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Posted: 21 Nov 2004, 07:09
by Mrs RicheyJames
Got up to early and now i'm ready for work with an hr to go (yeah so I thought I'd spend my hr on here :roll: ). Just remembered I had a cup of tea and now it's gone cold. Oh and I need to find a picture of some dog poo.....

<goes to make another cup of tea>

Wanna go back to bed. What kind of time is this to be up on a Sunday bastard morning?

Today I'll be mostly wearing gloves. How fecking cold???

I should step away from the keyboard now. Lack of sleep is making me a bit funny........


sort of.............

Wayhay....More encores than the Hussbag.....

<fecks off>

Posted: 21 Nov 2004, 07:10
by Mrs RicheyJames
I've just re-read that! God i'm funny :lol: :lol: :lol:

<applauds self>

<fecks off again>

Posted: 21 Nov 2004, 10:29
by lucretia
Sexygoth&#8482; wrote:I've just re-read that! God i'm funny :lol: :lol: :lol:

<applauds self>

<fecks off again>

The best bit: "More encores than the Hussbag" :lol:

Posted: 21 Nov 2004, 13:42
by rian
Gloves are nice. Especially on a cold day like this.

Posted: 22 Nov 2004, 11:10
by markfiend
Only you could start a topic with the subject line Bugger! :notworthy: