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For Fox Sake...

Posted: 15 Sep 2004, 20:12
by Mrs. Snowey
Don't want to jinx it, but it looks like the anti-hunting bill might actually stand a chance this time round, I believe it's just been voted through in the Commons anyway ?:eek:

Please, please, please 8)

P.S. Anyone else think the footage of the pro-hunting protesters experiencing (ahem) "reasonable force" at the hands of the police was rather apt? :wink:

Posted: 15 Sep 2004, 20:46
by Andie
while i have nothing against the protesters in general...i do have issues with what they are protesting about...

i think the Govt has finally stepped up to the plate and in a long and drawn out way finally put an end to hunting with packs of dogs...

about time to!

Posted: 15 Sep 2004, 20:51
by lazarus corporation
the government has said it'll use the Parliament Act to force it through the House of Lords, so yes, it should get banned. At last.

Re: For Fox Sake...

Posted: 15 Sep 2004, 21:10
by Lars Svensson
Mrs. Snowey wrote: P.S. Anyone else think the footage of the pro-hunting protesters experiencing (ahem) "reasonable force" at the hands of the police was rather apt? :wink:
Invoking the spirit of 1984 and the miners' strike and some of the (much worse, much more violent by a mile) scenes we saw then, I have to agree that it's nice to see the whingeing toffs and their skivvies getting a taste of the police baton for a change...

I'd've gone for the water cannon myself, but there you go.

"The end of a way of life", "Destroying communities"...Errrr, yeah...these sentiments sound rather familiar from about 20 years ago - but I suppose those taking part in that demo weren't worried about that because it was those horrible working class people oooop north.

This might sound harsh...but b*llocks to it. Let's just think what they're protesting about...the right to kill things.

Despite the fact that Tony Blair's only doing this because he's got an election next year and needs to get some of his MPs back on side after the Iraq debacle, I'm afraid I have to say he's doing something right this time...

I have a glow in me cockles and a spring in me step...It will come but it will pass...har har :innocent: ;D

Posted: 15 Sep 2004, 21:11
by emilystrange
i'm with Mrs Snowey.

Posted: 15 Sep 2004, 21:16
by Lord of the Night
Why are we wasting valuable Commons time on this piece of hippy crap ?

If they can't run fast enough they die . Life lesson over !

Posted: 15 Sep 2004, 21:27
by lazarus corporation
Lord of the Night wrote:Why are we wasting valuable Commons time on this piece of hippy **** ?
It was an election promise and so Commons times should be used on it - the government were elected with this as part of their collection of policies, and if they renaged on that promise then it would be bad for democracy.

You may ask why the opposition have wasted so much valuable Commons time in opposing an election promise, and one that, in independent objectively worded opinion polls over decades, the majority of people agree with.
Lord of the Night wrote:If they can't run fast enough they die . Life lesson over !
Personally, I'd like that rule to apply to the pro-hunt fanatics. :lol:

Posted: 15 Sep 2004, 21:28
by emilystrange
and politicians...

Posted: 15 Sep 2004, 21:30
by Thea
Lord of the Night wrote:Why are we wasting valuable Commons time on this piece of hippy **** ?

If they can't run fast enough they die . Life lesson over !
Normally i'd agree with you there, but
1) The fox's natural predetor is not the "Upper-Class-twit-Onna-Horse"
2) There's no reason to kill foxes. You don't get fox meat, and i can't think what else you could make out of a fox (they've not got enough fur on 'em to bother making anything, and if you've ever stroked a fox, their fur's too rough to wear anyway)
3) Living out in the sticks meself, foxes have never bothered me. They sometimes wander along the top of the garden, the dog goes to look at them, they bugger off. Big jessies the lot of them.
4) Farmers who get pissy about foxes killing their animals should fence their animals in better. Ususally it's just chickens, and it's hardly rocket science to build a better enclosure for them.

Posted: 15 Sep 2004, 21:31
by Lord of the Night

Posted: 15 Sep 2004, 21:38
by James Blast

sorry :oops:

Posted: 15 Sep 2004, 21:41
by Lord of the Night
Nice .

Posted: 15 Sep 2004, 21:48
by Mrs RicheyJames
Lordy Lordy Lordy.......Stick to yer tea mate!!! LOL

Posted: 15 Sep 2004, 21:50
by moonchild
d00mw0lf wrote:
Lord of the Night wrote:Why are we wasting valuable Commons time on this piece of hippy **** ?

If they can't run fast enough they die . Life lesson over !
Normally i'd agree with you there, but
1) The fox's natural predetor is not the "Upper-Class-****-Onna-Horse"
2) There's no reason to kill foxes. You don't get fox meat, and i can't think what else you could make out of a fox (they've not got enough fur on 'em to bother making anything, and if you've ever stroked a fox, their fur's too rough to wear anyway)
3) Living out in the sticks meself, foxes have never bothered me. They sometimes wander along the top of the garden, the dog goes to look at them, they bugger off. Big jessies the lot of them.
4) Farmers who get pissy about foxes killing their animals should fence their animals in better. Ususally it's just chickens, and it's hardly rocket science to build a better enclosure for them.
i agree with all that you said d00mw0lf.

Posted: 15 Sep 2004, 21:51
by Lord of the Night
Is the land turning into a liberal wasteland with nothing left ?

No risk no fun no excitement no adventure ?

Everything packaged and available in Tesco ?

Personally I'd rather have freedom of choice than more nanny state .

Posted: 15 Sep 2004, 21:51
by moonchild
Lord of the Night wrote:Why are we wasting valuable Commons time on this piece of hippy **** ?

If they can't run fast enough they die . Life lesson over !
:eek: :eek: :eek:

Posted: 15 Sep 2004, 21:58
by lazarus corporation
Lord of the Night wrote:Is the land turning into a liberal wasteland with nothing left ?

No risk no fun no excitement no adventure ?

Everything packaged and available in Tesco ?

Personally I'd rather have freedom of choice than more nanny state .
banning fox hunting will no more turn the UK into a nanny state/liberal wasteland/whatever than banning bear-baiting, dog-fighting, cock-fighting or any other bloodsport over the past centuries.

And I don't think there's much "risk" in 30 mounted riders and a pack of hounds against one fox.

(my last post on the subject - just to keep things peaceful ;) )

Posted: 15 Sep 2004, 22:01
by Thea
What about upper-class tw@t hunting? one upper class tw@t runs through a field screaming, while another bunch of 'em chases him on horseback - then they can do all the smearing blood on faces crap AND control the ritch fu(kwit population in one go :lol:

Posted: 15 Sep 2004, 22:02
by emilystrange
Do you think slapping small children is a good idea too?

Posted: 15 Sep 2004, 22:04
by Lord of the Night
No I don't emily .

Do you like cheese ?

Posted: 15 Sep 2004, 22:04
by Thea
James Blast wrote:Image

sorry :oops:
Worst. Coat. Ever. 8)

Posted: 15 Sep 2004, 22:05
by Thea
emilystrange wrote:Do you think slapping small children is a good idea too?
Play nice with the n00b. :roll:

Posted: 15 Sep 2004, 22:06
by Lord of the Night
Why start now doomy ?

Posted: 15 Sep 2004, 22:09
by Lord of the Night
Anyway enuff of this I'm off to stick pins in the dog if that's alright .................

Posted: 15 Sep 2004, 22:21
by Rivers
I'm quite happy this will go through, about time too. As for destroying jobs etc. Who pays people to go fox hunting? It's not very economical is it? I'll give you £20 to get rid of that pesky fox mr Lord of the Hunt. You say what, you need 30 men on horses, 50 hounds eh? I'm not paying for all that crap.
Come on, there's no money to be made out of it, thats why people do it for fun. No more fun you say, well I like porn but the law says I can't buy that either so tough s**t. At least my hobby keeps me in the house and doesn't bother anyone else.