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And..... relax

Posted: 06 Nov 2004, 19:09
by smiscandlon
Just stopped work today for a couple of weeks. Not going away anywhere but this is my first break from work in 10 months. :eek:

I think the stress was starting to get to me at the end. I was getting a bit grumpy and you know it's time for a holiday when your staff start referring to you as "Mr Moody McMoody".

And that's just what they said to my face. What they were calling me behind my back I dread to think...

Posted: 06 Nov 2004, 19:15
by James Blast
everybody needs a holiday, I've got a week coming up soon thank God

Re: And..... relax

Posted: 06 Nov 2004, 20:28
by rian
smiscandlon wrote:Just stopped work today for a couple of weeks. Not going away anywhere but this is my first break from work in 10 months. :eek:

I think the stress was starting to get to me at the end. I was getting a bit grumpy and you know it's time for a holiday when your staff start referring to you as "Mr Moody McMoody".

And that's just what they said to my face. What they were calling me behind my back I dread to think...
What are you going to do with your free time? Except for Heartland that is.

Re: And..... relax

Posted: 07 Nov 2004, 15:18
by smiscandlon
rian wrote:What are you going to do with your free time? Except for Heartland that is.
I have a pile of over 100 DVDs and around 30 CDs that I haven't watched or listened to yet (no exaggeration).

I have a horrible feeling I am going to lock myself in a room for two weeks with no human contact...

Re: And..... relax

Posted: 07 Nov 2004, 15:20
by rian
smiscandlon wrote:
rian wrote:What are you going to do with your free time? Except for Heartland that is.
I have a pile of over 100 DVDs and around 30 CDs that I haven't watched or listened to yet (no exaggeration).

I have a horrible feeling I am going to lock myself in a room for two weeks with no human contact...
Hmm, could be worse.

But, try to travel somewhere. Sweden?


Re: And..... relax

Posted: 07 Nov 2004, 22:21
by Gripper
smiscandlon wrote:I think the stress was starting to get to me at the end.
Take it easy, and...what do they say..."work to live, not live to work"?
I got it completely wrong recently and have ended up on antidepressants and beta blockers after a particularly teeth-clenching night-time freak out.

So, enjoy your break...


Re: And..... relax

Posted: 07 Nov 2004, 22:45
by James Blast
Gripper wrote:I got it completely wrong recently and have ended up on antidepressants and beta blockers after a particularly teeth-clenching night-time freak out.
I wish i couldn't comment on that one, sadly I can :|

Re: And..... relax

Posted: 07 Nov 2004, 22:50
by smiscandlon
Gripper wrote:
smiscandlon wrote:I think the stress was starting to get to me at the end.
Take it easy, and...what do they say..."work to live, not live to work"?
I got it completely wrong recently and have ended up on antidepressants and beta blockers after a particularly teeth-clenching night-time freak out.

So, enjoy your break...

I intend to, cheers!


Posted: 07 Nov 2004, 23:54
by DerekR
James Blast wrote:everybody needs a holiday, I've got a week coming up soon thank God
You need to plan your holidays a bit better and get yer erse doon here for the end of the month, ya tart!

@smiscandlon - I heartily recommend a few days in Amsterdam, that always works for me. Got three days booked there for early Feb in fact.

Posted: 08 Nov 2004, 10:56
by markfiend
Like the saying goes:

No-one ever lay on their death-bed wishing they had spent more time at work.


Posted: 08 Nov 2004, 19:35
by Ocean Moves
Greetings to you all.

(Well, most of you...)=


Re: re

Posted: 08 Nov 2004, 19:38
by rian
Erinyes wrote:Greetings to you all.

(Well, most of you...)=


Hi there

Re: re

Posted: 08 Nov 2004, 19:55
by christophe
Erinyes wrote:Greetings to you all.

(Well, most of you...)=

welcome on board :D


Re: re

Posted: 08 Nov 2004, 20:20
by James Blast
Erinyes wrote:Greetings to you all.
you sneeked in the back door

Re: re

Posted: 08 Nov 2004, 20:53
by smiscandlon
Erinyes wrote:Greetings to you all.

(Well, most of you...)=

Oi! Don't use my "first holiday in 10 months" thread to introduce yourself!


Ah well, welome to Heartland Erinyes.

Re: re

Posted: 08 Nov 2004, 23:07
by Gripper
smiscandlon wrote: Oi! Don't use my "first holiday in 10 months" thread to introduce yourself!
Good to see that the holiday vibes seem to be kicking in. This post was decidedly more 'couldn't give a f***" than your original one. Enjoy the rest.