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Posted: 24 Oct 2004, 16:55
by moonchild
Mr. christophe and Mr. hallucienate (the only two in here at the moment) don't you want to join Miss Moonchild on a simple talk in the heartland chat? :roll: :roll:

Posted: 24 Oct 2004, 18:13
by christophe
sorry for me leaving people.
my Pc acts strange :? and now I don't get back in there ....
hope to chat with you some other time :D

Posted: 24 Oct 2004, 19:38
by moonchild
Ladies ;D (blast, Hall, Chris, izzy) thank you for the nice time in the chat. I was not feeling well today.. a lil down.. and you made me having a good mood now.

Kisses to all

Posted: 24 Oct 2004, 21:10
by James Blast
t'was nae probs moonchild good to chat wit you and Halucienate PM me if you are ever 'biscuit ersed' again


Posted: 24 Oct 2004, 21:13
by Izzy HaveMercy
No prob here either ;-)

Always good to know I can make people feel good :von:


Posted: 24 Oct 2004, 21:15
by moonchild
Thanks to both.

Posted: 24 Oct 2004, 21:22
by James Blast
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:Always good to know I can make people feel good
your music makes me feel good IZ played it to some mates last night and they enjoyed it, one of them said to alert these guys and now I think about it, it's a damn fine idea.

Go for it.


Posted: 28 Oct 2004, 22:28
by moonchild
Ladies... :twisted:
wanna join me for a lil on the chat?

Posted: 28 Oct 2004, 22:32
by James Blast
too late for me moonie gotta work in't morn, ta tho


Posted: 28 Oct 2004, 22:36
by moonchild
James Blast wrote:too late for me moonie gotta work in't morn, ta tho

yeah, right... run away... chicken. :twisted: