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Posted: 05 Oct 2004, 15:10
by MrChris
I just had a really weird experience. I work in a university. A student just knocked on my door asking for a particular document. I gave it to him, and he screwed it up in front of me :eek: . He seemed to glaze over, wandered around a bit, and then went and sat on my desk and stared at me :eek: .

I have to confess to being a bit scared by this, and I assumed he was on some pretty nasty drugs :urff: . I didn't know what to do, so eventually I went and opened the door, and kind of said 'well, if that's everything...' and he got the message and left. I locked the door.

Ten minutes later, he came to the door again, and asked if he had been to my office :? . Turns out he's epileptic, and blanks out. I feel very bad for assuming he's on drugs. Not that he knows that. He doesn't know what happened. We agreed he should go for a lie down. I think I treated him okay, but it's an oddly troubling event... :|

Thought I'd share that with someone...

Posted: 05 Oct 2004, 15:12
by markfiend
Blimey I'm not surprised you were freaked out!

Posted: 05 Oct 2004, 15:14
by rian
A friend of mine is epileptic. Scares the s**t out of me sometimes.

Posted: 05 Oct 2004, 15:19
by Purple Light
Sound very weird.
My Dad is epileptic but he luckily gets about a 2 minute warning in his head if its gonna happen so he can sit down/lie down/whatever.

Good job really coz U could give your head a right crack on the floor if it came out of nowhere!

Posted: 05 Oct 2004, 16:29
by christophe
very strange :?
good for him you didn't do anything when he first enterd your room.
I had never heard epileptic could react this way.

once I saw how my nephew fell down at a party and started shaking around, this was a long time ago and I had never heard of epilepsy before, so I didn’t knew what to do.
I finally called his parents while we was throwing up all over the place but when his parents arrived he was better and they accused me for alarming them when he was only a bit drunk.
Only years later they finally discovered he is a epileptic.

Posted: 05 Oct 2004, 17:59
by moonchild
You act very well. And is normal (depending on the reactions) to think that people are on weird drugs.
I worked with a girl (she decide to go away from the job) that had many strange reactions.
The 1st time she act weird, she was working on the middle of me and another workmate, on the computer.
Luis (the other one) decide to put some music and after a lil time she asked to put it down. He did, and then she asked it again, and he did it again till the music couldn't not be heard. Then on one moment she said "ooohh.. is cold (it was hot summer) and she started to say with a voice of a lil girl "pls, pls, not on the lil girl" and having other weird reactions for that moment. we looked at her, i got very nervous cause i didn't knew what to do. I tryed to talk with her, but it looks like she was in some kind of trance.
Then she stoped, looked at me cause i was like this ----> :eek: and said: "why you have that face? why are you both so near me and with scared faces?" She didn't knew what she had done.
This kind of things happened many other times, till one of those times she grabbed on a paper knife. In that moment i got scared and when she calmed down i talked with her, telling what had happened all those days. And that's when she said that she had some problems and she was all time in the doctor. She asked us to go too to say to him what happened to try to help her in the cure.
We didn't knew when the things happened, if we should laugh or not, cause the situation was funny but we had respect for this desease.

Posted: 06 Oct 2004, 10:30
by MrChris
Hmmm, thanks for your messages, it sounds like some of you have had similar experiences. I'm going to talk to the welfare officer and see if this guy needs any extra help. This kind of thing opens your eyes a bit...

Posted: 06 Oct 2004, 16:17
by pikkrong
Once I saw one person suffering for attack of alcoholic epilepsy (or how it's called in English). Cramps and so on. Dispiriting.
Of course, we called a doctor and everything seemed OK the next day. But now he's dead. He went to swim this summer.