Heartland's 3rd Birthday Weekender: 4th, 5th & 6th February 2005
You are cordially invited to join us in the forthcoming celebrations of Heartland's 3rd Birthday.
We'd like to say that the forum wouldn't have been the same without you, but that would be a lie. It would have. Probably better in fact.
Furthermore, we were going to keep it low-key and only invite the nicer ones amongst you, but then we realised it would be a very small, intimate affair, so it's open house. Feel free to bring your good self and a friend, a partner, a pet gimp, whatever. Just be there.
No excuses this time. Some of you take this "do" thing far too lightly for our liking.
The weekend's festivities run accordingly:
- Friday 4th Feb 2005: "Friday Flock" 1st Birthday @ The Phono, Leeds (9pm - 2am, £3 before 11, £4 after)
- Saturday 5th Feb 2005: "Heartland" 3rd Birthday @ The George, Leeds (8pm - 1am, £2.50 on the door)
- Sunday 6th Feb 2005: The Sisters of Murphy @ The Bassment, Leeds (7pm - 11pm, £3 on the door)
Feel free to register your interest here:
And see the Black Sheep "weekender" micro-site for further details:
Download flyers for saturday & sunday here:
Watch this space.