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Blimey! Sisters on MTV 2!

Posted: 31 Oct 2004, 23:30
by Mrs. Snowey
Just in case no-one actually gathered from the title of the topic, T'Sisters are on MTV2 at midnight tonight. It's under "Goth: The Glory Years" :lol:

Well, one of their videos will be :roll: Suppose it's asking a little too much for a brand new live performance and interview :lol: :lol:

And in the meantime, there's lots and lots of Fat Bob and friends tonight too. Splendid :D

Posted: 01 Nov 2004, 01:59
by boudicca
Thank you thank you thank you! I just caught most of it thanks to you... *mwah*!! Came in during "Deanna", which is spooky since I was listening to that song not 3 hours ago. Cue Twilight Zone music. :urff:
And they played Dominion. :von: Not my favourite video, because of the Dave Stewart facial hair, but Von's one of the few who can maintain any degree of sexiness with it, I suppose. And that bit at the end, where he draws the fencing blade across his throat... :eek: :twisted: :oops: Does that make me kinky?

Do you know if it's going to be on again, since I didn't catch the beginning...

Posted: 01 Nov 2004, 10:46
by Shadow_Smile
And,............ was there a live interview ? ? ?

ifso, didi you tape it, and was there any interesting info ?

Posted: 01 Nov 2004, 13:30
by Planet Dave
Live interview? With Von? In a programme called 'Goth-The Glory Years'?

Hmm, what do YOU think?

Posted: 01 Nov 2004, 21:33
by Gripper
There was also 'This Corrosion' in all its rain-sodden baby-oiled glory, about third video in.