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sisters poll

Posted: 21 Sep 2004, 19:08
by aaron_quinton
this is a shorter version of my idea for the only poll that matters...
this is the serious one that hopefully anyone who has contact with Adam and Andrew will take seriously and pass on to them...


Posted: 22 Sep 2004, 08:32
by _emma_
I can't vote cause there's no "I would give all the money I have, and take a loan from a bank if necessary" option. :?

Posted: 22 Sep 2004, 09:23
by CtrlAltDelete
:eek: $50?? :eek:

Sorry, I wouldn't pay $50 for any album. That's just silly. I barely payed that much for my computer.

Posted: 22 Sep 2004, 09:51
by MrChris
I would pay $100, but I fear no-one will take my pennies from me...

Posted: 22 Sep 2004, 10:00
by hallucienate
I would complain too much about paying silly money for it, but I'm sure the rest of the music buying public wouldn't be that keen. :roll:

Posted: 22 Sep 2004, 10:15
by mh
Where's the "I'll wait till it appears in the bargain bins, but would pay over £100 for a fake Damage Done" option?

Posted: 22 Sep 2004, 10:23
by markfiend
:lol: Like it mh.

Personally, I voted option 2. Even though I think £16 is a total rip-off for a CD, it seems to be the going rate for new releases these days. The record companies aren't going to drop their prices any time soon methinks.

BTW, who voted for the fourth option? :evil: :lol:

Posted: 22 Sep 2004, 11:23
by MrChris
Grrr, I think it was Quiffy...

Posted: 22 Sep 2004, 11:59
by Quiff Boy
no, i rather predictably voted for option 2 :D

Posted: 22 Sep 2004, 14:29
by straylight

Does the word spiv have a diffferent meaning in America? Or are Sisters fans known for trading in nylons & 'Swiss' watches?

Posted: 22 Sep 2004, 15:28
by andymackem
I went for option two, but I'd probably pay $12 for a CDR of new material if it were available.

It might be better if only a few little-known master copies were floating about and could be cranked out on ebay, SSV-style.

Posted: 22 Sep 2004, 16:14
by boudicca
_emma_ wrote:I can't vote cause there's no "I would give all the money I have, and take a loan from a bank if necessary" option. :?
Me too. I would be prepared to rob the bank! :twisted: And if the Von is looking to buy any more swampland and/or Mercs, he might just put us all in that position...

Posted: 22 Sep 2004, 16:22
by Electrochrome
I would drop up to $20 on The Sisters if it was real, certified Eldo product of 'new' (re: studio versions of songs we all know) material. Of course, $20 is about what a CD costs at retail in the US now, which is criminal and should, in fact, encourage people to steal them. I won't even discuss the UKs insane retail prices for discs, or the still-bizarre practice of releasing two over-priced CD singles (with two songs on them).

$50? No, I would steal the thing before $50 was dropped. And as for nice inlay cards, I would hope The Sisters can find someone who can press actual CDs with liner notes, though we're still expected to believe that nobody on Earth will sign TSOM (maybe Von should get the hint that his name is **** in the industry?)


Posted: 22 Sep 2004, 18:18
by aaron_quinton
well it seems that the people who are honest and would drop $50 are gaining, with the average price people in the lead...

the ebay thing would never happen, as a.e. might be concerned that one person would bid high and then sell cdr copies to make their money back, therefore cutting him out on any money to be made...

either way, if there is a limited release of the new album (say, only on continental europe or u.k.) people will do the same thing...

when vision thing was released the cd burning thing was not mainstream...

it is now...

so what is the practical solution?

the sisters need to find a cd manufacturer that can press the cd's with the new anti-burning technology (like velvet revolver)

charge a nominal fee per download through paypal on the currently useless merciful release site...

just have us all here on heartland start a
Save The Sisters Charity Drive....

they can then distribute the new album as our "free gift" for donating to the reptile house ltd.

Re: w.t.f.

Posted: 22 Sep 2004, 18:52
by CtrlAltDelete
aaron_quinton wrote:or:
just have us all here on heartland start a
Save The Sisters Charity Drive....

they can then distribute the new album as our "free gift" for donating to the reptile house ltd.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

He drives a BMW (or is it a Merc?) and I walk everywhere. If anything, he should be giving me money (especially after the ridiculous amount of money I had to shell out for SGWBM. They label it here as an import, so the price is around $30).

Posted: 22 Sep 2004, 23:51
by Rivers
Perhaps Von should approach the silly tw*ts who keep giving Danni Minogue money to make albums that nobody buys. This happens year in year out now. WTF?

Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 00:10
by BritneyJean
About as much as I would pay if the muppets at Jive Records could somehow remove whatever’s up their asses and release the leftovers (Chaotic! More Than You Know!) from the In The Zone sessions, i.e. Quite. A. Lot. Of. Money.

Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 01:45
by shivarising
:lol: $50????

I'd pay the going retail rate of $9.99 for a new CD.

Honestly, if it were $50, then I'd snipe it from KAZAA :innocent:

Re: w.t.f.

Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 01:50
by shivarising
aaron_quinton wrote:
the sisters need to find a cd manufacturer that can press the cd's with the anti-burning technology (like velvet revolver)

Yeah, but unlike the morons in Velvet Revolver, Andrew surely realizes that anti-burning technology cannot stop someone from ripping the tracks onto their comp and burning those tracks back onto CD-R from comp. :innocent:

Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 03:18
by Electrochrome
I think this reflects two of the big issues re: no new Sisters material.

One is the current climate of the record industry, and the fact that they have been slow and totally incompetent from the beginning in dealing with downloading, and this leads to artists suffering or in this case, just not playing the game at all.

Also, the fact that The Sisters, or basically AE himself, see the band as major label material, and deserving of the 'competent exploitation' of a major (resources, advertising, support, etc.)

No anti-pirate technology (which a teenager figured out how to beat) will change that. The fact remains that two-bit bands are getting albums released, and Danni Minogue is getting money to get **** that no one buys.

Eldritch does not want to play the game unless it is worth it for him and the band, bottom line. I have to respect that, but on the other hand, it is certainly frustrating to see so many bands, big and small, releasing albums, despite the fear and uncertainty with regards to downloading, etc.

It just tells you what Eldrithc thinks of TSOM and the fans--it's basically worth his time, or it's not. It won't matter if they make super anti-hacking CDs, or if it's $12 or $50. If there is not support to make it worthwhile, then he's content to disappear into other things.

I just find frustration and contradiction in the fact that AE feels he was burned in the past by a major, but would happily be fed by their hands again if they pay up, assuming they will even market The Sisters properly. It probably won't happen. Their best bet is a smaller label, which he's apparently content on not pursuing.

So...::sigh::...once again, at least we have our memories, and our bootlegs.

Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 10:24
by markfiend
Technically speaking, as the anti-hack thing on some new CDs actually violates the CD blue-book (is that what it's called?) standard, they shouldn't be called "music CDs"; they're CD-ROMs with music content and won't play in some older CD players.

</nerd> :lol: