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So long for now

Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 01:51
by Lynchfanatic
Since it has ended with my bf, and he is moving before me. He will ofcourse take the computer with him. It might be this weekend, but I think he will wait until next wekkend. Im not here every day maybe, but I'll miss you guys.

I'm going home to look for a place to live next weekend. And as soon as I find something and get a computer up, I'll be back ;) But it might take some time though.

(I just hope I wont miss the rapture radio broadcast of Cranes :cry: )

Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 07:46
by moonchild
Wish you all the best.

And for sure we will miss you too. :(
Many kisses

Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 08:16
by sisxbeforedawn
sorry to hear that :(

all the best and see you when you get back :)

Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 08:51
by Almiche V
Be seeing you. Be good.

Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 09:14
by randdebiel²
all the best...

Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 09:24
by hallucienate
hurry back.

Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 11:01
by Quiff Boy
take care :)

Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 14:14
by Lamia
Be good, take care and come back soon xx

Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 14:55
by Rivers
I don't know you but I'm missing you already. Take care.

Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 15:08
by hallucienate
I can't believe no one else has said it yet: So Long, Marianne :wink:

Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 15:20
by rapture_radio
Just when I met someone good to talk about David Lynch with...NO!!!!!!!..ANWAY, Be safe, don't do anything I would dop and hope to see you back here soon..Good luck with everything from Boston

Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 15:28
by rian
See you later

Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 16:25
by christophe
see you later LF.
good luck in finding a new home! we will be waithing to hear from you.


Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 16:56
by lazarus corporation
I'd suggest moving to Brighton in the UK, but only if you can earn a high enough wage to support my drinking habits :innocent:

Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 18:05
by Izzy HaveMercy
Lots of strength, LF!
What kind of moron would let a gem like you slip through his fingers, eh?

All the best,


Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 18:34
by James Blast
arra best Lynchy, hurry back

Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 18:34
by Andie
Izzy HaveMercy wrote: What kind of moron would let a gem like you slip through his fingers, eh?

nail on the head Izzy... :notworthy:

some guys just don't realise what they have until it's to late...

stay safe LF...and stay warm :innocent: :eek:



Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 20:28
by smiscandlon
All the best young lady.

Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 20:48
by moonchild
Burn wrote:
some guys just don't realise what they have until it's to late...
Absolutely correct. And then they cry and ask: "why this could happen".

Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 20:55
by Dave R
Catch you on the flipside dear.....still looking for a Nemi book for ya...will be in touch.



Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 21:15
by Debaser
Come back soon

Posted: 24 Sep 2004, 14:35
by Lynchfanatic
Wow, being called a gem and all :oops: hehe

I'm glad some one actually did notice this thread hehe-.

@lazarus He he he, well, a friend of mine is moving to the UK on sunday actually, she found out on monday :eek: Maybe I can join her :wink:

Oh when I am back we can talk all you want about David ;) I never get sick of that. I sometimes have to stop people that get me started hehe.

@hallucienate I figured that one would show up :wink:

@Rivers awwwwww, how sweet. Im glad I will be missed, hehe

Posted: 24 Sep 2004, 15:23
by rapture_radio
Well When you get back I will do a special radio show for you and we can talk for 40 hours with no sleep anout David "Golly" Lynch...
be well

Posted: 24 Sep 2004, 15:30
by Lynchfanatic
rapture_radio wrote:Well When you get back I will do a special radio show for you and we can talk for 40 hours with no sleep anout David "Golly" Lynch...
be well
YEY, hehe. Have you heard "Moment of Tranquility" by Apoptygma Berzerk? A tribute to Twin Peaks ;) Add that to the show then ;)

Posted: 24 Sep 2004, 15:33
by rapture_radio
Will do :wink: Just for you :notworthy: