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Eldritch at John Peel's Funeral?

Posted: 17 Nov 2004, 22:49
by Erudite
If you look at this week's NME (cover date Nov 20) there is a double page
spread of the mourners at Peel's funeral - the thin, bleached blonde
gentleman in shades looks a lot like Von!
Bottom right hand page on the left nearest the fold -

Perhaps someone can put a scan up?

Posted: 17 Nov 2004, 23:20
by Erudite
I've uploaded a scan to the image bank to see if anyone else agrees.

Posted: 18 Nov 2004, 00:14
by Quiff Boy
nah, sorry but it looks nothing like him... :urff:

Posted: 18 Nov 2004, 09:49
by straylight
Not even a little bit.

Posted: 18 Nov 2004, 10:14
by markfiend
This image?

Hey, QB can you shift this into JOTD?

Sorry Erudite, I don't mean to take the piss, but really?? :eek:

Posted: 18 Nov 2004, 10:53
by MrChris
Hmm, I'd third that. If he was there, he was using a very good disguise.

Posted: 18 Nov 2004, 12:45
by Black Shuck
If you look really carefully to the rear of the picture, you can see von stood behind a grssy knoll with a sniper rifle in his hand.

Posted: 18 Nov 2004, 13:39
by sam donut
Looks more like Joe Brown to me! :lol:

Posted: 18 Nov 2004, 13:41
by snowey
Nobodys mentioned the Half Man Half Biscuit T-shirt he's wearing. :D

Posted: 18 Nov 2004, 14:09
by markfiend
snowey wrote:Nobodys mentioned the Half Man Half Biscuit T-shirt he's wearing. :D
Blimey! And I thought I had good eyesight! :notworthy:

Posted: 18 Nov 2004, 15:34
by Petseri
He does not look like Eldritch to me either, but the thumbnail of the image [currently] at the Gallery's main page does make it easier to see how someone initially could have thought of him.

Any bets on how long it takes to see that image on a Sisters bootleg? :urff:


Posted: 18 Nov 2004, 19:44
by James Blast
he's wearing black, that should've been the giveaway that it wasn't Mr. E

Posted: 18 Nov 2004, 20:16
by twp
snowey wrote:Nobodys mentioned the Half Man Half Biscuit T-shirt he's wearing. :D
Damn, I've been away for two weeks and missed two references to Half Man Half Biscuit. What erudite company.

Posted: 19 Nov 2004, 00:01
by pikkrong
Wrong nose, wrong lips... Believe me - I'm also a man of remarkable nose ;D

Posted: 24 Nov 2004, 11:23
by nigel d
no serpently not
looks like it could be a bloke from pink floyd?????????

Posted: 24 Nov 2004, 12:23
by boudicca
James Blast wrote:he's wearing black, that should've been the giveaway that it wasn't Mr. E
Yeah, Von's never worn that Hideous Shade, has he.... :roll: :innocent:

Posted: 24 Nov 2004, 18:08
by Electrochrome
That guy looks way too healthy to be Von, for one. Von actually looks a bit like Adam Clayton (U2 bassist) on crack...

Posted: 25 Nov 2004, 10:22
by markfiend
Electrochrome wrote:Von actually looks a bit like Adam Clayton (U2 bassist) on crack...
:lol: :notworthy: :lol: