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Get your tanks off MY lawn...

Posted: 18 Oct 2004, 14:54
by Lars Svensson
This is NOT an anti-american rant...just an anti-american government AND anti-British government rant...

It appears that the Menwith Hill/Fylingdales 'spy station' just up the road from Leeds (which is laughingly signposted as 'RAF' Fylingdales, despite being US territory can you believe?), could play host to American missiles as part of Son Of Star Wars...

If this goes ahead, which it almost undoubtedly will, it proves that once again GB - or its government - is proving it's a mere lapdog to the US government and sickens and angers me.

Who are these bloody missiles likely to protect the US from? This is a serious question - I honestly don't know? The Russians??? The Iraqis????

All it means is that WE in the UK end up as targets for even more nutters/terrorists/fundamentalists/idiots...and what do we get in return? Bugger all...

And, no, this isn't a case of Not In My Back Yard...I'd be as bloody annoyed if it was anywhere else in the UK.

"This is the 51st State"

BAH!!!!!! :roll: :x

Posted: 18 Oct 2004, 15:01
by markfiend
Interesting experiment:

Take an ordinance survey map of the York Moors, the area including Fylingdales. Look on the map for RAF Fylingdales. What do you find?

This is the map of the relevant area.

Terrorists and unfriendly governments are hardly going to need a map to find the fucking place are they? :roll:

Posted: 18 Oct 2004, 16:28
by Lars Svensson
They've not exactly tried hard to hide it have they? ;D

Posted: 18 Oct 2004, 16:32
by Quiff Boy
"It ain't that stealthy when its parked on your front lawn!"

Posted: 18 Oct 2004, 18:54
by Francis
You'd better get there and pitch your tents quick lads before those women beat you to it again. :wink:

Re: Get your tanks off MY lawn...

Posted: 19 Oct 2004, 00:43
by CtrlAltDelete
Lars Svensson wrote:This is NOT an anti-american rant...just an anti-american government AND anti-British government rant...

It appears that the Menwith Hill/Fylingdales 'spy station' just up the road from Leeds (which is laughingly signposted as 'RAF' Fylingdales, despite being US territory can you believe?), could play host to American missiles as part of Son Of Star Wars...

If this goes ahead, which it almost undoubtedly will, it proves that once again GB - or its government - is proving it's a mere lapdog to the US government and sickens and angers me.

Who are these bloody missiles likely to protect the US from? This is a serious question - I honestly don't know? The Russians??? The Iraqis????

All it means is that WE in the UK end up as targets for even more nutters/terrorists/fundamentalists/idiots...and what do we get in return? Bugger all...

And, no, this isn't a case of Not In My Back Yard...I'd be as bloody annoyed if it was anywhere else in the UK.

"This is the 51st State"

BAH!!!!!! :roll: :x

Not to split hairs, but the tag of 51st state is technically already taken by Peurto Rico.

Posted: 19 Oct 2004, 01:03
by The Pope
And sometimes the District of Columbia...maybe...

Posted: 19 Oct 2004, 01:18
by CtrlAltDelete
The Pope wrote:And sometimes the District of Columbia...maybe...

Good point. So that would put GB at 53rd.

We're racking up the acquisitions left and right. Pretty soon this will be planet USA.

Sad, sad thought.

Posted: 19 Oct 2004, 02:59
by The Pope
Too bad 53's a prime could never work on the flag.

But when we're Planet USA we can just have one big star i suppose, like Texas. Now Bush's plan is becoming clear to me!

Posted: 19 Oct 2004, 03:23
by CtrlAltDelete
The Pope wrote:Too bad 53's a prime could never work on the flag.

But when we're Planet USA we can just have one big star i suppose, like Texas. Now Bush's plan is becoming clear to me!
The McDonalds sign would also look spiffy on the flag. More appropriately, the flag could change every week to advertise the highest-bidding sponsers logo.

And I think it goes without saying that junior and daddy Bush will run planet USA.

Posted: 19 Oct 2004, 04:05
by The Pope
*sigh* Of course they would.

I think the ever-changing logo flag could work well. Good idea!

Posted: 19 Oct 2004, 07:14
by CtrlAltDelete
The Pope wrote:
I think the ever-changing logo flag could work well. Good idea!
Thank you. It won't be long before the Capitalist Corp. of America enlists me to run their Propoganda Machine. I guess my idea to outfit ambulances with "A vote for Bush is a vote for freedom" sirens was a hit.

If my posts are making any kind of sense anymore I'm not seeing it.

Posted: 19 Oct 2004, 08:23
by hallucienate
it all makes sense now :roll: :roll:

Posted: 19 Oct 2004, 09:35
by CtrlAltDelete
hallucienate wrote:Image
it all makes sense now :roll: :roll:
Ooh, I like it. It's catchy.

You should be careful with those eyerolls. If the wind changes direction your face will stick like that.

Posted: 19 Oct 2004, 10:50
by markfiend
You could fit 53 stars on like this:

:lol: OK so it looks a bit wonky.

Posted: 19 Oct 2004, 11:26
by CtrlAltDelete
markfiend wrote:You could fit 53 stars on like this:

:lol: OK so it looks a bit wonky.
Or we could just eliminate 8 utterly useless states. Let's see...

North or South Dakota. Either way.
Wyoming (does anyone even live there?)
Oklahoma (I can personally vouch for its utter uselessness)
Rhode Island (too small to even be considered a proper state)
Maine (utterly. utterly useless)
Massachusetts (too many cliches)
Arkansas (too many cliches)

We'll call #8 Washington DC. :wink:

Of course, this is open to discussion.

Posted: 19 Oct 2004, 14:40
by markfiend
Or you could add a 54th.

I dunno, Iraq maybe? :innocent:

Posted: 19 Oct 2004, 16:02
by CtrlAltDelete
markfiend wrote:Or you could add a 54th.

I dunno, Iraq maybe? :innocent:

We could do that, but by that logic Iran, North Korea, and Sudan will soon make 55, 56, and 57, respectively. And then we're back in the same boat.

Posted: 19 Oct 2004, 16:09
by markfiend
57: (ignore the full stops ('periods' :P))

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:lol: I have an answer to everything ;)

Posted: 19 Oct 2004, 16:39
by CtrlAltDelete
markfiend wrote:57: (ignore the full stops ('periods' :P))

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:lol: I have an answer to everything ;)
Ooh, I like it. It's wavey.

Posted: 19 Oct 2004, 23:40
by The Pope

God save PLANET USA!