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Sisters On Prozac...

Posted: 09 Nov 2004, 21:15
by Planet Dave
...which, as everyone knows, would look and sound exactly like Apoptygma Berzerk. A marvellous thought. A marvellous band.

And I was wondering, does anyone out there own any Apop bootlegs that they'd like to trade. I've been scouring t' net, and it occured to ask here. You never know.

Thanks for your time, you can carry on now.

@QB - thought this might get buried in the Sisters Trading section, but feel free to move it there if it's annoying you.

Posted: 09 Nov 2004, 21:43
by Quiff Boy
if you're sick enough to want to trade that rubbish then who am i to start moving threads around ;) :lol:

Posted: 09 Nov 2004, 21:54
by Loki
@ FFS Dave, author of the monicker 'Fat Tron Filth ...'

And you say I scare you ..? :urff: :innocent:

Costa Rica?

Posted: 09 Nov 2004, 22:35
by James Blast
I've never heard those Apopt Berserk Dudes, am I missing out?

Posted: 09 Nov 2004, 22:41
by Quiff Boy

dodgy euro-disco with very earnest vocals.

not my cup of tea :urff:

Posted: 09 Nov 2004, 22:51
by James Blast
Quiff Boy wrote:pfffft.

dodgy euro-disco with very earnest vocals.

not my cup of tea :urff:
not Nitzer Ebb then :innocent:

block me now QB it's safest :oops:

Posted: 09 Nov 2004, 23:22
by Quiff Boy

nah, nitzer are shouty shouty essex boys with drum machines :notworthy: :lol:

Posted: 09 Nov 2004, 23:35
by James Blast
and gay, judging by a post elsewhere.....

Posted: 09 Nov 2004, 23:37
by Planet Dave
That's a no then. Philistines.

Hey JB, it ain't me finding or keeping tabs on the wierd guys website. :eek: :wink:

Posted: 09 Nov 2004, 23:40
by moonchild
James Blast wrote:not Nitzer Ebb then :innocent:
I like Nitzer Ebb :oops: :oops:

Posted: 09 Nov 2004, 23:42
by The Doctor
Well I live my life on Prozac!!! :lol:

Posted: 09 Nov 2004, 23:46
by James Blast
The Doctor wrote:Well I live my life on Prozac!!! :lol:
my ex did to, I had to leave it all behind, it was too much way too much :cry:
shame, she laughed a lot and had fantastic breasts

Posted: 09 Nov 2004, 23:48
by The Doctor
James Blast wrote:
The Doctor wrote:Well I live my life on Prozac!!! :lol:
my ex did to, I had to leave it all behind, it was too much way too much
But it's better then my life was before it!!

Sorry I got all serious!! :D

Posted: 09 Nov 2004, 23:52
by James Blast
The Doctor wrote:But it's better then my life was before it!!
I get down but not that 'Down' Dr and I have a very close friend on a similar drug. I do understand :|

Posted: 10 Nov 2004, 00:04
by Quiff Boy
aye. i know and have known several people who are on prozac or similar anti-depressants - usually a more modern version though... poor buggers can't seem to keep their mood on an even keel without taking a chemical to restore the seratonin (?) levels :(

i kind of identify with them in that if i stopped using my asthma medication i would probably die. i'm a slave to seratide :urff:

involuntary dependencies are not nice. i hate them :(

Posted: 10 Nov 2004, 00:08
by Quiff Boy
Quiff Boy wrote:aye. i know and have known several people who are on prozac or similar anti-depressants - usually a more modern version though... poor buggers can't seem to keep their mood on an even keel without taking a chemical to restore the seratonin (?) levels :(

i kind of identify with them in that if i stopped using my asthma medication i would probably die. i'm a slave to seratide :urff:

involuntary dependencies are not nice. i hate them :(
still better that than listen to apotygma...apotty...apogyta....apigtam...oh f*ck it, you know who i mean.

Posted: 10 Nov 2004, 00:23
by Planet Dave
whereas voluntary dependencies are ace, as is listening to APB. At their best, it's pure techno mate. You'll not have seen the 2000 tour dvd then Quiffy? Ah well, each to their own.

Posted: 10 Nov 2004, 01:18
by boudicca
Do they f**k!

I bought "Welcome To Earth" few years ago, but was unimpressed. They sound too much like the kind of music they used to play in the background on "Scotsport" for my liking. :innocent:

Posted: 10 Nov 2004, 10:16
by Loki
FFS Dave wrote: Hey JB, it ain't me finding or keeping tabs on the wierd guys website. :eek: :wink:
Nor me. The update was sourced and PMd to me by another HLer. :lol:

Who no doubt wishes to remain nameless ... :innocent: :twisted: