a gig in Israel and went down very well indeed.

Some of the totenkopf images are provocative (and, if you're so inclined to beleieve, are the runes,) but does anyone seriously believe that Siouxsie Sioux is/was a nazi for wearing a swastika armband on the Grundy show?

Douglas is a fat poof with a uniform fetish, but DEFINITELY not a nazi.

Posted: 10 Sep 2004, 13:24
by Silence is platinum
well his collaboration with Blutharsch dosen t help much, and
from an interview i once read most of lp s titles have something
to do with german history between 1933 - 1944. Go figure.

A good answer to all this by someone, was that the image more has to do with kinky sex stuff than politics. Settles everything...

Posted: 10 Sep 2004, 20:37
by Dave R
I think it mainly comes down to the whole "Brown Book" release, the imagery and people being damn stupid, If you dig a little deeper the allegiance is more in the Church of Satan/Boyd Rice Connections...

try here for an insight...

btw, Superb Band without a doubt.

Nuff Said

Posted: 11 Sep 2004, 17:20
by sisxbeforedawn
I used to write to DouglasP years ago and he came across as a very nice bloke, I got some pretty funky stuff from him 8) Came before Christ and murder love was a classic :) there where loads of other projects that they all where involved with, Taste for Flesh was weird but funky, must dig out the old 12" and have a listen.

I had a box I used to keep letters and stuff from bands, and yup the thing went missing :( I had quite a few letters from the mish in there as well :lol:


Posted: 11 Sep 2004, 23:45
by Rivers
And Murder Love always sounded like a Sisters song to me.

Posted: 12 Sep 2004, 00:04
by James Blast
homo-erotic fascists

Posted: 12 Sep 2004, 00:07
by Rivers
I liked some of their music but was put off by their image. I was under the impression that they were a one man band (again like the Sisters :lol: ) So they had links with Psychic TV?

Posted: 18 Sep 2004, 12:22
by pikkrong
DIJ's music is very fascinating, no doubt, but there's something that made me (a couple of years ago or so) to stop to listen to them. (The strange thing - I rediscovered all my DIJ CDs just before this topic started.) Can't take their nazy-stuff too seriously but even if it's a joke it bacame too sick joke for me.
It's easier to talk about Laibach - "Tanzen mit Faschismus und Roter Anarchismus" - not too sophisticated, I guess :)