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tertiary phase...did it cut it ?

Posted: 22 Sep 2004, 13:25
by wintermute
ok, it's on limited evidence, one episode only and on a dodgy FM receiver but.... i was a bit disappointed.

the guide was just a little too fast, and the characters a little too laid back, sound effects a bit overdone and predictable. didn't quite recreate the mental imagery of the first two series.

maybe it's familiarity with the material this time around, i was similarly underwhelmed initially by the tv series though that grew on me

unexpected pleasure to hear the closing credits in a familiar voice though and will hope for a blossoming of enjoyment as the series progresses.

Posted: 22 Sep 2004, 14:51
by Lars Svensson
I don't think it'll ever quite live up to expectations...

First, the material's so well the books so many times! Second what once sounded fantastically futuristic is now so commonplace...all that synthesized wibbly wobbly stuff!

However! I still got a real buzz from hearing THAT theme tune again (I was worried they'd have f*cked around with, but wisely they didn't) and those voices...they even managed to get round the problem of The Book's original narrator having shuffled off this mortal coil. AND they got Marvin's voice just right...etc etc

So, on the whole I agree that it was a tad underwhelming, but it has to be done to tie up the loose ends and I don't think it's doing any harm to Mr Adams' legacy - plus it might get some more people interested! ;D

Posted: 22 Sep 2004, 20:04
by smiscandlon
I rather enjoyed it, but I'm really just a casual fan (enjoyed the TV series on first showing, read the first couple of books many years ago, but that's about it). Perhaps because I'm more distanced from the source material I didn't come to it with any pre-defined expectations.

The 'new' voice of the Guide definitely works for me though - it could have gone horribly wrong with the wrong actor in the role...

Posted: 22 Sep 2004, 23:53
by Lars Svensson
smiscandlon wrote:The 'new' voice of the Guide definitely works for me though - it could have gone horribly wrong with the wrong actor in the role...
Definitely! :notworthy:

So many choices I'm sure...but this was the right one...

I'm honestly not complaining, though! It's like having an old friend back in town... ;D