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Oh the mighty blues...

Posted: 29 Nov 2004, 14:08
by MrChris
They just go marching on, don't they? :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Aren't they wonderful? :D

A great defence, a wonderful attacking formation, a good clean team, no diving, biting or pulling hair, a manager who doesn't blame the ref or the weather when we slip up, oh, 'tis very heaven to be a Chelsea fan :D

Posted: 29 Nov 2004, 15:02
by Lamia
Oh, thought you were talking bout my beloved Pompey!!! ;D

Posted: 29 Nov 2004, 15:29
by hallucienate
thank gawd it's not about die blou bulle :roll:

It's an SA thing.

Posted: 29 Nov 2004, 15:45
by Hojyuu-obi
Is this to lure JB back? :innocent:

Posted: 29 Nov 2004, 15:57
by hallucienate
Hojyuu-obi wrote:Is this to lure JB back? :innocent:
could be. might also be there to get a reaction out of Lucretia :innocent: :innocent:

well, my post at least

Posted: 29 Nov 2004, 16:20
by MrChris
Oooh, I'm all excited now. I've just booked to see Chelsea against Villa on Boxing Day. That will be my dose of premiership excellence for the year anyway...

Posted: 29 Nov 2004, 17:11
by emilystrange
Spurs WON!!! they WON!!!!!

Posted: 29 Nov 2004, 17:18
by andymackem
MrChris wrote:Oooh, I'm all excited now. I've just booked to see Chelsea against Villa on Boxing Day. That will be my dose of premiership excellence for the year anyway...
That's the best thing about the multi-national corporations at the top of what used to be a game. Committed and loyal fans :P :innocent:

You do realise, of course, that after all your excitement they will, in the words of your non-arrogant, non-whining manager, park the bus in front of the goal?

I'll stick to seven wins from our last eight in a league which isn't dominated by money stolen from someone else's misappropriated mineral wealth. Howay the lads!

Posted: 29 Nov 2004, 19:41
by Planet Dave
andymackem wrote: That's the best thing about the multi-national corporations at the top of what used to be a game. Committed and loyal fans :P :innocent:

I'll stick to seven wins from our last eight in a league which isn't dominated by money stolen from someone else's misappropriated mineral wealth. Howay the lads!
Sad but true. You wanna try actually being a fan of one of these corps. Evil money-grabbing feckers. I still live in fear of Glazer.

But I'm sure you'd follow suit in the unlikely event of your team finding themselves in the upper reaches of the prem. Especially if you'd traded places with the cry-babies. :D

Posted: 30 Nov 2004, 12:15
by MrChris
andymackem wrote:
MrChris wrote:Oooh, I'm all excited now. I've just booked to see Chelsea against Villa on Boxing Day. That will be my dose of premiership excellence for the year anyway...
That's the best thing about the multi-national corporations at the top of what used to be a game. Committed and loyal fans :P :innocent:
Lol, I asked for that :wink: . I'd like to say in my defence that I live overseas. I'd still go more often if allowed, but since it would involve a plane ticket and a train ticket on top of the glorious football ticket, my wife would throttle me :urff: . So it's restricted to when I'm in England at Crimbo. I'd also like to blame my dad for NEVER taking me to a footie match (or anything else), even though we lived within walking distance of the ground. But yes, I would still qualify as an armchair fan, it's a fair cop :D .

Posted: 30 Nov 2004, 13:38
by Norman Hunter
Have a laugh on us - everyone else is.

And to think, Abramovich looked at Leeds before C******... :(

Posted: 30 Nov 2004, 15:11
by andymackem
FFS Dave wrote:
andymackem wrote: That's the best thing about the multi-national corporations at the top of what used to be a game. Committed and loyal fans :P :innocent:

I'll stick to seven wins from our last eight in a league which isn't dominated by money stolen from someone else's misappropriated mineral wealth. Howay the lads!
Sad but true. You wanna try actually being a fan of one of these corps. Evil money-grabbing feckers. I still live in fear of Glazer.

But I'm sure you'd follow suit in the unlikely event of your team finding themselves in the upper reaches of the prem. Especially if you'd traded places with the cry-babies. :D
I'd like to think I'd rise above it all if Sunderland became successful simply by virtue of some random bloke pouring his spare kopecks into the club. I'd much rather we achieved on the basis of our own (limited) merits. And, of course, success is all relative. Hopefully we can demonstrate that this year by getting promoted again.

That said, I probably wouldn't object too strenuously to watching the world's finest players roll up to play for us, just as long as they didn't try to convince me they'd always been Sunderland fans and used to look out for their results as a boy in down-town Rio, Madrid, Torino etc, etc. If you're there for the money, get on with your job.

The trouble is the top end of football is becoming a bit dull, frankly. I can no longer motivate myself to go down the pub and watch the Premiership on a Sunday anymore, when it used to be a fixture of the week regardless of who was playing. There are too many top flight clubs petrified of doing a Leeds and actively choosing not to progress. Then they turn into West Ham, or 'chirpy cockernee Leeds' as they might be more appropriately known. Add on Sky's insistence that a goal-less draw involving Palace is going to represent the high-water mark of sporting achievement and I'm going to get pissed off. And as for fans' phone-ins ..... :evil: :evil: :evil:

As a matter of curiosity, what's your specific worry about Glazer? How would he differ from any other faceless suit on the board?

Posted: 30 Nov 2004, 15:14
by andymackem
MrChris wrote:
andymackem wrote:
MrChris wrote:Oooh, I'm all excited now. I've just booked to see Chelsea against Villa on Boxing Day. That will be my dose of premiership excellence for the year anyway...
That's the best thing about the multi-national corporations at the top of what used to be a game. Committed and loyal fans :P :innocent:
Lol, I asked for that :wink: . I'd like to say in my defence that I live overseas. I'd still go more often if allowed, but since it would involve a plane ticket and a train ticket on top of the glorious football ticket, my wife would throttle me :urff: . So it's restricted to when I'm in England at Crimbo. I'd also like to blame my dad for NEVER taking me to a footie match (or anything else), even though we lived within walking distance of the ground. But yes, I would still qualify as an armchair fan, it's a fair cop :D .
Fair enough. I was actually going to agree with you about Chelsea's football until I got to the annual dose bit. Then it was a sitting duck, really.

Posted: 01 Dec 2004, 09:48
by Planet Dave
Norman Hunter wrote:Have a laugh on us - everyone else is.

And to think, Abramovich looked at Leeds before C******... :(
Okay then... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Soz, but most of my workmates are rotherham fans. At least you've cheered them up for five minutes.

And besides, quit the 'woe is us' bollox - you sound like the YEP. Or worse, city fans.

Posted: 01 Dec 2004, 10:16
by Planet Dave
andymackem wrote: As a matter of curiosity, what's your specific worry about Glazer? How would he differ from any other faceless suit on the board?
Cripes, where shall I start? He'll cripple the club with enough debt to 'do a Leeds', by securing loans against the club in order to buy us. Thankfully JPMorgan have sussed him, but there'll be others, he's put far too much into it to stop now. Sounds far-fetched, but very possible.

He's said he'll reduce spending on transfers. Reduce??? FFS. Hmm, doing a leeds. Very scary.

He's a truly evil snivelling little s**t. He promised Tampa's american footy team a new stadium. When it was half built, he decided not to pay his half anymore, and threatened to relocate the team/franchise if the city didn't cough up with tax hikes.

He'll raise ticket prices, probably before he's made himself comfy, to the always exorbitant Chelsea levels, or higher.

And basically, we'd be his profiteering plaything, to be screwed as he sees fit so long as the readies keep rolling in. And as he'd have sole ownership, there'd be no-one to question or stop him.

I mean, be honest, would you want him or similar owning your club?

We're certainly not 'better' than any other clubs proper fans, but I'm rather proud of the fact that we don't welcome with open arms any old tosspot who walks through the door full of empty promises, unlike most others. Ideally, the club should be part owned by the fans, so this kind of thing won't happen.

Regarding the prem, sky have always been amusing but noxious in their hyping up of the match. Not to mention the nobhead 'fans' they've introduced to the game. Mainly ABUs (again, rather funny), but every club has them, OT has thousands, and it'd get worse under Glazer.These people spend money in the megastore, and buy vodaphones, and manunited credit cards (????wtf????). Ordinary fans aren't profitable enough.
Unfortunately, the days of Forest (or whoever) getting promoted and winning the premiership are long gone. And the game is much worse for that.[/i]