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The Wonder of Afrikaans

Posted: 06 Oct 2004, 12:41
by lucretia
I'm feeling decidely festive today, cos it's my Burpday (yes, yes, thanks - presents can be left at the door) ... so I thought I'd post this silly thing for all of us in Sisters land who can understand the Ou Taal. :P

One day Meraai wanted to bake a cake, but she ran out of eggs. So she went to her usual grocery store in the dorp where she lived.

As she walked in, the owner, Gatiep, was there and she asked him for a dozen eggs.

She went back home and baked the cake.

To her surprise the eggs were rotten, so she went back to the store and this time Gatiep wasn't there, but his wife, Sera was there.

Meraai approached the lady and said

"Weet jy, jou man het vrot eiers?"

Sera, obviously shocked and upset said "Hoe weet jy my man het vrot eiers!?"

Meraai replied, "Kom ruik my koek!"

Posted: 06 Oct 2004, 12:47
by randdebiel²


Posted: 06 Oct 2004, 12:49
by hallucienate

oh, and:

Posted: 06 Oct 2004, 12:51
by hallucienate
how do you say "choose your side and subject" in afrikaans?

Posted: 06 Oct 2004, 12:51
by lazarus corporation
happy birthday!

Posted: 06 Oct 2004, 12:54
by Karst
Now there's a filthy joke...

Posted: 06 Oct 2004, 16:50
by christophe
happy B-day

good Joke :lol:

Posted: 06 Oct 2004, 17:02
by rian
Happy Birthday....

.. and I didn't get the joke :urff:

Posted: 06 Oct 2004, 17:44
by James Blast
novel way of starting a Bidet thread J :D
many happy returns

Blast! Image

Posted: 06 Oct 2004, 17:57
by Almiche V
rian wrote:Happy Birthday....

.. and I didn't get the joke :urff:
Me neither... and Babelfish can't translate it.

Have a funtustic day!

Posted: 07 Oct 2004, 01:04
by boudicca
Everything's funny in Afrikaans. Apart from "You people cannot sit on these benches" and the like, obviously.

Posted: 07 Oct 2004, 09:18
by hallucienate
boudicca wrote:Everything's funny in Afrikaans. Apart from "You people cannot sit on these benches" and the like, obviously.
aaaaah, the "Net Blankes" signs on the sides of trains. My brother used to turn those into skateboards :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 13 Oct 2004, 12:39
by randdebiel²
'n Man loop in by 'n kroeg. Hy loop sonder iets te seg teen die een muur op,
teen die dak en weer af met die ander muur. Die mense kyk hom
verbaas aan en vra vir die kroegman, en dit?????????
Die kroegman antwoord: Moenie julle daaraan steur nie, hy groet my ook nooit.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 13 Oct 2004, 13:14
by Ferry H.P.
Happy burpday!

Opa (85 jaar) en Oma (80 jaar) is 55 jaar getrouwd. Op Valentynsdag zit die twee op die stoep en die tante vraagd voor die oom: "Pa, ons is al zo lang getrouwd, wy hebben goeie tyden saam doorgebragd op Valentynsdag zowel als in onze jong dagen. Wil jy maar niet vanaand een beetje hier by my in bed kome leggen, zodat ons die ou herinneringen een beetje kan aanwakker en herroep?" Opa laat hom niet twee keer uitnodigen. Hy karfoefel zo beetje... zuigd aan haar buusten en na 5 minuten raak hulle toe vast de slaap. De volgende oggend toen Oma wakker word is Opa mors-dood. Koud! Oma vraagd een lyk schouwing aan en in het verslag wat terugkom:
"Mogelyke oorzaak van dood: voedselvergiftiging: vloeistof ontdek waarvan die vervaldatum al lang voorby is!"

Posted: 13 Oct 2004, 13:26
by randdebiel²
ziek :lol:

Posted: 13 Oct 2004, 15:02
by Izzy HaveMercy
Oh my ;D

Nice one, Spinner.


Posted: 13 Oct 2004, 18:10
by lucretia
Thanks for all the good jokes on me burpday - this was cool!