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Marc Almond

Posted: 18 Oct 2004, 10:28
by Loki

Posted: 18 Oct 2004, 10:35
by hallucienate

Posted: 18 Oct 2004, 10:42
by Quiff Boy
thats awful!

Posted: 18 Oct 2004, 11:10
by markfiend
Bad news :cry: Hope he's OK.

Posted: 18 Oct 2004, 11:49
by Francis
Someone else who was responsible for introducing me to the wreckless joy of drunken dad dancing. :notworthy:

I think I've still got Tainted Love on 7" actually. Time for a whirl around the settee...

Posted: 18 Oct 2004, 14:00
by rian

Posted: 18 Oct 2004, 14:06
by Dave R
Bloody Hell!!!

I have just finished reading his biography....damn brilliant man...a true entertainer....

Fingers crossed the elfin one pulls through...

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Posted: 18 Oct 2004, 14:50
by Karst
Proper pop star - even Wayne admitted to that ;)

Posted: 18 Oct 2004, 14:56
by hallucienate
Karst wrote:Proper pop star - even Wayne admitted to that ;)
yes, but wayne said Fat Bob is a great kisser :urff: :urff:

Posted: 18 Oct 2004, 16:16
by Thea
poor marc :(

Posted: 18 Oct 2004, 17:57
by Erudite
Bummer! :(

Hopefully, he'll pull through.

Posted: 18 Oct 2004, 18:08
by flowersdie
He's not critical anymore, apparently, thank god.

Posted: 18 Oct 2004, 18:42
by JansenClone
BBC Look North keeping up their usual level of tact reported this story of a 'former Leeds University student' with an accompanying clip of him singing, "Take a look at my face for the last time..." :urff:

Posted: 18 Oct 2004, 21:16
by emilystrange
oh dear. BBC at its best..

best wishes to marc

Posted: 19 Oct 2004, 10:21
by andymackem
JansenClone wrote:BBC Look North keeping up their usual level of tact reported this story of a 'former Leeds University student' with an accompanying clip of him singing, "Take a look at my face for the last time..." :urff:
Inappropriate, but quite funny nonetheless. I sense a trainee researcher having a laugh here.

Posted: 19 Oct 2004, 21:19
by pikkrong
emilystrange wrote:

best wishes to marc
the same here.

Posted: 19 Oct 2004, 21:48
by moonchild
Was a very sad thing that happened to him (and to us as a fans or kind of).
Sometimes life can be cruel.

Posted: 19 Oct 2004, 23:00
by Chairman Bux
"Doing a Billy" and crashing one's bike is never a pretty thing.

Best wishes, Marc.

Posted: 20 Oct 2004, 00:05
by James Blast
maybe the last of that jism will be dislodged, and we can all move on now :eek:

Posted: 20 Oct 2004, 09:48
by MrChris
Oh dear, poor taste. Lol. Wan't that just an urban myth, anyway?

Posted: 20 Oct 2004, 12:02
by markfiend
MrChris wrote:Oh dear, poor taste. Lol. Wan't that just an urban myth, anyway?
Yup, sure was. There's nothing poisonous in semen, and to get a gallon in your stomach you'd need a couple of thousand men...

Posted: 06 Nov 2004, 14:24
by JansenClone
Just thought I'd add this :D

Posted: 06 Nov 2004, 14:33
by Mrs RicheyJames
YEAY!! :D :D :D

Posted: 06 Nov 2004, 14:50
by rian
JansenClone wrote:Just thought I'd add this :D

Posted: 06 Nov 2004, 20:27
by pikkrong
JansenClone wrote:Just thought I'd add this :D
thanks for these news :notworthy: