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Cage Fighting ... eeeew

Posted: 25 Nov 2004, 18:49
by lucretia
The builders are at my place, knocking down walls and such, making a racket and disturbing the peace and they will be at it all weekend as well.
I was invited to go and watch "cage fighting" tonight but I'm too buggered and would probably end up in the cage, slogging the stupid testosterone addled pretty boys to death with my boot.
These wrestler types (a la WWF and Smackdown) are such pussies in real life, all you have to do is tell them their roots could do with a touch up, or they need more highlights and they cry like babies. Vain as f**k and what's with those leotards? What kind of women actually get turned on by that? :roll:

Posted: 25 Nov 2004, 18:51
by hallucienate
You don't watch AWF on ETV then?

Posted: 25 Nov 2004, 19:10
by lucretia
hallucienate wrote:You don't watch AWF on ETV then?

I would rather be crucified.
Totally lurv the new avatar btw.

Posted: 25 Nov 2004, 19:18
by rian
I like boxing


Posted: 25 Nov 2004, 19:23
by lucretia
Boxing is a REAL sport ... that other stuff is a joke.
Wish we had Ice Hockey over here - now that's the kind of violence I like.

Posted: 25 Nov 2004, 19:30
by rian
lucretia wrote:Boxing is a REAL sport ... that other stuff is a joke.
Wish we had Ice Hockey over here - now that's the kind of violence I like.
He he

Posted: 25 Nov 2004, 23:35
by Dark Angel
ermmm what's cage fighting?

they get locked in a cage? :?

Posted: 25 Nov 2004, 23:43
by smiscandlon
Dark Angel wrote:ermmm what's cage fighting?

they get locked in a cage? :?
Yeah. And fight.


Posted: 26 Nov 2004, 00:02
by James Blast
I don't like hitting :oops:

Posted: 26 Nov 2004, 09:04
by Planet Dave
smiscandlon wrote:
Dark Angel wrote:ermmm what's cage fighting?

they get locked in a cage? :?
Yeah. And fight.

What? Birds? And the problem is...?

Posted: 26 Nov 2004, 10:47
by Mrs RicheyJames
I think it's pretty sick if you ask me. people knocking ten tons of sh*t out of each other! What's the point in that?? Where the hell is the entertainment? That goes for boxing too. Pointless.

Posted: 26 Nov 2004, 11:10
by Planet Dave
Sexygothâ„¢ wrote:I think it's pretty sick if you ask me. people knocking ten tons of sh*t out of each other! What's the point in that?? Where the hell is the entertainment? That goes for boxing too. Pointless.
Absolutely (unless it's birds), but it's their choice.

Civil liberties for all! Honestly, next person tells / asks me to put my cig out, and I will, in their eye. <mini-rant over>

Posted: 26 Nov 2004, 11:16
by Mrs RicheyJames
Indeed it is their choice. I don't recall saying it wasn't dear! I simply pointed out that I thought it was sick!

Who mentioned cigs?? :eek:

Posted: 26 Nov 2004, 11:57
by Planet Dave
Sexygothâ„¢ wrote:Indeed it is their choice. I don't recall saying it wasn't dear! I simply pointed out that I thought it was sick!

Who mentioned cigs?? :eek:
Me. As part of my rant, which was not aimed at you, silly girl, I'm just on one generally.

Posted: 26 Nov 2004, 19:16
by rian
The nobel art of defense
