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Posted: 04 Oct 2004, 15:56
by keys
This link was posted on our site... some of you may appreciate the content!

Re: Chavs!

Posted: 04 Oct 2004, 16:12
by Padstar
keys wrote:This link was posted on our site... some of you may appreciate the content!

Quite droll !!!!


Posted: 04 Oct 2004, 17:09
by Dan
Go to and do a search for chav in the search box at top left.
:D :D :D :D

Posted: 04 Oct 2004, 17:49
by rian
Dan wrote:Go to and do a search for chav in the search box at top left.
:D :D :D :D

Posted: 04 Oct 2004, 18:31
by James Blast
I still think 'neds' is a better name for them

Posted: 04 Oct 2004, 18:50
by Quiff Boy
James Blast wrote:I still think 'neds' is a better name for them
IMHO "pikey c*nts" sums it up nicely.

Posted: 04 Oct 2004, 19:56
by smiscandlon
I agree with James.

And Quiff Boy.

Posted: 04 Oct 2004, 20:00
by smiscandlon
One (gold sovereign) ring to rule them all...


Posted: 04 Oct 2004, 20:00
by James Blast
very diplomatic, Stepen

Posted: 04 Oct 2004, 20:01
by sisxbeforedawn
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 05 Oct 2004, 10:49
by Thea
don't call them neds... because the word "ned's" (with or without apostrophie) should never be seen without the words "atomic" and "dustbin". As in the goon show or the band - i'm not fussy....
just you lot be thankful you don't have to live with one....
don't call them neds... because the word "ned's" (with or without apostrophie) should never be seen without the words "atomic" and "dustbin". As in the goon show or the band - i'm not fussy....
just you lot be thankful you don't have to live with one....

Posted: 05 Oct 2004, 17:05
by boudicca
d00mw0lf wrote:don't call them neds... because the word "ned's" (with or without apostrophie) should never be seen without the words "atomic" and "dustbin". As in the goon show or the band - i'm not fussy....
just you lot be thankful you don't have to live with one....
:lol: I've never been able to hear that band's name without laughing. I didn't even realise you Southern folk called them 'chavs' until very recently.

I have developed a range of words from the original noun "ned". My fellow Northern sorts may find them useful:
* 'Neddery' (noun) - ex. "That is some high-class, five-sovereign-rings-per-hand neddery over there."
* 'Nedify' (verb)- ex. "I have a feeling that the new family at number 5. are going to nedify this neighbourhood, what with their uncouth behaviour and poor dress sense."
* 'Neducation' (noun) The initiation of the ned. "His neducation consisted of the consumption of 5 gallons of Buckfast, endurance of glass in the face, and mugging an old lady."

So you see, "ned" is a word rich in possibilities...

Posted: 06 Oct 2004, 06:16
by Mrs RicheyJames
boudicca wrote:. I didn't even realise you Southern folk called them 'chavs' until very recently.
Oi!! I'm not a southern type! I realise you'd call anyone in England a southerner as you live reet oop north but STOP IT :twisted:

Posted: 06 Oct 2004, 10:23
by Ed Rhombus
So you're not a southern SG, even though you were born in London?

Right ho

Posted: 06 Oct 2004, 11:17
by boudicca
Sexygothâ„¢ wrote:
boudicca wrote:. I didn't even realise you Southern folk called them 'chavs' until very recently.
Oi!! I'm not a southern type! I realise you'd call anyone in England a southerner as you live reet oop north but STOP IT :twisted:
It wasn't meant to be derogatory! I'm not an anti-English freak. I'm just anti-the use of the word 'chavs'. :)

Posted: 06 Oct 2004, 12:18
by keys
well we generally use the word Scallies here in Manchester - a unique breed of future inmates sporting trackie bottoms tucked into shin-length sports socks, draped in 3 pages worth of Elizabeth duke bling (total cost £16.99) which induces mutual respect within said peer group '...awww, man... that's well boss, man... sound... sorted... safe... bangin'... top one!...'


Posted: 06 Oct 2004, 15:08
by Almiche V
How did this happen? Are people everywhere being assimilated into being cockneys? Is resistance futile.....?

Please can I blame television.

Posted: 06 Oct 2004, 19:02
by andymackem
We always used to have Charvers, or Charvas, up my way. As it were ...

I guess that could be an accent thing as far as Chavs go.

Down here it's Chavs and Pikeys. Remember Neds well from my Glasgae days, but never took to it.

Trash tends to cover them for me.

Posted: 06 Oct 2004, 19:12
by James Blast
andymackem wrote:Remember Neds well from my Glasgae days, but never took to it.
Wiittt? Man! Yer jokin' ya radge!
Neds is pure kwality, by the way, innat.

Posted: 06 Oct 2004, 20:12
by smiscandlon
keys wrote:...sporting trackie bottoms tucked into shin-length sports socks...
Funniest ned I ever saw appeared to be an apprentice workman ned - possibly a joiner or plumber.

He was wearing a blue boiler suit with the legs tucked into white sports socks, rounded off with a pair of white trainers.


Posted: 06 Oct 2004, 20:15
by Quiff Boy
smiscandlon wrote:
keys wrote:...sporting trackie bottoms tucked into shin-length sports socks...
Funniest ned I ever saw appeared to be an apprentice workman ned - possibly a joiner or plumber.

He was wearing a blue boiler suit with the legs tucked into white sports socks, rounded off with a pair of white trainers.

you always get a few of those hanging around the top end of leeds as its very near the builders college :lol:

Posted: 06 Oct 2004, 22:42
by Rivers
Quite a few around these days, they breed like rabbits you know! In the fields and eat carrots.

Posted: 07 Oct 2004, 00:53
by boudicca
I've always wondered who initially starts these ned/chav/scally 'fashion' trends (I'm a fashion student myself, yet it remains a complete mystery to me). I can only assume that there are some misguided but highly creative bright sparks somewhere... somewhere within their ranks. Maybe.

Skip caps at 45 degree angles, perched on the back of the head... pure genuis! :notworthy:

Posted: 07 Oct 2004, 09:51
by markfiend
I discovered where the trousers-tucked-into-socks bit comes from anyway. Apparently it's an American prison thing; the prison uniforms have no pockets so the inmates tuck their trouser legs into their socks so that they can put ciggies etc. down the inside of their trousers and they won't fall out the bottom.

Why the chavscum want to copy that is beyond me though.

Posted: 07 Oct 2004, 10:15
by CellThree
markfiend wrote:I discovered where the trousers-tucked-into-socks bit comes from anyway. Apparently it's an American prison thing; the prison uniforms have no pockets so the inmates tuck their trouser legs into their socks so that they can put ciggies etc. down the inside of their trousers and they won't fall out the bottom.

Why the chavscum want to copy that is beyond me though.

Practice. :lol: