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Help, anyone got MTV at home??? can they tape me..Oct 31st..

Posted: 30 Sep 2004, 21:39
by Padstar
Help, anyone got MTV at home???

OCT 31st is a program about THE CURE called

MTV Icon "The Cure".

Its like a lifetime recognition thing.... if someone could tape this for me (i dont have MTV, ide really appreciate it!

ta muchly,

Re: Help, anyone got MTV at home??? can they tape me..Oct 31

Posted: 30 Sep 2004, 21:49
by Petseri
Padstar wrote:
Tommorrow, OCT 31st is a program about THE CURE called

Not that I can help, but:

October 1st or 31st?


Posted: 30 Sep 2004, 21:53
by James Blast
I can, but you will have to remind me several times between now and then, it's a senior moment thing. :(

Posted: 30 Sep 2004, 21:57
by Padstar
October 31st.... enthusiasm ya know....

Paddy :)

Posted: 30 Sep 2004, 22:01
by emilystrange
oy i said yes

Posted: 30 Sep 2004, 22:03
by James Blast
so is it tomorrow night or the end of Oct?

I forgot to add Aaaaaaarrrrrr!

Posted: 30 Sep 2004, 22:13
by moonchild
I have MTV and with pleasure i record it... but... i dunno if that will pass only in MTV Uk / MTV Europe or if it is MTV US or MTV Portugal.

I will check it now. :roll:

Posted: 30 Sep 2004, 22:16
by moonchild
hummmm.. i have only MTV Portugal. :(

Posted: 30 Sep 2004, 22:49
by Mrs. Snowey
James Blast wrote:I can, but you will have to remind me several times between now and then, it's a senior moment thing. :(
Remind me too. I didn't know it was on, but now I do, I'd hate to miss it 8)

Posted: 30 Sep 2004, 23:35
by Thea
Heh... some of my mates are gonna be on that - no doubt i'll be able to aquire a copy...

Posted: 01 Oct 2004, 00:39
by Padstar
In the end then..... looks like im sorted ;)

many thanks,

Posted: 01 Oct 2004, 00:47
by JansenClone
If you need a DVD version let me know. In which respect if you also fancy a copy of the Italy concert (well, 30 mins worth) from this year's MTV broadcast I can do that too! :wink:

* Shameless plug alert

Oh, and if you want to see my mate who engineered their 'Wish' album (tenuous link) he's playing live at the Royal Park tomorrow with his band BCB.

* Plug alert over

I'll get my coat...


Posted: 01 Oct 2004, 08:16
by lizzy32
Pads, just come round and watch it we will be watching and taping it, but i don't want any fisticuffs between you and your bass player about what was the best cure era.


Posted: 01 Oct 2004, 08:47
by randdebiel²
we have ionly mtv france I think....