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Posted: 11 Oct 2004, 12:39
by vicus
anybody seen this?:

Posted: 11 Oct 2004, 12:43
by markfiend
Someone is (or several someones are) not going to be very happy :lol:

But then again, isn't that what goth is all about? ;)

Posted: 11 Oct 2004, 12:46
by vicus
markfiend wrote:Someone is (or several someones are) not going to be very happy :lol:
Jepp, Steve Severin will be very angry :lol:

Posted: 11 Oct 2004, 12:51
by ryan
its too bright...

Posted: 11 Oct 2004, 13:09
by randdebiel²
indeed, they forgot the "the" :o

Posted: 11 Oct 2004, 13:21
by MrChris
I might buy that just for old time's sake. Nostalgia isn't what it used to be...

Posted: 11 Oct 2004, 18:40
by James Blast
if they missed the 'the' out (well spotted randdebiel²) on the cover, I can guess what the content is like, was a certain Mr. Mercer involved with this one? :innocent:

Posted: 11 Oct 2004, 18:55
by hallucienate
James Blast wrote:if they missed the 'the' out (well spotted randdebiel²) on the cover, I can guess what the content is like, was a certain Mr. Mercer involved with this one? :innocent:
and we all know how much von just loves the NME
What is hell?

"You tell me; I don't write for NME."

Posted: 11 Oct 2004, 19:24
by Quiff Boy
i dont think mr mercer has had owt to do with the nme for a number of years...

he's strictly freelance now:

Posted: 12 Oct 2004, 00:31
by boudicca
What exactly is Von's beef (ahem!) with The Mick? Is it purely down to "You called me a g-g-g...ohIcan'tsayit - and I'm sooo not! LOOK I'm wearing a big orange jacket that makes me look like a B&Q worker just to prove how totally not-g-g-g-... oh you know... I am!"

Posted: 12 Oct 2004, 08:00
by randdebiel²
James Blast wrote:if they missed the 'the' out (well spotted randdebiel²) on the cover, I can guess what the content is like, was a certain Mr. Mercer involved with this one? :innocent:
if you look well on thesepages you'll note most of my constructive posts have to do with missing "the" 's :lol:

Posted: 12 Oct 2004, 08:44
by Karst
I think these things are often the NME turning their archive upside down. Hardly going to be any new material I'd say. Still, there was a good article with Andrew in the NME around the time of the greatest hits release I believe. It had the Cure on the front cover. Can't recall but I have it somewhere...

Posted: 12 Oct 2004, 10:14
by Lowrider
hallucienate wrote: and we all know how much von just loves the NME
What is hell?

"You tell me; I don't write for NME."
The NME logo is a bit of a misnomer -- since the death of the Melody Maker, their archives are regularly plundered as well, plus other mags too I think from memory.

There's some modern day narrative, but it's essentially word-for-word reprints which are good to see again.


Posted: 12 Oct 2004, 20:24
by pikkrong
Sorry mates, a bad-English-speaking Heartlander from Peru... no, from Estonia (this time) wants to know if any of you could be so kind and send me this issue. If you sent me a PM we could discuss how could I pay. But be sure, I would do it.


Posted: 12 Oct 2004, 21:54
by pikkrong
in fact I was serious :innocent:

(in spite of my weird sense of humour :oops: )

Posted: 12 Oct 2004, 22:02
by Quiff Boy
pikkrong wrote:in fact I was serious :innocent:

(in spite of my weird sense of humour :oops: )
i'll see if i can pick you up a copy when its comes out ;)

remind me nearer the time though as i'm quite likely to forget :urff:

Posted: 12 Oct 2004, 22:08
by pikkrong
Quiff Boy wrote:
pikkrong wrote:in fact I was serious :innocent:

(in spite of my weird sense of humour :oops: )
i'll see if i can pick you up a copy when its comes out ;)

remind me nearer the time though as i'm quite likely to forget :urff:
Danke :notworthy:

Posted: 13 Oct 2004, 11:03
by Ed Rhombus
People would moan if they weren't on that list.

No big fan of the NME, but hey ho. Worth a look

Posted: 13 Oct 2004, 11:26
by boudicca
I want to know wny Von hates The Mick dammit! Tell me tell me tell me!

Posted: 13 Oct 2004, 11:57
by Karst
Quote from the interview:

"I gather Mick Mercer keeps revising his Book Of G*** to include ever-more-ascerbic comments about us because we still refuse to talk to him. Go figure."

Posted: 15 Oct 2004, 00:35
by boudicca
Karst wrote:Quote from the interview:

"I gather Mick Mercer keeps revising his Book Of G*** to include ever-more-ascerbic comments about us because we still refuse to talk to him. Go figure."
Yeah, I've heard that one. But why will Von not talk to him (I know he says 'we' but I assume it's a Royal we).

Posted: 15 Oct 2004, 00:40
by Quiff Boy
"ever-more-ascerbic comments about us because we still refuse to talk to him"

i imagine he must have said something in the very early days that von took umbridge to :?:

certainly mr mercer has been a staunch supporter of all things goffick for the last decade plus, and even seems to respect the sisters :o

so i've no idea where eldo got the idea that mick holds some sort of grudge from.

unless, shock! horror! gasp! and i know this is very much out of character for him, but unless von is actually the one holding the grudge?

nah, thats not like our fearless leader now, is it?


just a thought ;)

Posted: 15 Oct 2004, 09:34
by Karst
Mick Mercer is a journalist - and not a very good one to be honest. He has tried to write the History of G*** times over again while fewer people have become interested and he's forced to sell his goods over eBay at knockdown prices. Seems to me that poor Mick nearly considers it a personal injury that Eldritch refuses to speak to him let alone acknowledge him. Another aspect is that some people seem to accuse the Sisters of turning G*** into stadium rock and making it mainstream (although that is maybe more relevant to the Mish/Cure in the latter part of the Eighties).

In the end people like Mercer are pretty much irrelevant as they provide a skewed analysis. They can't seperate the concept of a 'movement' and the corporate set up of the music biz.

Posted: 17 Oct 2004, 20:47
by vicus
Karst wrote:Seems to me that poor Mick nearly considers it a personal injury that Eldritch refuses to speak to him let alone acknowledge him.
Same with Siouxsie...

Posted: 17 Oct 2004, 21:02
by James Blast
It might help if he could write an interesting story instead of his dull facts about how The Cult were not only the founding fathers but the champions of Goth music
