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Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by RobF
What can I say, a very pleasant surprise, the gig really did kick ass... and nary a complaint was heard, other than about the t-shirts (which I like!)...

Upon arriving "En Suisse" I made my way upon a clean and efficiently run train to Bex...My terror at such a surreal form of transport was soon assauged by the stunning views of snow capped Alps all over the ruddy shop as I arrived in the tiny town, and went for a wander... Hotels, meetings, vodka, taxis and hire cars ensued for the next 24 hours...but none of that is particularly relevant to this We arrived at the site about 9.00pm to be greeted by a rather small, but seemingly efficient set up, the main stage tent took around 3-4000 as far as I could work out. Some standing and gibbering then occured as we waited "for the next one to arrive..." (Sorry)... Smoke, lights, and then erm, Lucretia! As I started seeing the sisters in 93, this was a first for me, and it was blimmin great... the remainder of the setlist has been posted elswhere, and I was far too f**ked to remember, but it was fair mayhem like down the front, just as I like it (though I did get told off a couple of times...). The set overall wasn't hugely different to the last couple of years, but Neverland was a great addition and worked really well live (we can but pray for "Driven..." but I doubt it) none of the new tunes mentioned of late, but it was a fairly short affair of about an hour and a half... the band seemed to be in a good mood, and the lights were cool... a good time had by all as far as I could work out....encores... and some stuff happened, then I fell over...thank you and goodnight!!! :grin:

" the time I get to Arizona..."

<font size=1>[ This Message was edited by: RobF on Jul 1, 2002 2:24pm ]</font>

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Drsisters
Yes, Bex gig was truly brilliant. Can´t wait to get my hands on a bootleg copy of the gig :smile:

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by 6FeetOver

*Green with envy*... :mad: :sad: :P

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Guest
sounded good didnt it

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Alice Clucker
As Sinny said,

Green with envy...........
:sad: :sad: :cry:

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by HisWimmNess
After nine hours in the car, we arrived in Bex just in time for the gig.

First surprise: the entranceprice: only 24 CHF.
Second surprise: the price of the beer: 8 CHF !!!
Third one: not many people, everybody sitting on chairs around tables. I really hesitated to drop anything on the grass, it seemd like the police would pick you up for such a thing... :grin:

Show was great, sound acceptable but not super. Andrew was enjoying himselve a lot. "Where is my cloud, Jurgen?" "That's not a big cloud" and just before the encores "Habba Habba"

I was hoping for another Sugar Baby Love, but it wasn't to be. And allthough everybody writes the encore was "NeverLand" I felt it seemed a lot like the Cure's "Never Enough".

I really enjoyed the both Flood's and Summer, they were played brilliantly. Another surprise "First and Last and Always" sounded very very strong.

Brilliant gig, can't hardly wait for the next one.