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Stupid Sandwiches

Posted: 11 Oct 2004, 12:05
by lucretia
Just heard this on the old radio - according to some ridiculous research done at an insanely overfunded University in the UK (Oxford?) what you put on your sandwich can help you get to the top. There were a couple of examples given but the one that stood out for me (!) was that a Toasted Chocolate and Banana sarmie is a cure for a hangover.

Posted: 11 Oct 2004, 14:12
by andymackem
Choc and banana toasties rule!

Great stuff. Not sure about a hangover cure, mind. I'll stick to Irn Bru for that.

Posted: 11 Oct 2004, 17:29
by emilystrange
there is a thing called a 'hawkins sandwich'... I bet the oxford people missed that one... :D

Posted: 11 Oct 2004, 20:55
by Almiche V
emilystrange wrote:there is a thing called a 'hawkins sandwich'... I bet the oxford people missed that one... :D
Hm, I've searched for it on Google(tm) and I'm none the wiser. Is it filthy?

Posted: 11 Oct 2004, 20:58
by emilystrange
oh christ yes....
you'll only ever find it on darklings' sites.
tis a favourite snack.

Posted: 11 Oct 2004, 21:01
by Almiche V
Very curious now...

Posted: 11 Oct 2004, 21:18
by emilystrange
right.. how many hawkins brothers?

Posted: 11 Oct 2004, 21:27
by Almiche V
Oh god, it's The Darkness isn't it. Enough please, I have a very vivid imagination.

Posted: 11 Oct 2004, 21:28
by emilystrange
good GRIEF you're slow tonight...

Posted: 11 Oct 2004, 21:32
by Almiche V
Must try harder. This could lead to double entendres.

Posted: 11 Oct 2004, 21:39
by emilystrange
Almiche V wrote: I have a very vivid imagination.
you've got nothing on the darklings... *ahem*

Posted: 11 Oct 2004, 21:49
by emilystrange
they actually have a 'dirty little buggers' club.. i am not a member, being far too grown up... :D

Posted: 11 Oct 2004, 21:49
by Almiche V
I mean I picture things easily. Way too easily.

Do you know someone who'd like some leather trousers?

Posted: 11 Oct 2004, 21:50
by emilystrange
so do i...

i can ask...

Posted: 11 Oct 2004, 21:51
by Almiche V
emilystrange wrote:they actually have a 'dirty little buggers' club.. i am not a member, being far too grown up... :D
Oh go on with you...

Posted: 11 Oct 2004, 21:53
by emilystrange
no i'm not, really... i don't want my thoughts on the matter on forum for everyone to see! no shame these girls...

Posted: 11 Oct 2004, 21:58
by Almiche V
A woman of discretion.

Posted: 11 Oct 2004, 22:03
by emilystrange
oh yes...
its a fanzine thing.. trying to build up a reputation as being sensible... (am an editor)

must dash... xxxx

Posted: 11 Oct 2004, 22:09
by Mrs. Snowey
Is this another one of those "let's get off-topic as quickly as possible" threads :wink:

P.S. I misread it as "hawkings" sandwich, :roll: and was thinking of Stephen Hawking... :urff:

Posted: 11 Oct 2004, 22:09
by James Blast
can I mention the 'backstage rider/sandwich' section in This Is....?
should I leave you two to it?

Posted: 11 Oct 2004, 22:24
by Almiche V
@ mrs snowey - thanks for that.

@ james blast - no sir, you carry on chief.

Posted: 11 Oct 2004, 22:39
by James Blast
Almiche, it's basically, sandwiches that don't even go up to 2, nevermind 11 :wink:

Posted: 11 Oct 2004, 22:41
by Almiche V
My mind is alive and dancing again.

Posted: 11 Oct 2004, 22:51
by cyn
hmm, never been big on sandwiches what about wrapping things in tortillas?

Posted: 11 Oct 2004, 23:21
by lazarus corporation
I'm with Mrs Snowey - I was thinkiong of Stephen Hawking

But then I went off on my own tangent and then the idea of a hawking sandwich got very very sick

in a metallic, robotic-voice kinda way