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The Sisters Of Murphy,Oct 8th, The Roost, Long Eaton

Posted: 07 Oct 2004, 18:13
by Padstar
The Sisters Of Murphy,Oct 8th, The Roost, Long Eaton

Tommorrow night infact... hope to see some of you there :)


Posted: 07 Oct 2004, 18:40
by emilystrange
this time, paddy, it really is no.... sorry, i can't, no money, no time, but lots of inclination!


Posted: 07 Oct 2004, 18:44
by Quiff Boy
where the hell is that? :lol:

Posted: 07 Oct 2004, 18:46
by Quiff Boy

Posted: 07 Oct 2004, 22:35
by Purple Light
Long Eaton, that's the posh Southern end of UK is it not?!
Can't make that one. I'm desperate for U guys to play in Leeds again!!!

Posted: 07 Oct 2004, 22:38
by lazarus corporation
Purple Light wrote:Long Eaton, that's the posh Southern end of UK is it not?!
Can't make that one. I'm desperate for U guys to play in Leeds again!!!
Bloody hell - I move out of Nottingham, and two months later you play on my ex-doorstep.

Haven't seen the Smurphs since a gig at the Rig in Nottingham some years back.

Posted: 07 Oct 2004, 22:54
by Purple Light
lazarus corporation wrote:
Purple Light wrote:Long Eaton, that's the posh Southern end of UK is it not?!
Can't make that one. I'm desperate for U guys to play in Leeds again!!!
Bloody hell - I move out of Nottingham, and two months later you play on my ex-doorstep.

Haven't seen the Smurphs since a gig at the Rig in Nottingham some years back.
Nottingham? Doorstep?!
Not quite Southern UK then! Oh well.
Still, can't make it.
Please Paddy, play Leeds very soon.

Posted: 07 Oct 2004, 23:04
by Scardwel
They're playing in Leeds a week on Friday (@ The Royal Park Cellars) according to their site. See you there!

Posted: 07 Oct 2004, 23:12
by Purple Light
Scardwel wrote:They're playing in Leeds a week on Friday (@ The Royal Park Cellars) according to their site. See you there!
Cheers Scarwell.
I can sleep happy now!
I'll be there. Was gonna be doing sommat else but The Smurphs win. Anyone else going U know of from here?

Re: The Sisters Of Murphy,Oct 8th, The Roost, Long Eaton

Posted: 07 Oct 2004, 23:49
by Debaser
Padstar wrote:The Sisters Of Murphy,Oct 8th, The Roost, Long Eaton

Tommorrow night infact... hope to see some of you there :)

Practically local......... :x am off out fer a meal tomorow night.

Posted: 07 Oct 2004, 23:52
by Quiff Boy
eat quickly ;)

Posted: 08 Oct 2004, 13:48
by Ian - Rhythm Smurph
Purple Light wrote:I'm desperate for U guys to play in Leeds again!!!
We'll see you next Friday then ;-)

15th October, 2004, Leeds, The Royal Park Cellars

Just for you!

Edit: - Oops sorry Scardy - On the ball as ever I see.

Posted: 08 Oct 2004, 13:51
by Ian - Rhythm Smurph
Looking forward to tonight - It's always good to break in a new venue.

And to anyone from Nottingham type way we are heading back to that self same venue with Grinn in a couple of weeks - could do with some support for anyone that can make it.

Grinn - Thursday 21st October 2004 - The Roost - Long Eaton, Notts. Support from 'No Hope'

Posted: 08 Oct 2004, 13:58
by emilystrange
Excuse me Mr Rhythm Smurph *curtsey*
could you or someone do a review of a smurphs gig for the fanzine? doesnt matter which gig, next ish out in Dec. We posted paddy ish 2 with the grinn review in it.....

Posted: 08 Oct 2004, 14:02
by Ian - Rhythm Smurph
Sure it can be arranged!

Posted: 08 Oct 2004, 14:06
by emilystrange
thanks very much. please help yourself to a slice of west yorkshire.

Posted: 09 Oct 2004, 00:02
by Francis
Scardwel wrote:They're playing in Leeds a week on Friday (@ The Royal Park Cellars) according to their site. See you there!
Well alright!

Posted: 09 Oct 2004, 10:19
by The Grinn Reaper
Well i enjoyed it, it was worth travelling down for, good night was had by all.

Liz :D :D

Posted: 09 Oct 2004, 19:41
by Padstar
Thanks :)

Well im currently in Littlehampton moving the EndorphinManchine closer to life :)


Posted: 09 Oct 2004, 20:23
by Ed Rhombus
If you're in Littlehampton. I suggest you start by moving it closer to the centre of the known universe.

Posted: 09 Oct 2004, 20:58
by emilystrange
or even norwich

Posted: 10 Oct 2004, 10:49
by Debaser
Ian - Rhythm Smurph wrote:
Grinn - Thursday 21st October 2004 - The Roost - Long Eaton, Notts. Support from 'No Hope'
OH FOR F.S bloody well in Bradford that night, seeing Franz Ferdinand...... :evil:

Posted: 10 Oct 2004, 12:31
by emilystrange
they do it on purpose, ness...

Posted: 10 Oct 2004, 13:13
by Debaser
They blummin' well do! :roll:

Posted: 10 Oct 2004, 21:21
by Quiff Boy
Debaser wrote:
Ian - Rhythm Smurph wrote:
Grinn - Thursday 21st October 2004 - The Roost - Long Eaton, Notts. Support from 'No Hope'
OH FOR F.S bloody well in Bradford that night, seeing Franz Ferdinand...... :evil:
me too 8)

yay!! :notworthy: