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living for a 1000 years

Posted: 03 Dec 2004, 11:36
by Ocean Moves

don´t worry boys and gurls, looks like we´re
all going to be living for a 1000 years soon.

surely there must be another Sisters album
in that time ?

Posted: 03 Dec 2004, 12:13
by Quiff Boy
thats what i love about sisters fans. optimism.


Posted: 03 Dec 2004, 17:08
by boudicca
That has a strange appeal to me today - with the passing of my b-day I realised that I have already wasted about a quarter of my (current) life expectancy (don't worry, I have no intention of doing anything constructive about this, I'm still going to sqander my days posting away on Heartland :wink: ).

Posted: 03 Dec 2004, 17:27
by emilystrange
i kinda feel that i've lived that long, today...

Posted: 03 Dec 2004, 17:34
by Dark Angel
live to be a 1000 :eek: no thankyou!

Do wonder how they would plan to restore all the brain cells I happily kill off every weekend though :D

Posted: 03 Dec 2004, 17:41
by emilystrange
can u reinstate pickled things?

Posted: 03 Dec 2004, 17:47
by CorpPunk
I guess the man with the sasquatch on his chin's never heard of "overpopulation".

Who wants to be a spotty teenager for 1,000 years? Who wants to be poor for 1,000 years?

"People also say we will get terribly bored but I say we will have the resources to improve everyone's ability to get the most out of life."

Does this guy really think that rich people will start voting for an effective welfare state just cos they live longer? Hell no! They'll need more money for themselves! Oh hang on...

"People with a good education and the time to use it never get bored today and can't imagine ever running out of new things they'd like to do."

He was only referring to "educated" people not running out of things to do. Right, so only "educated" people get to live for a thousand years, and the rest will be harvested for the blood to sustain their unnatural lifespans. That makes more sense...I forgot that Cambridge floats somewhere above planet Earth.

Fvck that crazy sh!t. Gimme a Star Trek future or gimme death. :lol:

Posted: 03 Dec 2004, 18:24
by CellThree
Cool, that means we can use the Sarlacc as a good deterrant :
the stomach pit of the Sarlacc keeps its prey alive for a thousand years, slowly dissolving its meal into needed nutrients, while the hapless victim is kept alive in searing, endless agony.

Posted: 03 Dec 2004, 19:05
by Mrs. Snowey
CellThree wrote:Cool, that means we can use the Sarlacc as a good deterrant :
the stomach pit of the Sarlacc keeps its prey alive for a thousand years, slowly dissolving its meal into needed nutrients, while the hapless victim is kept alive in searing, endless agony.
Must take ages for it to finish it's dinner then:

no, you can't have your pudding til you've finished your tea

oh, Mum

Posted: 03 Dec 2004, 19:52
by Dark
Quiff Boy wrote:thats what i love about sisters fans. optimism.

Blind optimism? I'd settle for a multiple DVD with hundreds of Sisters bootlegs.

As for a Sisters album, I'd also like to be in a band that does something.
Neither have any chance of happening.

Posted: 03 Dec 2004, 19:56
by James Blast
@ Dark Clicky!

Posted: 03 Dec 2004, 20:13
by Dark
James Blast wrote:@ Dark Clicky!
A Clicky to make even my heart twitch lovingly. However, I have no DVD writer. Guess I'll be doing some mp3 downloads. :)

Posted: 03 Dec 2004, 23:40
by Rivers
Funnily enough, my Doctor said that I should cut down on fatty, sugery, salty food, try to be less obssessed about sex and give up ciggies and excessive drinking.
I asked if I would live for a hundred years if I did so and he said no, it will just feel like it.
I thank you :P

Posted: 03 Dec 2004, 23:45
by James Blast
Atenolo - beta blockers
to feel close to normal

Posted: 03 Dec 2004, 23:47
by rian
"Who want's to live forever? Was it Quenn? In the first Highlander.

Top movie!

Posted: 04 Dec 2004, 00:33
by James Blast
as Sean shaid "Schtand Fascht Highlander!"


Posted: 04 Dec 2004, 01:22
by boudicca
rian wrote:"Who want's to live forever? Was it Quenn? In the first Highlander.
Queen, even. :innocent: ;D

Posted: 04 Dec 2004, 01:45
by lazarus corporation
1000 years?! - those bastards are determined to get that bloody student loan back off me.

I think the term "lifetime guarantee" might drop out of common usage, however...

Posted: 04 Dec 2004, 04:36
by nodubmanshouts
Statistics of the boring kind...

If you invest $1 and made a modest 5% above inflation return, that means you'd have approximately $39 billion in 500 years. If you pay tax of 40% every year, you'd instead get a very modest $2.5 million.

In 500 years you'd have an 15% chance of having been killed in a Motor Vehicle accident. 28% in a thousand years.

If the rate of technological develpoment continues, your laptop will be 10^176 more powerful than it is today. To put this in perspective, consider your laptop's power to be an atom in the universe. Now consider the numbe of atoms in the unverse. Take those atoms and assume each one is a universe in itsself. Add up all those atoms in all of those sub-atom universes. Times by the number of people on the planet Earth. That's how relatively powerful your new compuer is.

I need to get out more right? :lol:

Posted: 04 Dec 2004, 08:58
by CellThree
Pensions would take more of a kicking than they do now.

Posted: 04 Dec 2004, 09:12
by nodubmanshouts
Gawd, can you imagine working until your 800 before you retire? Doesn't bear thinking about :eek:

Posted: 04 Dec 2004, 15:32
by Dark
nodubmanshouts wrote:Gawd, can you imagine working until your 800 before you retire? Doesn't bear thinking about :eek:
Or if Labour's in power for another term, 900.

Posted: 04 Dec 2004, 15:35
by Gary
I quite like the idea of living to 1000, ;)

Posted: 04 Dec 2004, 16:25
by wintermute
rian wrote:"Who want's to live forever?
brian blessed as voltan (or similar) in flash gordon c.1984. great big winged caveman swooping in on ming the merciless' aerial palace

oh, and the apostrophe isn't required, grammar police making a comeback

Posted: 04 Dec 2004, 16:37
by rian
wintermute wrote:
rian wrote:"Who want's to live forever?
brian blessed as voltan (or similar) in flash gordon c.1984. great big winged caveman swooping in on ming the merciless' aerial palace

oh, and the apostrophe isn't required, grammar police making a comeback

I'm a swede, god dammit