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What crashes did you survive ?

Posted: 11 Nov 2004, 01:03
by Shadow_Smile
As a loving bike driver I have many close death expiriances, but never crashed into a carr or anything els.

But,. becouse muscle trouble on my left hand, I was foreced to us use my 50cc 2 stroke Puch Maxi."BIG SHAME" but after 2 miles i didn't care it so much and went on to pic up GF at the train station.

Now the MAJOR ***king iddiots have place'd a car/truck jammer, so the cars and trucks cannot use the non car-road to sneak by trafic lights.

and becouse i was not used to these jammers in the road, i did not pay that much attention to teh road. This is the result by hitting the it with 50 to 60 km/h


- Shadow_Smile bruised
- Motor jacked damaged
- New motor boots damaged
- New motor gloves damaged
- Puch maxi --> dead

What crashed or accidents did you survive ? ? ? ?

Posted: 11 Nov 2004, 01:35
by paint it black
too many when i was younger

best was the first time i heard floodland, was in the back of the car, this corrosion had just kicked in (all choral like) the world speeded up and then went really slow again, as we skidded down the road and slammed into a right turning car comming towards us.

police were well impressed that the car was written off and that we couldn't open the doors, but the stero still worked and so we got to listen to floodland, till the fire brigade finally undid the battery, so

:eek: at the time

8) just after in the pub

and :lol: :lol: :lol: as i realise that you can't possibly imagine how cool it was ;D

Posted: 11 Nov 2004, 08:48
by Norman Hunter
Bolton Wanderers v Leeds United, 2 May 2004. Confirmation of relegation. Survived - just.

Posted: 11 Nov 2004, 10:14
by Barracuda
I've had a few - the first was completely my fault, driving too fast, narrow windy road and whooops, who put that wall there.

The thing I remember vividly when the car came to a halt was that the sudden silence after the screeching of rubber and twisting metal, the noise of the steam from the smashed radiator, and Andrenochrome pumping from the stereo.

Luckily no one else was on the road at the time, as I hate to think what the consequences would have been. I also remember a policeman arriving and after explaining the accident to him he said "what? you were coming THAT way!!!"

The last major accident I was involved in was when a car in a layby suddenly decided to perform a U turn in front of me. Both cars written off, but again, luckily nobody was injured.

And there is also the time that I got home after a wedding to find a note from the police stuck through my letter box. The note said my car had been involved in an accident and to call them. Looked out the window, couldn't see car, phoned police. Yes, they said it is there. Some bastard drunk driver drove into it at high speed, shunting it down the road, before crashing into a house opposite me. And to think that when I tried to claim compensation for the cost of public transport to get to work against the bastard, he claime that he'd seen me driving the car. It was a complete WRITEOFF, there is no way it would move.

Or the time that someone drove into the back of my car at a roundabout. Dented mt car, smashed his headlights, then asked me what he was supposed to do now (it was night time).

The very last time was after I moved to Spain. I was waiting to make a left turn when a group of mopeds came up behind. A heard a girl shriek, looked in my mirror and seeing that she hadn't breaked in time started to move my car forward. BANG. No real damage done to anyone, she was a bit shaken and her boyfriend was pissed off at his damaged bike, but pretty minor all in all.

I haven't included all my accidents, so as you can see I'm pretty experinced.

Posted: 11 Nov 2004, 10:55
by markfiend
I seem quite adept at having cars involved in crashes without being there. :|

Last time: Parked outside Mrs Fiend's mum's house, staying over for the night. At about 3 in the morning we heard a crash and my car alarm went off. My thought was "some fucker's crashed into my car!" However, it transpired that the guy had actually hit the tree next to which I was parked (although he can't have missed my car by much) and the broken glass from his windscreen had come out with such force that it hit and shattered the window in my driver's side door. :?

One before that: Parked outside our house, some bastard just ploughed into the back of my car, writing both cars off, but then tried to do a hit and run, claiming that his car had been stolen. Lying fuck had been driving on the piss and didn't want to lose his license :x But even though he'd been seen running (limping) away, and hadn't reported the theft until 20 minutes after the crash, the cunt got away with it because all his mates lied him an alibi. Bastard cost me loads on my insurance. :evil:

My first was not long after I passed my test, and similar to Barracuda's:
Barracuda wrote:completely my fault, driving too fast, narrow windy road and whooops, who put that wall there.
Except it wasn't "who put that wall there" it was "who put that car coming the other way there" :oops: Both cars written off, but fortunately no injuries. I got done for driving without due care and attention and 6 points on my license :innocent: And my mum wasn't too happy that I'd knacked her car. :|

Posted: 11 Nov 2004, 11:12
by andymackem
Clearly I'm not trying hard enough:

However, my first driving lesson, on my 17th birthday, was the obvious place to start.

We'd done the very basic stuff on a local industrial estate (OK Andy, this is the steering wheel. Try using it when you see a corner coming up) and the instructor had driven to a nice quiet stretch of road near Bowburn (grotty former pit village near the A1, for those who care) and pulled over at the roadside. We'd swapped over and he was talking through what he wanted me to do when some Doris slammed into the back of us. :eek: :evil:

Of course, being in the driver's seat I was technically the driver of the vehicle, so I had to handle all my instructor's insurance claims. I was really looking forward to my second lesson.

Happily I did eventually pass, first time, and apart from shunting someone at traffic lights about 18 months ago (bad day at work, wasn't really paying attention :oops: ) have had no problems since. Touch wood.

Posted: 11 Nov 2004, 11:42
by MrChris
I've had two accidents.

The first was not really a crash, but I was hit by a car as a pedestrian. I was six years old, and it was wholly my fault - I was playing tig, and ran right out into the road in front of a car doing 40mph. Luckily for me, it only just caught me and threw me across the road. I dusted myself off and went on the bus to school. The driver was more upset than I was.

The second time was a crash - driving slowly round a country bend, a truck came much too fast, hogging the centre, and gouged the side of our car. No-one was hurt, but the missus was seven months pregnant and it was quite worrying. The most annoying thing was that the truck driver claimed it was our fault, our insurance was useless, we eventually had to agree to a 50/50 claim, and our insurance went up considerably, all because of the other driver's dishonesty.

Compared to some of the rest of you, though, I count myself lucky!

Posted: 11 Nov 2004, 11:48
by markfiend
A friend of mine once came off his motorbike, having had to dump because of a big lorry cutting across him through a red light. He then slid on his back underneath the lorry, between its wheels, with no more injuries than some road-rash and knackered leathers. :eek: Very lucky!

Posted: 11 Nov 2004, 13:13
by CellThree
First car I had I dumped in a ditch. Dark night, pootling down a road I hadn't been down before, grabbing a handful of chips, seeing the 90 degree bend too late. I got round the bend, but i was in a 4 wheel skid at that point and slid into the ditch at about 3 miles an hour. The ditch was too deep to get the car out. There was a car parked on the bend that e'd just gone round with a couple of guys smoking a bong in it. I took a few things out the car and they gave us a lift back into town. Came back the next day to find the car had been stripped. The back window had been smashed to get my speakers, they nicked a couple of tapes and a pair of Ray Bans i had left in there. They had also smashed the drivers window as well. Luckily they couldn't get in the boot.
Pulled the car out of the ditch with some help and drove it home.The front was completely smashed up and although I bought another Astra so I could take the front off it (50 quid! Bargain) to repair it, I couldn't afford the welding. I gave both cars to my friend for spare parts.

Second accident was a muppet in Tescos car park cutting across some parking bays. He was coming quite slowly so I was expecting him to stop and look. He didn't. He left a huge dent in the right wing and corner of the bumper. He didn't have any insurance details with him, but it looks like the insurance company tracked him down. The wing and the bumper both had to be replaced. Hopefully that killed his insurance!

Apart from that, I have a habit of backing into things, walls, fences, pillars in multistories. My car has a few cuts and bruises at the moment!

Posted: 11 Nov 2004, 13:47
by markfiend
CellThree wrote:Second accident was a muppet in Tescos car park cutting across some parking bays....
Oh that reminds me. I had an altercation with a muppet in Tesco's car park too! :lol: I was just pootling along looking for a space and all of a sudden this guy reversed into the side of me. God knows where he came from, but he was going far too quickly for reverse. Broke the driver's side door window and covered me in glass. A bit scary that one actually. :| Given the witness reports, he couldn't deny that he was at fault, and his insurance company (Direct Line) were far better at sorting out the repairs (replacing the driver-side door) than mine. So when it came time to renew, I switched to Direct Line. Good customer service wins more customers!

Posted: 11 Nov 2004, 13:49
by Izzy HaveMercy
My first accident happened yesteryear when a woman drove into the back of my GF's car (which I was driving). She assumed I was going to drive on, but I did not. So she crashed into the car at an amazing 10 km/h. Luckily no-one died in that crash!
The car was a near total loss. It had at least two surface scratches on the rear bumper. :-)

Then again, I'm a VERY responsible and defensive driver. I NEED my car every day, so I'm very careful with it. It's my second bureau, so to speak ;-) And offtimes it is stacked with over 5000 euro of musical equipment :innocent:


Posted: 11 Nov 2004, 14:11
by christophe
over a year ago I wanted to cross a street, I watched left and right and started moving forward. somehow I didn't see a car aprouching from the left and i hit him in the rear. I wasn't moving very fast around 5 km/h (I was just starting) but the other car was driving realy fast around 70/80 km/h.
I didn't even feld the Bumb but the other car got puched of the road and he lost control making him spin a copple of times acros the street.
luckaly no one get hurt.
quite spectacular :D (For me :oops: ) the other driver was some poor old man. he didn't even know what had happen...

Posted: 11 Nov 2004, 17:02
by rian
I got my driving license (for car) October 17 1985. On October 19 1985 I had a bad crash. I had 2 friends in my car, and lost control of my car at a speed of 90km/hour. The car was a wreck (Volvo 360Gls), but we all survived with small damage.

But when I was only 15 years old, me and 2 friends stole a car, and crashed pretty bad. The car "rolled" 4 times, and was totally damaged. We survived that with small wounds.

5 years ago I was driving 10 meters behind of a car that suddenly exploded. Someone had put a bomb in the car. Police investigations and stuff followed. I survived that too, but my car didn't look very nice after that.

Posted: 11 Nov 2004, 17:19
by markfiend
rian wrote:5 years ago I was driving 10 meters behind of a car that suddenly exploded. Someone had put a bomb in the car.
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: You win I think!

Posted: 11 Nov 2004, 17:30
by Loki
Black Wednesday 16.09.92 - Fortunately my liability as a name at Lloyds had expired the previous week, so I was able to liquidate my share and property portfolio and transfer the entire fund into gilts pretty sharpish but for a while there I was on a decidedly sticky wicket.

Posted: 11 Nov 2004, 17:40
by rian
markfiend wrote:
rian wrote:5 years ago I was driving 10 meters behind of a car that suddenly exploded. Someone had put a bomb in the car.
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: You win I think!
It wasn't a pleasant experience , that's for sure. And the man in the exploded car was very quick out of the car. The police told me that the man was used to such things :eek:

Do I win a price? ;D

Posted: 11 Nov 2004, 17:52
by rian
Oh, I remember a crash that almost took my life.

13 years ago, my girlfriend, who I had a 1 year old daughter with, dumped me. That was not only painful, it was also very close to death :cry:

But I survived that too :P

Posted: 11 Nov 2004, 18:42
by James Blast
I will never except the offer of a lift with any of you

Posted: 11 Nov 2004, 19:05
by Almiche V
Just the one, fortunately extra RAM has sorted the problem out.

Posted: 11 Nov 2004, 23:48
by Shadow_Smile
markfiend wrote:A friend of mine once came off his motorbike, having had to dump because of a big lorry cutting across him through a red light. He then slid on his back underneath the lorry, between its wheels, with no more injuries than some road-rash and knackered leathers. :eek: Very lucky!
He must be very hapy with his guardian angel !!!

Posted: 12 Nov 2004, 13:27
by christophe
Shadow_Smile wrote:
markfiend wrote:A friend of mine once came off his motorbike, having had to dump because of a big lorry cutting across him through a red light. He then slid on his back underneath the lorry, between its wheels, with no more injuries than some road-rash and knackered leathers. :eek: Very lucky!
He must be very hapy with his guardian angel !!!
same thing happend to a friend of mine.
a truck suddenly appeard infront of him with no space to go around, so he jumped of his bike and went underneath him :eek:

luck is for the crazy people.

Posted: 13 Nov 2004, 00:55
by Shadow_Smile
James Blast wrote:I will never except the offer of a lift with any of you

Never say never, when you don't know the unexpected !

The first crash I discribed, was not my first one.

I did crash my Honda MT-50 into a police van 5 years ago, I survided and was lucky to hit the Ditch after hitting the van. Never knew they were behind every corner :eek:

Posted: 13 Nov 2004, 01:11
by James Blast

Posted: 13 Nov 2004, 12:55
by moonchild
Just had one and bad crash when i was 12 years old. 3 guys on a car where testing their abilities with high speed and the car hit the one i was. My mama got pretty bad and i just wanted to kill them.
I don't like to remember this situation.
Just need to say that i am afraid of driving, never did and i think i never will.

The other crash i had was while skateboarding, i believe i could fly so i jumped with my skate from a very high place (thinking that was not so high).

When lil girl i don't have much things to tell about crashes or about experiences that almost took my life.

But when i was 16/18 years old i survived to many fights with skinheads and some were pretty bad. :urff:

Posted: 13 Nov 2004, 12:56
by moonchild
James Blast wrote:Taxi!
:lol: :lol: